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Jun 28, 2023
The more I think about this, time to get all my normal contacts over to session

I’d wager in the coming months we will hear about the state being able to really break into iMessage


Jun 28, 2023
Government has to regulate and enforce judgments in trade disputes. Government has to regulate and enforce judgements in crime and theft allegations. Without government regulation your "free market system" would immediately cease to exist.

You really believe that?

There is also miles of difference of the size and pervasiveness of government in our grand fathers and great grand Father’s Day and the monstrosity we have now

Also have you much experience with crime?
Police (90% of the time) dont actually stop it or prevent it, they just document it

The few times I almost became a victim crime, it wasn’t the state that was my salvation, it was myself
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macrumors Nehalem
Nov 30, 2013
Gotta be in it to win it
Government regulation is the reason we have three competing cell carriers instead of just one. Even that small amount of competition has led to some innovation.
Government regulation is the reason there is an oligopoly of cell carriers without any innovation and high prices. But that is not competition and it's virtually impossible for newcomers to get into the business. So it is an example what appears to be competition in a closed market surrounded by heavy government regulations.
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macrumors Nehalem
Nov 30, 2013
Gotta be in it to win it
Government has to regulate and enforce judgments in trade disputes. Government has to regulate and enforce judgements in crime and theft allegations. Without government regulation your "free market system" would immediately cease to exist.
Each of us has our definition on what should be regulated. Because some of us disagree to the extent of government involvement it doesn't mean all regulation is bad. Regulation for the common good has to happen such as: air, food and water.


macrumors G3
Oct 17, 2014
Colorado, USA
You really believe that?

There is also miles of difference of the size and pervasiveness of government in our grand fathers and great grand Father’s Day and the monstrosity we have now

Also have you much experience with crime?
Police (90% of the time) dont actually stop it or prevent it, they just document it

The few times I almost became a victim crime, it wasn’t the state that was my salvation, it was myself
Nice to see someone nostalgic for the days when factory workers and miners lived in slums with radiation poisoning from licking radioactive paint or lung cancer from breathing in the asbestos or coal dust all day.

You might get lung cancer, but it sure beats government regulation or unionization. I can't even with libertarians, easily the most stubborn people I've ever met.
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Jun 28, 2023
Nice to see someone nostalgic for the days when factory workers and miners lived in slums with radiation poisoning from licking radioactive paint or lung cancer from breathing in the asbestos or coal dust all day.

You might get lung cancer, but it sure beats government regulation or unionization. I can't even with libertarians, easily the most stubborn people I've ever met.

I go outside and smell trees

We still have tax payer funded slums

And the paint thing waaaay back in the day was because no one knew how nasty that stuff was


macrumors 601
Jan 14, 2002
South Dakota, USA
I‘m honestly surprised to see so many siding against Apple here. These guys are basically hacking into Apple‘s service.
I'm on Apple's side on this and I have an Android phone. Of course I'd like a higher quality and more modern texting experience with iPhones, but the answer is integration of the RCS universal profile not hacking into Apple's system. Apple says they will be supporting RCS messaging in 2024 and I'm fine waiting for an official solution to better iPhone to Android messaging. Things that are hacked together like Beeper is never work that well anyhow.
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macrumors Nehalem
Nov 30, 2013
Gotta be in it to win it
Nice to see someone nostalgic for the days when factory workers and miners lived in slums with radiation poisoning from licking radioactive paint or lung cancer from breathing in the asbestos or coal dust all day.
What's with the hyperbole? Nobody is advocating for a free-for-all (at least that I can tell)
You might get lung cancer, but it sure beats government regulation or unionization.
Again, regulations for air, food and water are necessary.
I can't even with libertarians,
Traditional conservatives favor less regulation, less government etc. Democrats and their variants are the ones who like big governments, over-arching regulations, tax the rich, the robin-hood principle etc. Libertarians (ie sovereign citizens) are the ones that are on the wrong side.
easily the most stubborn people I've ever met.
Pot meet kettle.
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Oct 21, 2009
Not fantastic. Because in order to use iMessage I have no other option to buy an Apple device... that's not good look.

I don't understand why be against it. It helps everyone involved... including Apple users, answer me this... why do you not want iMessage on Android?

I have to buy a Windows PC to play nearly any video game. I need to buy a PS5 to play Spider-Man. iMessage is not essential. People live with telegram or WhatsApp instead.


Jun 28, 2023
I have to buy a Windows PC to play nearly any video game. I need to buy a PS5 to play Spider-Man. iMessage is not essential. People live with telegram or WhatsApp instead.

Trusting Facebook ehh seems what’sapp is more of a third world thing anyways

When it’s comes to messages it’s iMessage or sessions, if it’s a communication of any possible significance or any possible OPSEC I don’t respond to green texts and will say to contact be via other means

These days it’s just not worth the risk

Four oF NINE

macrumors 68000
Sep 28, 2011
Hell's Kitchen
I don’t care if it’s bipartisan or not. Those politicians on both sides have to be voted out of office. I am not advocating anyone break the law but this administration has to go and be voted out, leaving no doubt what the voters were thinking.
So you're suggesting that the Biden administration be voted out of office? In favor of what, exactly, the orange nazi ? You actually prefer a would-be dictator ? That's stunning to me.
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macrumors regular
Apr 23, 2008
It's pronounced Tay-Hahs...
Tim Apple needs to have his Android team publish an official iMessages app for that platform. Restricting people who used Android phones from being able to communicate is a form of discrimination.
I don't think that "Android User" is considered a "protected class" in terms of discrimination. No legal standing for that legal argument.


macrumors 68000
Aug 13, 2022
So you’re implying only apple introduces features and no other major company has ever introduced features that were previously available by a third party?

No but they are particularly shady about the way they go about it, even banning third party apps and then baking their ideas into the OS

See exhibit A



macrumors 604
Nov 29, 2013
Regulation is necessary for companies like Apple. We have USB C on iPhones solely because of EU regulation else Apple would continue making a killing with sales of Lightning cables at the expense of customers.

Same with RCS. We only got RCS because Apple got cold fleet anticipating EU would designate iMessage as a core platform service forcing them to make it work with Android.

Thanks to regulation, Apple no longer has a iMessage selling point for the iPhones enabling the smartphone landscape to be more competitive.

I am still hoping EU designates iMessage as a core platform service looking past this RCS smoke screen

Bottom line is regulators are needed for arrogant companies like Apple. Sadly it's only the EU and not the US which has the motivation to do it.


macrumors 6502
Apr 18, 2022
Yes. Honest competition. Not competition borne by regulation.

No they don't.

Patently false. There are other companies that have a vertically integrated monopoly. That's exactly what companies do.

The walled garden is not sticky that's a myth.

I'm sticky to AAPL simply because they have, imo, the best products, the best services etc.

Yes, it shows that some American politicans need to be recalled and replaced with those who value the American system.

The above is pure b/s.

There is such a thing as a lose/lose proposition. So I think the above is wrong.

You want Apple to be Android II. Many fans of Apple do not want that to happen.

No it won't

I don't understand those criticizing Tim Cook and AAPL. A beloved Amercan company that has great roots and produces products people open their wallet for.

Tell me one CEO of a fortune, for profit company that gives "two cents" about their customers.

That's why AAPL is the great company today and hundreds of millions of people, buy their products and subscribe to their services.

Starting a criticism with "if", shows it's not any real criticism.

Force people? That is an ignorant thing to say. You can't force people to do what they don't want. Ask Blackberry.

It's AAPLs right to operate within the law and it's your right not to buy any of their products for any reason of your choosing including but not limited to:
1. you don't like the ceo
2. you don't like the products
3. you think they are a anticompetitive monopolist and want to support the competition
4. and on and on and on.
1. I think the CEO has done an excellent job of making AAPL a highly valuable company for himself and shareholders. As an investor, you can’t get much better.
2. I love the products. Apple makes excellent products, and gives users what they ask for. For the long term value of AAPL, I prefer to produce more innovation. Every Apple product I have bought except the latest iPad mini has exceeded my expectations.
3. I think they are a gigantic company that has too much power and abuses it. I think they have created standards in certain parts of the ecosystem, and I believe those parts would be better use to allow licensing to FRAND access to things like iMessage. I don’t think Beeper should be able to steal the Apple tech, but I think all device manufacturers should be able to use the iMessage technology as a standard and pay AAPL a licensing under FRAND licensing as a standard within the USA.
4. And on and what on?

A person can love Apple products and disagree with how it markets itself and how it does business. You don’t know me and you make a lot of assumptions that aren’t even close to true. I believe Apple has created a new standard for messaging, and I believe it should be licensed the same way Apple Pay’s for licensing via FRAND licenses to tech once owned exclusively to sell cell phone manufacturers but now considered a standard as it’s in the best interest for all to have access to it.

I am not against competition, I am for it. I believe companies have been allowed to get to absurd sizes that benefit very few people. As someone who runs an investment company, I think the wealthiest 1% make far too much money and that companies should be held accountable to their employees and society at the same rate as their shareholders. There has to be a better solution if we will allow mega corporations to dominate and destroy competition.


macrumors regular
Jul 22, 2011
Some of you may be too young to remember, but Eric Migicovsky, CEO of Beeper, was once CEO of a company called Pebble. They made the first smart watch. I had one from the first Kickstarter campaign. It was really cool for what it was, when it was. But then came the Apple Watch. Note that people quit buying Pebble watches soon after Apple Watch was released.

This episode with Beeper, in context of Pebble, leaves one to question whether Eric is completely objective in this pursuit of "open interoperability" with Apple for iMessage, or if he's got an old axe to grind, because this ****** app seems like it was a purpose-made vehicle to launch a law suit. The blue versus non-blue bubble jealousy is so dumb--Sneeches with "stars on thars", anyone?--it comes across as a contrived "the hungry and tired Have-Nots" versus the "evil and greedy Haves" plot, designed to invite government meddling.
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macrumors Nehalem
Nov 30, 2013
Gotta be in it to win it
No but they are particularly shady about the way they go about it, even banning third party apps and then baking their ideas into the OS

See exhibit A

Back in the early days of the wild west of the internet, Microsoft didn't offer an IP stack with windows. So one went out and bought a third party ip stack for windows. We all know what happened, Microsoft eventually introduced an ip stack as part of windows putting a whole class of third party vendors out of business.


macrumors Nehalem
Nov 30, 2013
Gotta be in it to win it
Regulation is necessary for companies like Apple. We have USB C on iPhones solely because of EU regulation else Apple would continue making a killing with sales of Lightning cables at the expense of customers.

Same with RCS. We only got RCS because Apple got cold fleet anticipating EU would designate iMessage as a core platform service forcing them to make it work with Android.

Thanks to regulation, Apple no longer has a iMessage selling point for the iPhones enabling the smartphone landscape to be more competitive.

I am still hoping EU designates iMessage as a core platform service looking past this RCS smoke screen

Bottom line is regulators are needed for arrogant companies like Apple. Sadly it's only the EU and not the US which has the motivation to do it.
If you want an open standard, buy Android. I think you did. So while the nanny likes to regulate everything, regulation isn't always in the best of interests of consumers and that applies to the EU and the US.
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