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More importantly, considering people sell their boxes for cash I would agree with Apple giving an OEM iPad back to the customer.

People sell boxes? Why? Anyone want to buy a secondhand box? I have loads of them, all shapes, colours and sizes.

EDIT: Okay, I checked on eBay. The world really has gone crazy.
I was offered a new iPad after a faulty screen but they didn't have any so I took the brown box replacement - last and only one they had. The build week of this one I'm now using is a week after the faulty one.

And it's much better. The genius was emphatic that these service part iPads are new.

I'm happy. :D
Don't believe the hype

They are all refurb units. You thimk before launch nothing was crap on the assembly line? All their refurb units look new based on my MacBook Air and repeated iPhone replacements. A gew months out ofmthe gate, I could live with that, but less than 30 days, Apple should give you new and sealed. Also, dude at the genius bar read this while I was talking to him at the Manhassett, New York store. They are refurbs. The price indicates the refurb/replacement cost. I love how this forum defended the store and Apple and the expense of Federal Express. Here is a question for you guys that gave him grief for voicing his concern: I bight mine at best buy. Should Accept a brown box there, too? You wouldn't think of taking a brown box there. That is why ALL stores suggest you do not throw away the box during th return period if you have to return it. Apple is no different. Ifnhe brought it back for a refund, Apple would want the box, right? Would they accept a brown cardboard box? I guess if there is no fruit hanging above the doorway, you won't defend them.
If they didn't brown box the replacement units, then there wouldn't be any in stores. They'd be sold and gone.
Here is a question for you guys that gave him grief for voicing his concern: I bight mine at best buy. Should Accept a brown box there, too? You wouldn't think of taking a brown box there. That is why ALL stores suggest you do not throw away the box during th return period if you have to return it. Apple is no different. Ifnhe brought it back for a refund, Apple would want the box, right? Would they accept a brown cardboard box?
For iPhone, iPad, iPod replacements, Apple doesn't ask you to return your original packaging.

So it really doesn't matter what color box the replacement comes in. You'll still have your original retail packaging.

If the Genius Bar does your replacement, you don't even usually get to keep the box the replacement comes in -- they reuse them again and again.
A) just because your unit cost you $499 (as if that's anything new) doesn't mean that you're entitled to a brand new unit. They're within their rights to actually give you a refurb and give it time, those returning for "issues" will soon be handed a refurbs just like the iPhones.

B) Thoughts are that I too was surprised when my exchange resulted in a brown box. They took the new one out of the brown box and put it in my white box. My box doesn't match the serial number on the iPad but that should never be an issue, I have all of the paperwork associated with the exchange anyway. I did ask Apple (both retail and over the phone) and was met with the same response, it's new and not a refurbs but they're meant to be used as in-store exchanges until the refurbs start coming in. In other words, be happy you did get a brand new one.

Did you not leave with a $499 brand new iPad in a white box or did you get a brown box, they're supposed to have you keep the white box.

This Poster simply GETS it.. love your posts.

Also to the OP.. I had my Launch day 3GS replaced with a refurb after I noticed a giant crack in the house (No I had not dropped it). The refurb was quite honestly, better than my "new in box" 3GS and to this day is wonderful. Don't get hung up on a freaking refurb or a box. At the end of the day you have a working iPad, which is what you paid for no?
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