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I think the "tough crowd" just has no clue what your complaint is. You got an OEM replacement, a new unit in a brown box. Are you whining about not getting another box? Sorry but this entire thread seems petty.

I think it's time for the mod to close this thread really... OP took a lot of beating....
I asked why there is a different series number for serial number
Hey, great first post on the forums. :) I hadn't seen where anyone has determined the range of iPad serial numbers, so you can tell if it's refurbed or not. Where did you get that information from?

Also, when your iPhone gets replaced at the Genius Bar in the Apple Store, it too is a brand new unit. There are no refurbed iPhones going out of the Apple Store, contrary to popular belief in this thread.
That's not entirely true. The Genius Bar replacement iPods/iPhones can either be entirely brand new, or refurbished. If they're refurbished, they'll come in a brand new exterior shell with a brand new battery, so you won't be able to visually tell that it's not entirely brand new.

Even if IT IS a brand new replacement, it's not going to come in the same "like new" packaging. It'll come in the same generic, reusable boxes that all replacements come in, regardless of their status.

iPads are handled the same way, but like others have said, it's so soon after the launch that chances are there aren't many refurbished ones available for GB replacements yet.
Lastly, and again, $500 is not a lot of cash.

Really? Either you swimming in Cash, or I have more appreciation for money and the fact that it does not grow in trees, 500 is a lot to anybody that is not wealthy. Fact is a lot of people work about a week or so to get that amount of money.

I saved for a whole 2 months before I purchased my iPad. I payed for it cash as i do not use Credit cards everything i own is payed for cash so dont tell me 500 is not a lot of money because it is.

BTW Apple refurbs are of the same quality as brand new. So even if you got a refurb im sure that it is Scratch/ defect free. Trust me i know 2 of my computers where apple refurbish and my sons ipod touch is a refurb also.
Pretty tough crowd in this forum .... I don't know what most people make but $500 is a lot of money for me. I expected a new unit under 30 days ... This has been my experience with other electronics. The screen touch sensitive for the bottom portion stopped working - an obvious defect ... Thanks for your responses

it is new, it is just in a cheaper and easier to make box.
I see the poster never came back and offered up any details on why he thinks it's "not new".
A) just because your unit cost you $499 (as if that's anything new) doesn't mean that you're entitled to a brand new unit. They're within their rights to actually give you a refurb and give it time, those returning for "issues" will soon be handed a refurbs just like the iPhones.


if apple sells you a brand new iPad for $499 and it turn out to be faulty you are entitled to a brand new replacement, not only a used iPad as replacement. The includes serial number and packaging since the resale value depends on that. The case is different if the iPad breaks after you used it for a while. But it's reasonable to assunme the iPad was faulty from the start since it was only 3 weeks old.
In my honest opinion, you cant go wrong with a refurb unit.

I always have like refurbished units because that means everything is been looked into and it is guaranteed to be working good. I have few refurbished electronics and they last longer than new devices.

But yeah maybe in your situation, you'd like a new one, but I am just saying that refurbished unit does not mean end of world as it might be better than new.
Really? Either you swimming in Cash, or I have more appreciation for money and the fact that it does not grow in trees, 500 is a lot to anybody that is not wealthy. Fact is a lot of people work about a week or so to get that amount of money.

I saved for a whole 2 months before I purchased my iPad. I payed for it cash as i do not use Credit cards everything i own is payed for cash so dont tell me 500 is not a lot of money because it is.

BTW Apple refurbs are of the same quality as brand new. So even if you got a refurb im sure that it is Scratch/ defect free. Trust me i know 2 of my computers where apple refurbish and my sons ipod touch is a refurb also.

Please rant somewhere else. :p

If $500 is a lot of money, then maybe you should be doing something more useful with it. No, I am not swimming in cash, quite broke actually, and a much more frugal person than you think.

I know about Apple's refurbs don't worry. I've purchased 7 macs, 5 iPods, and a host of other Apple accessories from the used store. I recommend it more than the actual store, even when I worked Apple retail.

I've never bought much electronics new either, my entire freelance setup is composed of mostly used products.

If $500 is a lot of money to someone, then they need not spend all of it on a brand new iPad, especially without Apple Care. . . . wait until they show up refurbed and save some cash.
You got a brand new factory unit sans the fancy box and "case candy," period.

Also, when your iPhone gets replaced at the Genius Bar in the Apple Store, it too is a brand new unit. There are no refurbed iPhones going out of the Apple Store, contrary to popular belief in this thread.

I agree with Gatearray...just had my 64G 3g replaced (took 2 days) at my local apple store. Genius brought out the brown box and stated that it is brand new off the assembly line. He stated that Apple makes these units specifically for defective replacements and they are held for that purpose only. The serial number is different but who cares. The unit is brand spankin new.... i watched him take it out of the box...
I'm not sure what the OP is reasonable in expecting either. I have to send my 32GB 3g iPad in for replacement and I don't expect a new box but I do expect a new unit.
I've had mixed results with refurbs in the past but I understand Apple is better than most. I would expect a refurb unit in the future would have to come with a new unscratched screen and a case without any major scratches - what's inside doesn't matter to me. I was disappointed in BB as I noticed the screen problem with in two weeks but I happened to come in 15 days after purchase and they wouldn't replace it or touch it. Bad show there on their part.
That's exactly why I got squaretrade insurance. No hassles, no deductible and no refurbs ever. They either send you a brand new unit or send you a check for the full price.
Apple refurbs are good anyway.

I have bought refurbs of other items from their website and I couldn't tell that they weren't brand new. And never an issue with any of them.

Amen to that. My first iPod was a refurbed iPod video. Put it into a hard case and it STILL looks brand new. Recently bought a refurbed 21.5 iMac. Can't tell the difference between it and a new white box model. Just bought my daughter a refurbed iPod Touch. Shhhhhhhh it's a present. Daddy has to save every dollar he can to get here through college. :D
That's exactly why I got squaretrade insurance. No hassles, no deductible and no refurbs ever. They either send you a brand new unit or send you a check for the full price.

I think they try to fix your system first, but if not fixable within 5 days (from the day they get it), then they will give you the cash.
I agree with the OP's feelings ONE HUNDRED PERCENT (yes I just shouted it for emphasis). He is not wrong or rude to desire a new retail iPad. I stumbled across this thread after receiving a brown box replacement myself and searching for info on it. Now, my situation was just a little different. My iPad was barely over a week old and a speaker defect was there from the beginning, so basically my iPad was toast before I even opened it. If anyone DESERVES another new boxed unit, it's someone who didn't get what they paid for in the first place. So imagine my surprise when the $600 iPad was replaced with a brown box OEM "new" unit. Well, I should have been tipped off by the $299 price sticker on the side of the brown box of the replacement iPad. Yes, there was a price sticker on there for some reason. Can anyone explain what that's all about? Anyway, despite my better judgment, and on the reassurance from the genius that it was a new unit, I took it home anyway, (not wanting to be a "whiner" and all). Well, when I got home and got a good look at it, there were several smudges and dust specks under the screen, severe backlight bleeding on the edges, and the wi-fi, (which worked fine on the first iPad) could not stay connected to my router. I also noticed that my first iPad was manufactured in week 21. The replacement was a week 16 unit. I took it back, demanded a new unopened retail boxed unit and got one (a salute to the outstanding genius who worked very hard to secure me one amidst a stock shortage). The new (week 23) iPad runs like a dream, connects and stays connected to my wi-fi, and has no visual issues like dust or smudges. I FINALLY got what I paid for. My conclusion is although these may be classified as "new" units and not refurbs, they very likely are not the same quality as the new retail units. I have a feeling they are production models that didn't quite make the quality control cut for one reason or another and were subsequently designated as replacement units. Now, if my iPad breaks six months or a year from now, then I understand a brown box replacement. But they should not be giving these things to people still within the original return window. And if someone does get one, it does not make them a whiner or wrong to desire a new one. In fact, if they are still within the original return window, I would definitely recommend they demand a new retail unit. I'm not even going to address the issue of whether $500 is a lot of money or not. I never tell people how or where to spend their money. It's totally subjective. $5 doesn't seem like a lot of money to me, but in some struggling countries, it can literally save a life. My opinion is, if you notice it missing or it makes an impact in your life after you spend it, it's a lot of money. Despite all the above, I am very satisfied with the service Apple provided me (and my new awesome iPad!):)
Well, the OP says that $500 is a lot of money, and he is upset because he didn't get a brand new, sealed new unit... I might be wrong, but it almost sounds to me that he was just trying to get a brand new sealed unit to sale it...
Why are you so worried a out getting a new one? Obviously the last brand new one you got only lasted 3 weeks.

I agree that you probably did get a new one, but even if it's a refirb at least it probably went through more extensive testing before they cleared it as a replacement unit. I doubt the brand new ones get much testing. At least not unless its in a random test group.

Again the last brand new one you get only lasted 3 weeks heh
Some of you act like Apple has bunch of refurbs laying around ready to be swapped out. The iPad isn't that old and they can barely keep up with making new ones. It's easier for them to swap out with a brand new OEM, than to bother with refurbished ones. Give it a few more months and will start to see more refurbs show up on the market.
I am sort of on the wall about Apple replacing units with refurbs. I bought in to the cliche some people say that "...refurbs are better than new units because they go through strict testing..." back in March I had to get a replacement iPhone that I had done my best to care for. After a lot of use, my iPhone battery was going. So, I take it to the store and ,yes, they agreed my 15 month old iPhone battery was not right. I knew I was getting a refurb back and I had read extensively that the "refurbs are just as good if not better than a brand new unit." Well, since I got this refurb unit I have had nothing but problems. Took it back to the store, a genius checked it out in the back, brought it back saying nothing was wrong. Thank God my iPad I just bought works great/has nothing wrong with it. I'd really hate to get a refurb back. I mean if say Apple sells a new iPad at $499, then you go online and see refurb units say for $399, houldn't they refund you the difference if you need an exchange?
I think the whole point is that the iPad received by the OP would not have been a refurb. As long as he kept his old box he has lost nothing. If he didn't keep the old box then what is he complaining about.

And yes I know this is an old thread :p
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