No, the two seperate streams (WITHIN Pwnage 2.0) he is referring to isIf you read the comments left by the dev team in the posts on their blog, you will see a post which states that the 3G iPhone development work is a seperate stream to the work going on with pwnage2.0 although the 2 will come together at some point (next tool after 2.0?)
1, iphone 2g jailbreaking and unlocking
2, iphone 3g jailbreaking (and possibly unlocking)
iphone 3g "development" is still in pwnage 2.0, but as a seperate stream than 2g. but still pwnage 2.0
Of course it is a way in since there is no unlock without jailbreaking, BUT the unlocking of 3G is like they said in another post, a different challenge. I do, however, believe that they are working on 3G unlock to be included in pwnage work he is talking about is from the video of them getting into the 'iBoot' of the 3G iPhone, which would be a little away from actually unlocking it - but it's a way in