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mipatch does not work but there is an alternative

"miPatch WILL NOT WORK on OS 3.0! Do NOT install it!

Instead, install AppSync for OS 3.0. It has the same effect as miPatch: you'll be able to sync your apps to and from iTunes. But it's made specifically for OS 3.0. You can find this in our regular Cydia repo.

Thanks to for stating this!

Could you possibly mean AptBackup (JB app) ?? Or is AppSync an iTunes app ??
mipatch has been replaced...the new version works flawlessly.

status notifier works perfectly. icons are displayed and disappear just as they are supposed to.

StatusNotifier works perfectly? You can open the preferences to turn it on?
StatusNotifier works perfectly? You can open the preferences to turn it on?

Yeah, it kinda works. App doesn't open, but icons do show in statusbar, and disappear once you check missed calls/sms...
Wonder, when transparent problem with notifier/lockscreen/winterboard will be fixed. Once notifier widget is active - battery/wallpaper doesn't show...
I can´t get wintherboard, and if I try to update Cydia, it will get cut in the middle of the process and I´d get an error msg
^Use redsn0w 0.7. 0.7.2 kept doing that to me.

Winterboard works to an extent for me. I've dimmed my icons(gave up on custom icons because of the inconsistency), use my own wallpaper, and my own sounds, but like everyone else I lost my custom keyboard stuff. I really liked 5 row qwerty, and like the blackbook keyboard to match my own lol.

On the bright side, Pandora Controls is back :D
Do you mean fivelrows and fivelcolumns? They both work fine if you uninstall 5 icon dock.

again, i think that depends on if you have 2g or 3g and a whole bunch of other things. i have 5 icon dock but the other things didnt work for me. i have a 3g 16gig 3.0update from jailbroken 2.2.1. also, it might be different if you are running any updates from mac or from pc. i am on a pc. anything can be a variable. you never know.
Cycorder works.

Cycorder for me does not work, it keeps crashing and going back to a home screen, however the oddest thing though MakeitMine works. It was previously on my 2.2.1 and i Changed the carrier from VodaAU to OPTUS, updated to 3.0 and the carrier symbol stayed without using JB.,,hmm Odd
more working apps!!!

I just looked in cydia and sometime yesterday there was an update to backgrounder!!!! I installed it without much hope but it is working perfectly!!!

running 3.0 on a 16gig 3g iphone
Good call!

I just looked in cydia and sometime yesterday there was an update to backgrounder!!!! I installed it without much hope but it is working perfectly!!!

running 3.0 on a 16gig 3g iphone

Thanks for the info dancincat. I saw in the googlecode page that Lance was working on it - but suprised to see something so soon :D

Only basic functionality is in there for now - all options have been disabled, but even so this is one of the main things I JB'd for - now I can run LastFM and browse the net!!!
^Use redsn0w 0.7. 0.7.2 kept doing that to me.

Winterboard works to an extent for me. I've dimmed my icons(gave up on custom icons because of the inconsistency), use my own wallpaper, and my own sounds, but like everyone else I lost my custom keyboard stuff. I really liked 5 row qwerty, and like the blackbook keyboard to match my own lol.

On the bright side, Pandora Controls is back :D

So you're suggesting me to re- unlock-jailbreak with redsnow 0.7? :confused:
not sure what the other functions were but as long as it works that is all i need!

It had options so that some apps could be set to always run in the background and a pop-up list of all background apps so you could quickly jump to them. stuff like that.

But this version will do me for now!

I decided to JB at the begining of this week as I've got 6 months left on my 3G contract and the 3GS is not compelling enough for me to buy out the contract. So I'm gonna keep this 3G untill this time next year whe the 3GS+ comes out.
On the bright side, Pandora Controls is back :D

Apparently the updated Backgrounder will not play nice with Pandora Controls - you have to choose one or the other - cannot have both running.

Unfortunatley I'm in the UK so cannot have Pandora anyhow :mad: Though LastFM is good enough for me.
again, i think that depends on if you have 2g or 3g and a whole bunch of other things. i have 5 icon dock but the other things didnt work for me. i have a 3g 16gig 3.0update from jailbroken 2.2.1. also, it might be different if you are running any updates from mac or from pc. i am on a pc. anything can be a variable. you never know.

But actually, it's sort of a fact that fiverows and fivecolumns don't work with 5 icon dock and they will work if 5 icon dock is uninstalled. I'm also on a 3G/pc and it worked for me.
It had options so that some apps could be set to always run in the background and a pop-up list of all background apps so you could quickly jump to them. stuff like that.

But this version will do me for now!

I decided to JB at the begining of this week as I've got 6 months left on my 3G contract and the 3GS is not compelling enough for me to buy out the contract. So I'm gonna keep this 3G untill this time next year whe the 3GS+ comes out.

oh yeah, right.....i never used those options as they slowed down the phone terribly so this works for me. I also have 6 months before i could upgrade although i have a year and a half left on the contract. i could have upgraded at a lesser discounted rate but chose not to do so because att still doesnt have mms so what would be the point? i too think i shall wait for the 3gs +. how did you hear about it and what is it supposed to have if you dont mind me asking? thanks!
But actually, it's sort of a fact that fiverows and fivecolumns don't work with 5 icon dock and they will work if 5 icon dock is uninstalled. I'm also on a 3G/pc and it worked for me.

has it always been that way because my springboard kept crashing when i had fiverows or fivecolumns (tried them both together and separately) so that when i resprung my icons went back to being 16 on each page and i would have to manually rearrange them AND when i did so, it was hard as hell to get them over to the page i wanted them on. it was happening so often that i just uninstalled those and kept the 5 icon dock. so, are you saying that my springboard wont crash if i get rid of the dock and get fiverows or columns back? not sure which is more important to me but it would be nice to have a choice. thanks
so, are you saying that my springboard wont crash if i get rid of the dock and get fiverows or columns back?
I can't promise ya, but from what I have heard and experienced on my phone, since 3.0, five rows/columns won't work if 5 icon dock is installed. I didn't have any crashes but the icons would stack on top of each other and they would keep restacking when I tried to move them, so after a couple minutes fooling around with them, I just uninstalled five rows/columns. Then I read that they would work if 5 icon dock was uninstalled, so I removed it, reinstalled the others and it works fine.

liveclock works perfectly!!!! you just have to download a theme for it and put the theme on top of liveclock in the list in winterboard! Yay!

nope....never mind. it crashes springboard and then your clock wont open. dont install it
liveclock works perfectly!!!! you just have to download a theme for it and put the theme on top of liveclock in the list in winterboard! Yay!

nope....never mind. it crashes springboard and then your clock wont open. dont install it

liveclock just suddenly started working for me! Must be due something else I installed but don't know what. I've not installed any themes.
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