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macrumors newbie
Original poster
May 20, 2010

I am just a disappointed that I did not receive a new unit as it was only 3 weeks old and it is $499. I spoke to manager who tells the repair units are brand new and not refurbished .... I asked why there is a different series number for serial number .... he said it was for internal use only and did not indicate a refurbished unit .... an comments
But you did get a new unit so why are you grousing? In a few months people w/ issues will be getting refurbs. Consider yourself lucky.
A) just because your unit cost you $499 (as if that's anything new) doesn't mean that you're entitled to a brand new unit. They're within their rights to actually give you a refurb and give it time, those returning for "issues" will soon be handed a refurbs just like the iPhones.

B) Thoughts are that I too was surprised when my exchange resulted in a brown box. They took the new one out of the brown box and put it in my white box. My box doesn't match the serial number on the iPad but that should never be an issue, I have all of the paperwork associated with the exchange anyway. I did ask Apple (both retail and over the phone) and was met with the same response, it's new and not a refurbs but they're meant to be used as in-store exchanges until the refurbs start coming in. In other words, be happy you did get a brand new one.

Did you not leave with a $499 brand new iPad in a white box or did you get a brown box, they're supposed to have you keep the white box.
You have nothing to be disappointed with; in fact I agree with the above consensus that you are very lucky to have received this new replacement in such a timely manner without argument.

I'd be feeling pretty good if I were you with this outcome... :rolleyes:
I agree with everyone else, you got a new one and what's the price got to do with it? You got the cheapest one. Should the cheapest one get a new model and the more expensive get a refurb?
Just a hunch, but I could be wrong, but I think the OP isn't gonna come back after he realizes that this thread was foolish.
Still better than me. I sent a defective Seagate Harddrive for Warranty Replacement and After 2 1/2 weeks, I got another Defective Refurbish Seagate as a Warranty Replacement!
Pretty tough crowd in this forum .... I don't know what most people make but $500 is a lot of money for me. I expected a new unit under 30 days ... This has been my experience with other electronics. The screen touch sensitive for the bottom portion stopped working - an obvious defect ... Thanks for your responses
Pretty tough crowd in this forum .... I don't know what most people make but $500 is a lot of money for me. I expected a new unit under 30 days ... This has been my experience with other electronics. The screen touch sensitive for the bottom portion stopped working - an obvious defect ... Thanks for your responses

I think everyone is telling you that you DID get a new unit.
At this point in the iPad timeline it is VERY unlikely that your replacement unit is a refurb. There simply hasn't been enough time for Apple to develop a significant number of refurb units.

It's probably just a service replacement part - these differ from new units only in that they come in a brown cardboard box on it's own rather than the retail packaging.
You should not need another box nor should you get one. If you bought an iPad in the box and threw it away then you're not entitled to another box. You get what you give back. More importantly, considering people sell their boxes for cash I would agree with Apple giving an OEM iPad back to the customer. Again, at least it is new so this so-called outrage by the OP is seriously unnecessary.

I am just a disappointed that I did not receive a new unit as it was only 3 weeks old and it is $499. I spoke to manager who tells the repair units are brand new and not refurbished .... I asked why there is a different series number for serial number .... he said it was for internal use only and did not indicate a refurbished unit .... an comments
I have no idea what you are complaining about. The replacement unit that you received is brand new. The only difference between your original unit and your replacement is that the replacement does not ship with a SIM card--and it has a different serial number. Now if you are complaining that you didn't receive new copies of the other items in the original box, well those items aren't broken.

With virtually no other consumer product would you expect to have replaced with a new unit in lieu of a warranty repair. What is more, Apple got the new unit to you within a day of so. The new unit and overnight shipping via FedEx came at considerable expense to Apple. In short order, Apple made you whole. Yet, you complain :rolleyes:
Refurb'd replacements are a fact of life. You have to accept that will be the case as time goes on. Consider yourself lucky that you had a "fast fail" experience early enough in the lifecycle and you didn't end up with a refurb but one of the 'replacement pool' devices instead. Or maybe you didn't, I don't really know how to tell the difference.

That said, I totally understand the 'principle' of owning a 3-week old iPad only to have it replaced with a 'potential refurb.' It's like...if I wanted to buy a USED iPad, I could have done so via eBay or Craigslist rather than paying for a new one at the Apple store.
You got a brand new factory unit sans the fancy box and "case candy," period.

Also, when your iPhone gets replaced at the Genius Bar in the Apple Store, it too is a brand new unit. There are no refurbed iPhones going out of the Apple Store, contrary to popular belief in this thread.
There is no way that your unit was refurbished as the product is so new. But even if it was refurbished, you went in with a used unit and came out with a used unit. Why do you think you are entitled to have something used exchanged for something new?
Although $500 is a lot of money for you, it's just not a lot of money overall.

You DID receive a service replacement, which is a product made for the specific purpose of being used as a replacement. They get shipped in brown boxes with other brown boxes and as others say, there aren't any bells and whistles, no USB charger, nothing, just the unit.

The crowd is tough because we want you to understand that you got what anyone in the electronic sales world would have given you.

Also, Apple's return policy is 14 days, not 30. Doesn't matter what others do, Apple does 14 days.

Lastly, and again, $500 is not a lot of cash.
Pretty tough crowd in this forum .... I don't know what most people make but $500 is a lot of money for me. I expected a new unit under 30 days ... This has been my experience with other electronics. The screen touch sensitive for the bottom portion stopped working - an obvious defect ... Thanks for your responses

If you want a new unit, then go back and demand one, go right on back to that store find that manager and tell him you have a problem with this and if he gives you a hard time get an apple supervisor on the phone and tell them you wont stand for this crap, its under 30 days. If they give you flak then return it and go to another apple store and buy another.

You can also just Call your credit card company, I know you didnt pay cash!

Don't listen to the rest of these people, $500 IS A LOT, I dont care what that other poster says and if apple wants your business and they do, they will do right by you! if your not happy with it, do something about, where there is a will theres a way.

Believe you me, I would get a new unit, and have in the past in similar situations like this never a refurbished one.

So come on man, quit whining and stand up and assert yourself for fraks sake!

I will be happy to make that call if you have a problem with it just OM me and we'll get to work on it.
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