Normal people don't see all this forum crap and no one and i mean no one reads the Ts&cs so don't even think about playing that card.....
I was simply not aware, regardless of how much you protest that it was mentioned 2 years ago or more ago or even yesterday...., so I'm sure normal people are just the same....... i'd love to tell you what projects I'm working on - but I'm not allowed due to NDAs....
Any 32 bit app that was opened had a warning when you launched it you, don’t need to be on a forum to see that. So you either didn’t read the warning given or these apps you have lost are apps you don’t use anyway.
You have admitted to not reading TandCs which I won’t deny is the norm but it means you have no recourse as you have accepted the conditions laid out.
Not sure what your job has to do with anything. For what it’s worth I cant divulge what I do either, can we be friends?