There’s evidence of Apple doing things different to attract different customers. The things they do today are to attract today’s customers. For example, they spent NO money in the last year marketing (or manufacturing) the Apple II.To ask a serious question, is there any evidence of a decline in Apple hardware and software quality other than anecdotes that prove nothing more than the fact that they aren't perfect?
There are certainly some pockets where one may find a past customer that is also a current customer and a future customer, but, in the big financial picture, those that will be future customers (even if they’ve never used or purchased any Apple devices before) are always the highest priority. They always have been, it’s just that future customers used to be mainly past customers, plus a few new ones. Now, half of folks buying iPads and Macs have never used Apple products before.
This indicates that Apple’s doing an admirable job cultivating that “future customer” market. Those that don’t like Apple’s current product mix have just joined the billions per year that don’t purchase Apple products and are unlikely to be “future customers”.