And it's worth remembering that profits come from people buying products. Someone out there likes what Apple is making...
People in the US regularly decry that "everything" is made in China yet continue to buy Chinese made goods. By your logic we should deduce people prefer Chinese made goods. It's not just a completely free marketplace; it's the power of agglomeration and inertia. People may use it without loving it.
if you’re trying to demonstrate how much better Apple used to be at software, you chose a bad example because Apple just bought Sound Jam and turned it into iTunes, it was not a Apple developed thing.
If you’re suggesting Apple should start purchasing more companies just to integrate their apps into their OS’s well…
Apple Music was originally Beats Music.
Apple Weather was originally Dark Sky.
Apple Classical was originally Primephonic.
Apple News+ was originally Texture.
Shortcuts was originally Workflow.
So… i’m not quite sure what you’re asking. Apple to purchase better companies? I guess?
I know that it was SoundJam MP. My point was that they wouldn't have had the option of putting something as bad as bas as Apple Music on the Mac is today out on the market back in 2001 when iTunes came out because they needed hits.
And while I didn't use SoundJam MP, they didn't obviously didn't ruin it. They were writing good software. The whole point of buying NeXT was also to buy an OS (and also all the engineers—essentially a merger). Just because they bought it doesn't mean they didn't need to keep working on it. OS X went through radical revisions and added on features in the first few versions.
They bought Siri, as well. But they've iterated on it terribly, focusing on the quality of the voice rather than features.
I'm still curious why they bought Beats because they didn't keep the employees and they completely changed the app. I still find that to be a bizarre purchase. Maybe it was for the licensing rights to stream?
I never used Texture, but I'm guessing it had to have been better than Apple News is. BTW, while I have an iPhone, I use it for calls and photos. I just prefer a large screen and keyboard, so my evaluation of these apps is on the Mac.
All of my points stand regarding the software. It doesn't matter if they bought it, had in-house employees write it, or contracted it out (which they do regularly now). It's the end product that matters. And the end products now are frankly bizarrely bad—probably in large part due to the dizzying array of frameworks they have (SwiftUI, Catalyst, UIKit, etc).
But yeah, if they're able to buy good tech and iterate on it, that's great. But the problem seems more systemic. There are so many first party apps on the Mac that are just bad across the board. They have the same look, the same ungainly, un-Mac like interface: News, Podcasts, Music, etc. The only first party app I use from Apple is Notes. And back in the halcyon days I used every iWork/iLife app. But like I said, there are thriving third party apps, so it is what it is. Good enough, but not like it was.