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On a lighter note ViciousShadow21 I see you`ve moved from Croatia to The Sun, whats the weather like?:D

ha its not bad. all dry heat:p

You're a musician, but are arguing for the theft in the original poster's instance. Hypocrite.

i dont believe that what the OP is doing is theft. YOU believe that it is theft but that doesnt make ME a hypocrite. iTunes put that feature in there. dont you think that they had to consult someone from the RIAA about it. they obviously knew that ppl were going to use it to share music with eachother and yet they did it anyway.

Do what you want. Just because it's easy to do though, doesn't make it right. And it's not the RIAA's responsibility to lock music down better. It's simply a person's moral responsibility not to take what isn't yours. I've sited numerous reasons what sharing your iTunes account isn't legal, but if you still want to do it, share away. Just remember, someone's always watching. I'm done; you're hopeless.

and again im not saying it's right. im saying that they have made it so easy that ppl are going to take advantage of it. and stop pretending that you are so righteous.

My point was just that because someone in an authorative position tells you something, doesn't absolutely make it true. I was told two different things by two people who (presumably) should have given me the same answer. It is possible that Crystal has given you the wrong information.

ok fair enough. that is true but this further proves how ambiguous this all is.
Regardless of if the OP cares any more, this is interesting on a few levels.

Do we agree that if the original library was made up of CD rips (not purchased from iTunes) it would be wrong/illegal/etc to have a friend copy it?

I'm under the impression that we're talking about the iTMS songs that are allowed to be authorized on 5 computers which would mean that the only oustanding issue is what "5 computers" covers. Regardless (I say regardless not because it's not important, but just because we've gone over it and all we're doing is interpretting it - which is meaningless because we're not the ones who would decide if we violated it) of what the TOS says or how we're interpretting it, I'd like to hear what the responses we get from Apple are about what that means.

I sent in a question on that said "If I purchase a song from iTunes and am allowed to authorize 4 other computers, can I give the song to 4 friends and can they have it on their library and iPods?".

It's completely than ripping a CD you own (which is another argument in of itself) so if the 5 computer rule means any 5 and that is part of the 'deal/contract' when buying a song, then I suppose we can share the music with 4 friends.
Regardless of if the OP cares any more, this is interesting on a few levels.

Do we agree that if the original library was made up of CD rips (not purchased from iTunes) it would be wrong/illegal/etc to have a friend copy it?

I'm under the impression that we're talking about the iTMS songs that are allowed to be authorized on 5 computers which would mean that the only oustanding issue is what "5 computers" covers. Regardless (I say regardless not because it's not important, but just because we've gone over it and all we're doing is interpretting it - which is meaningless because we're not the ones who would decide if we violated it) of what the TOS says or how we're interpretting it, I'd like to hear what the responses we get from Apple are about what that means.

I sent in a question on that said "If I purchase a song from iTunes and am allowed to authorize 4 other computers, can I give the song to 4 friends and can they have it on their library and iPods?".

It's completely than ripping a CD you own (which is another argument in of itself) so if the 5 computer rule means any 5 and that is part of the 'deal/contract' when buying a song, then I suppose we can share the music with 4 friends.

i would agree to this. and hey im all for being proven wrong about the friends sharing aspect of it. if we get an answer like "no you may not share your itunes store bought songs with friends by authorizing their computers" then i will concede.

but what i will not give into is richwhatever making me out to be someone that supports music theft. im not. im just a realist and something needs to be done to make it harder to steal music. and him taking this stance that ppl should not do it just because its wrong is just silly. if a person knew that they could get away with murder and they hated the person enough they would do it. i know it's sad that we live in a world where the only thing stopping ppl from killing each other are the laws and the possible consequences but it's the world we live in.
i would agree to this. and hey im all for being proven wrong about the friends sharing aspect of it. if we get an answer like "no you may not share your itunes store bought songs with friends by authorizing their computers" then i will concede.

but what i will not give into is richwhatever making me out to be someone that supports music theft. im not. im just a realist and something needs to be done to make it harder to steal music. and him taking this stance that ppl should not do it just because its wrong is just silly. if a person knew that they could get away with murder and they hated the person enough they would do it. i know it's sad that we live in a world where the only thing stopping ppl from killing each other are the laws and the possible consequences but it's the world we live in. continue to say that it's not people's fault if they do something illegal because it's too easy to do. And to say that the ONLY thing stopping people from killing each other (or stealing music, or cars, or whatever) is the law and consequences? I guess that actual morality does not exist in your world (sadly, it doesn't exist in many peoples' world). Not doing something just because it's wrong is what's known as having morals.

Something doesn't need to be done to make it harder to steal. Something needs to be done to make people stop stealing. What you are saying is akin to saying that if someone leaves his front door unlocked, it is his fault if his house gets burglarized, and that just about any person who noticed that door unlocked would burglarize him. And that it's not the burglar's problem, because the house was too easy to enter.

Whether you want to pick apart Apple's TOS or not, you have to know that they never intended for you to go around giving your music to your friends, whether they made the ability or not. I don't care what "Crystal" said. The ability is there so that you can put the media on, say, a travel laptop instead of just on your home desktop. Or your AppleTV, etc. I don't see how they could make this option available, but make it thoroughly impossible for someone to copy to a friend's computer. Yes, people may do it, but that doesn't justify anything.

I can't stand this attitude of "Well, if someone doesn't want me to do it, they should make it harder for me to do." :rolleyes:
So I got a reply (very quickly I must say) to my question. I've copied and pasted the e-mail I received and replaced any information I didn't want to show with **.. nothing else was edited (just in case people care about accuracy or whatever)


iTunes Store <>
Re: Authorization; Follow-up: 72254***
April 18, 2009 09:43:40 AM EDT
Jonathan ***
Dear Jon,

Greetings from Apple! I’m Joseph and I will be assisting you today. I understand that you have questions regarding sharing your iTunes library. I'd be happy to address your concerns.

In accordance with iTunes Store policy, you may share the music in your library and playlists with up to five other computers, provided the following conditions are met:

1. Your computer is using Mac OS X version 10.2.4 or later, Windows 2000, Windows XP, or Windows Vista.

2. The other computers are on the same local area network as your computer, in the same subnet.

To share a song in a password-protected shared library or playlist, you will need to enter a password.

To share a song that was purchased using an iTunes Store account that is not authorized on the computer you are using, you will need to enter the Apple ID and password with which the song was purchased.

You can share MP3, AIFF, WAV, AAC, and radio station links, but you cannot share iTunes Store Audio Books, Audible spoken word content, or QuickTime sound files.

To prevent other computers on your network from seeing or listening to songs in your library or playlists, turn off music sharing.

More detailed instructions about sharing music may be found in the Help menu. In iTunes, select iTunes Help from the Help menu. Click "Contents," type "sharing" (without quotes) in the search box, and press Enter. To read more about one of the topics that appears, double-click it.

For specific instructions on how to authorize and deauthorize a computer to play your iTunes Store purchases, please read the following technical support articles:

Mac: iTunes: How to copy music between authorized computers:

I hope this information is helpful to you Jon. Thank you for being a valuable Apple customer.


 ******
iTunes Store Customer Support

Please Note: I work Friday-Tuesday, 8:00 AM-5:00 PM CT

Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to assist you.

Customer First Name : Jon
Customer Last Name : ***
email : ******
Web Order # :
Support Subject : Authorization
Sub Issue : Other
iTunes Account Name: ******
Platform : Mac OS X 10.5
I am curious about the "5 other computers". If I have purchased DRM'd tracks from the iTMS can I give them to four other friends and authorize their accounts to listen to the music? Does it have to be 5 of MY computers and if so, what determines "MY"?
Basically I'm wondering if I have an iTunes library made of up entirely iTMS DRM'd files that I bought, can I have a friend copy that entire library and authorize him as one of the 5 available computers?
Can that person sync those songs with their iPod as well or are they just able to play the music on their computer?

Thank you for your help!!

TrackID: 7670*** continue to say that it's not people's fault if they do something illegal because it's too easy to do.

When did i ever say this? what i am saying is that if you truly want to stop this behaivor then you need make it harder becuase there is always someone out there willing to take advantage of the weak. this again is unfortunate but true.

And to say that the ONLY thing stopping people from killing each other (or stealing music, or cars, or whatever) is the law and consequences?

i never said that this applies to ALL people. and you are a pretty naive person if you think that just because something is wrong its going to stop ppl from doing it.

I guess that actual morality does not exist in your world (sadly, it doesn't exist in many peoples' world).

why are you attacking me personally? i do not rob ppl because their door is unlocked or when the fruit vendor is peeing. just because i point out that it exists doesnt mean that i myself do such things. so stop making assumptions about me.

Not doing something just because it's wrong is what's known as having morals.

and again stop preaching to ME about morals. you ppl hide behind them like a scared puppy. if you want something done about it then get out there and do something productive. but that it is not achieved by talking about it in here.
So I got a reply (very quickly I must say) to my question. I've copied and pasted the e-mail I received and replaced any information I didn't want to show with **.. nothing else was edited (just in case people care about accuracy or whatever)

Gald to see you got an answer from Apple, so it seems you can give your library to a friend but only if his computer is connect to your network. So unless your friend lives in the same house as you he`s probably not. Maybe this thread can rest in peace now.....
Gald to see you got an answer from Apple, so it seems you can give your library to a friend but only if his computer is connect to your network. So unless your friend lives in the same house as you he`s probably not. Maybe this thread can rest in peace now.....

well there it is. so Crystal and Joe need to get together and decide who is right. Joe's explanation seems more official then the one that Crystal gave me. this being the case i think Joe's is the best and that it is not ok for the OP to copy his friends iTunes library.

i hope that this can rest in peace as well. but its been good talking to you guys.
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