Yeah, but none really compare to pc or console games from even 5 years ago. Is there anything close to Diablo II? Oblivion? COD? The touchscreen is horrible for serious gaming, nothing compares to a good gamepad or keyboard/mouse setup.
EDIT: I went back and looked. You only posted one. That's not lot's.
Hi bossking, no I posted two, X-Plane and Labyrinth 2. Unless puzzle games are not "serious." I've previously posted on other threads as well btw. F-Sim Space Shuttle is another detailed sim (albeit of narrow scope only landing but then that's the only time the space shuttle was manually controlled). Unless you guys think the silly flying game that comes with the Nintendo 3DS is more "serious" (but it's 3d-well if you look at it the right way
Touchscreens can work well if the game is designed for them. I prefer Doom classic on my iphone because I find it easier to strafe with the accelerometer for example. I've seen little kids playing with touchscreens and grasping it quite quickly. Touchscreens just need some creative design from companies and I think some of the complaints here are from console gamers who are just not used to a different way of controlling them. Read John Cormack's blog for some interesting comments on designing/porting for touchscreens.
Look yes I am a PC gamer-though in a very narrow niche-WWII simulations and strategy-but there is no reason iDevices could not do as well at least in non-flying simulations or strategy type games.
Look at this one: a full-scale uboat sim for iphone and ipad. NOT an arcade type game but a sim on par with Silent Hunter.
Look you guys can google and read as well as I do-look here since you mentioned Diablo and such games.
Haven't checked all of them and some of them are ports of popular franchises like Final Fantasy (FF III for ios got good reviews) but they are there. I know many of you dislike Infinity Blade but for an early effort at a made for touchscreen combat based RPG lite it's a great game! The fact it got such positive reviews everywhere can't have been for nothing.
I also find myself a bit confused as to what exactly we are comparing here. Are we comparing idevices to full-blown consoles/PCs? Or idevices to other handhelds like the Nintendos and PSP? Should we even lump the ipad together with the itouch/iphone? Issues of screen size, battery power all play here-eg. the iphone is also still a smartphone and it would not do running your battery down when you need to make an emergency call.
To answer istudents remark about owning several consoles well would any of you buy a handheld and a home console? I can only speak for myself but I do not want another seperate handheld device (or 3 if I had an ipod as well a phone and a PSP) and play on my PC for longer games.
Look I'm not going to change anyone's mind who prefers other handhelds or full size consoles. Nor that Apple will steamroll the games market. All I'm saying is check out what I've posted and open your minds a little bit to some of the exciting new stuff devs are coming up with.
Like my current fave (and a classic ios type casual game) Contre Jour, a very beautiful game.