Why don't you just go down the ziphone route? It works and it's quick.Totally frustrated at this time and seriously considering smashing my iphone against a wall just to make me feel good!
Any help would be appreciated!
It's very simple to do. Follow these steps:
(1) In iTunes restore your phone to 1.1.4. Then quit iTunes.
(2) Download the latest version of Ziphone (Mac or Windows) from this link:
(3) Fire up your new Ziphone programme with your phone still connected to your computer and select the option to Jailbreak. The process should take no more than a minute and then you are ready to enjoy the freedom of Installer.
(4) Using Installer, install BSD Subsystem first and then Community Sources before you do anything else.
(5) Have fun.
I hope that this helps.
P.S. At the stage when iTunes gives you a choice whether to set up the iPhone as a new phone, select that option. You will not lose your contacts, photos, music etc. They will be loaded back onto the iPhone when you synch with iTunes.