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macrumors 6502
May 21, 2003
Amsterdam, OH
The article mentioned price reductions to resellers. Wouldn't you expect those reductions to be passed along to consumers and likewise to be reflected on Apple's own online store? I'm sure that if the prices are reduced online, we will hear about it here very quickly.


macrumors 68000
Sep 22, 2002
New York
How is it possible to talk about displays for and hour and a half (that is, without talking about new, revolutionary displays)? I doubt the Apple guy could speak about the three current monitors for that long, so I am going to assume something is up. Does anyone know if Apple has these display meeting regularly, or only when something new is coming?


macrumors 6502a
Mar 20, 2003
I agree, but then again some people are very longwinded and could talk about Lincoln logs for hours.

I have said for sometime now that Apple needed to revamp their displays. Look at their low-end, the 17" studio for $699. The next step is the 20" cinema for $1299. That is a huge price gap. They have needed to bring a 17" cinema for $999 (or less) out. They already have two products that have the 17" widescreen, the PB and the iMac. My predictions:
17" cinema to replace the studio.
20" cinema will remain.
24" cinema to replace the 23”.
30" for the high-end.

They could abandon the 20" altogether though.


macrumors newbie
Jul 15, 2003
Washington D.C.
What! What!

NO! Not a 30 inch high def apple cinema display, 23 is huge enough people! 30 inch imagin the cost ohhh yeah thats right now hopefully you see i mean 30 inch widescreen... might as well do what gateways doing and make it a tv as well, and apple is not in the TV buisness.


macrumors 604
Jan 21, 2002
Langley, Washington
Actually, I think they need to bring back a cheeper smaller screen. I a lot of people who what a Mac with an Apple Display, but are turned off by the whole thing b/c of cost. A nice LCD for $500 (US) would be great. It would also be nice if resellers told the truth and would let people know that they can use any "Monitor" on a Macintosh... some I know say you can only use an Apple LCD or CRT on a Mac.



macrumors 68020
Jan 20, 2003
New York
i say when the 30in display comes out, they lower the 17in screen to about 500 or so. why not? this would go great next to a low end box:);):D


macrumors member
Jul 15, 2003
London - UK
hm...cheaper and smaller...

Im not so sure why you would want say a cheap 15.4" screen on your tower...

Why not just buy a laptop instead then? I mean, what 'power user' would spend cash on a PowerMac and then not NEED a large monitor?

Also, 3rd party ppl make small and cheap. I agree Apple should make it clear that 3rd party is fine...

Bring on the 30" I'd rather get that then 2 20" screens. 2 23" is awkward...

:rolleyes: :D


macrumors newbie
Jul 23, 2003
Re: hm...cheaper and smaller...

Originally posted by LordMord
Im not so sure why you would want say a cheap 15.4" screen on your tower...

Why not just buy a laptop instead then? I mean, what 'power user' would spend cash on a PowerMac and then not NEED a large monitor?

:rolleyes: :D

How about all the *nix guys who've converted to Macs? We love the ability to run network services on a very usable machine, but we don't need a nice expensive display. I would love to see a cheaper Apple display. Yes, I can use a cheaper 3rd part display, but I'd much rather have an Apple monitor.


macrumors regular
Dec 8, 2002
I find it strange if they do something with a successful product that has been out for just a few months (the 20"). If anything happens with the display lineup, its the arrival of a new product - maybe replacing the now less attractive 23" with maybe a 24-25".


macrumors 68000
Jan 5, 2003
I think that the 23" needs to be caught up with the technologies used in the 20". And, I think all the displays need to have the alu look to match the G5.


macrumors member
Jun 20, 2003
Re: hm...cheaper and smaller...

Originally posted by LordMord
Im not so sure why you would want say a cheap 15.4" screen on your tower...

Why not just buy a laptop instead then? I mean, what 'power user' would spend cash on a PowerMac and then not NEED a large monitor?

How about us students? Some people don't have $699 to shell out for a monitor. :(


macrumors 603
Jun 25, 2002
LaLaLand, CA
I was expecting them to have a minor update in a little while. Maybe just give them feature parity with other high end LCD displays. Brightness, contrast, pixel response. Maybe USB 2. As long as they're WideScreen - 17, 20, 2x... 30?

Looks good to me.

MasterX (OSiX)

macrumors 6502
Sep 3, 2001
I think anything over 24" NEEDS a S-Video and component inputs. At those sizes you really deserve to be able to use it like a TV


macrumors 68000
Jan 3, 2002
While I agree the 17" is a bit overpriced in today's market, the 20" is actually a pretty good deal. A Sony 20" with comparable resolution runs $1500, and it's not even a widescreen. A Viewsonic 20" goes for $1250.

My guess is that manufacturers are really ramping up the production of the 17" (1280 x 1024) LCD. Prices have dropped big time. It'd be great if Apple got aggressive and lowered it to $499 but I know it won't happen. For a 17" widescreen, maybe $549 would be OK.

I'm in the market for the 20", to go along with a new G5, but I'm holding off a bit for any design changes or discounts. Wouldn't it be great if Apple's monitors came with Bluetooth built in?! For the new bluetooth mouse...


macrumors member
Jul 15, 2003
London - UK

Point taken on the Nix guys...hrm and I guess students too and ok ok...

However, 3rd party is always going to be point in apple lowering their standards to take on the cheap 15" out there...

:eek: :D


macrumors member
Jun 13, 2003
Bath, UK
We're currently in the market at work for 2 or 3 new monitors. Although I'd love to have an apple monitor, I'm finding that I can't recommend getting more apple lcds right now, despite my boss having been happily using his 22" Cinema display since it came out. The contrast ratio and response time are well below competitors operating at a similar price point, and when you're trying to attract designers, video pros, and gamers alike, these things matter. That said, with $100, $200, and $300 price cuts they become much more attractive.

New displays would seem to have to move to USB2, as it just looks a bit backwards to offer USB1 in a "brand new" display line. If they do that, then based on what has been said recently about apple's plans in regard to USB2, they might also want to include a firewire800 hub.

If they do offer a bluetooth mouse, might be (as someone suggested earlier) the best place to put the bluetooth card/chip. And if they do, then it might also be an idea way to charge the mouse over the USB2 or FireWire800 hub.

Still, it's not as though as PC user would be buying a apple display for a PC (even with ADC to DVI/USB/Power adapters), so maybe it doesn't need USB2 after all! :)

Has anyone used the latest Formac LCDs? I'd be interested to hear how they hold up.


macrumors newbie
Jul 18, 2002
Los Angeles, CA

I bought 6 x 23in when they first came out to put dual heads on my towers. I can say that it's not awkward at all, and I'm officialy spoiled, as it's difficult to work on even a single monitor, let alone a 17in or 20in. I say bring on the 30in+. New displays are the main reason why I have waited to buy my G5's.


macrumors 68020
Jan 20, 2003
New York
Re: :)

Originally posted by timothyjoelwrig
I bought 6 x 23in when they first came out to put dual heads on my towers. I can say that it's not awkward at all, and I'm officialy spoiled, as it's difficult to work on even a single monitor, let alone a 17in or 20in. I say bring on the 30in+. New displays are the main reason why I have waited to buy my G5's.

you wanna buy a new cpmuter for me?
6 screens!?!?

Capt Underpants

macrumors 68030
Jul 23, 2003
Austin, Texas
All I want is a 20" Alu monitor. If Apple wants to update the displays, I hope that they keep the same pricing scheme. I don't want them to go up in price or else I couldn't afford one.


macrumors 6502a
May 13, 2002
Welll, It's 10pm EST. I can't believe NO one has written in with the dirt! Boooo.

EDIT: Oooops. it was LAST night. ha. ha.... Well, it's a day later and I can't believe no one has written in with the dirt! Boooo.
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