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I've noticed it gets really hot when in direct sunlight for even a few seconds. I think the huge black face is basically like a big solar panel (too bad you can't recharge that way, I recall Apple filing a patent for behind-screen solar cells though). The Apple case doesn't help much because it's a dark color, it would be good if they made a light grey version, I think that would help a lot. I've found if you leave it in the glovebox or trunk (ie. not in direct sunlight) and leave the windows and sunroof cracked open, it's fine. But then it rarely gets above 85°-90°F here. I wouldn't try that in say Arizona.
I have my purse, but for those guys who are too far from home with their iPads and need to go into a store or grab a quick beer at happy hour can use one of these to carry their iPads in:


Hands free if you do some heavy lifting and comes in different colors too! Just trying to help since leaving it in the car isn't an option.
OP, thanks for the thread

While I have been aware of the iPad's operating temp for a while some of the new owners may not be.
Right on

You want to call my common sense into question? I leave a laptop in my car for short periods of time frequently with no issue. Lets go ahead and list accredited universities and job titles.

Only on Macrumors can someone come on to try and help others and be blasted for it :rolleyes:

It's all public domains this happens. People try to help others with a kind heart and jerks who want to think/look/act superior have to blast them.There are many devices that can withstand hot temperatures. So, who then are the real idiots?
I live in FL where temps reach into the 90' everyday for months and I leave my HP laptop in the car all the time and have for years without any problems. I also leave my Garmin GPS, & digital camera in there too most times and I have never had any problems. Now I don't just leave them sitting up on the dash either though.
I live in FL where temps reach into the 90' everyday for months and I leave my HP laptop in the car all the time and have for years without any problems. I also leave my Garmin GPS, & digital camera in there too most times and I have never had any problems. Now I don't just leave them sitting up on the dash either though.

I bet your batteries are toasted and don't lie and say they are fine because they aren't, especially if they are Lithium Ion types. Leaving GPS's, cams, etc... in your car is simply not too smart.
I bet your batteries are toasted and don't lie and say they are fine because they aren't, especially if they are Lithium Ion types. Leaving GPS's, cams, etc... in your car is simply not too smart.

Guess I am a liar and a dumb a** but everything seems to be OK. I am not about to start toting my 17" laptop & all that stuff with me every time I leave the car parked. I rather buy a new battery pack if they go bad. I really doubt that many other people do either.
Guess I am a liar and a dumb a** but everything seems to be OK. I am not about to start toting my 17" laptop & all that stuff with me every time I leave the car parked. I rather buy a new battery pack if they go bad. I really doubt that many other people do either.

Liar? Maybe. I don't know you but I do know that every article written about batteries and battery life explain how leaving your device in a car (that gets extremely hot or cold) will shorten the battery life. Maybe your batteries are super batteries or something.
Liar? Maybe. I don't know you but I do know that every article written about batteries and battery life explain how leaving your device in a car (that gets extremely hot or cold) will shorten the battery life. Maybe your batteries are super batteries or something.

I am sure it is not good but so far I have not had any problems.
Scotland and Overheating iPad

So here I am, weather as follows: -

Dry bulb air temperature = 25 C (77F)
Air Humidty = Low (actual value unknown)
Wind speed at 0 metres agl = Approximately 2 KPH (nearly zero)
Wind speed at 1 metre agl = 8 KPH (5MPH or 4.3 Knots)
Cloud cover = 3/8

Was lying on ground outside with iPad resting on cold ground. Reading a book. After ten minutes in above conditions I got overheat issues. Had to shut down iPad.

All within Apple specs, but still a problem. So things are not necessarily as clear cut as one might believe. iPad wasn't in direct sunlight either.

Data taken from three weather stations within 2km of location.
I left my iPad in the car for about 3 hours this morning while I did a few things in the office. It is only in the mid 80's or so today and I frequently leave my iPad for a few hours, so I did not think too much about it. Well, when I took it out to read on it at lunch (as I do almost every day) there was a temperature warning and said the iPad needed to cool down before I could use it. YIKES :eek:

Just thought I would pass this along in the hopes it may help someone else...

Thanks for the advice. On occasion I would leave my laptop in the car for a short time. This has just stopped me doing the same with my iPad.
wow... would you leave your children locked up in the car too??
Leave your children, take your iPad :D

Happened to me over the weekend, it wasn't even 10 minutes I forgot to take with me when I went in to Starbucks. The temperature was around 24C and I got this warning. :eek:
wow, 24ºC is pretty low IMO, even i can stand that temperature, however the way temperature goes inside a car compared to windy outside is different
I bet your batteries are toasted and don't lie and say they are fine because they aren't, especially if they are Lithium Ion types. Leaving GPS's, cams, etc... in your car is simply not too smart.

I leave my dslr in the car often, and my battery is showing no signs of shorter life after 5 years. My cheap replacement one from the camera before it is shot... But the canon one stll goes over 800 pics over months of use.

I can't take my gps with me, it is attached to my dash.

The reality of life in Florida means you often have to leave things when it isn't ideal.....
First of all, overheating in a closed car only occurs infrequently, in less than 12.23% of devices, according to all complaints received in writing by counsel compared to all iPads produced. Secondly, Apple invested millions of dollars to create a heretofore secret specially-designed heat chamber which replicates conditions inside a car in the sun, and thoroughly tests its iPads without having to expose them to actual heat. Apple also has an entire staff based in Alaska which tested prototype iPads by leaving them in cars under real-world conditions for extended periods of time, and only an acceptably small percentage of the tested devices displayed any problems. You should also be aware that similar devices marketed by others also manifest the same types of problems when left in crematoria, on the sands of the Kalahari, or under similar conditions.

Nonetheless, because Apple is fanatic about customer service and satisfaction, it will be distributing at no charge to all owners of iPads who purchased before April 1, 2010, a 10 bag of ice together with detailed instructions on its proper deployment. These will be available through the Apple Store beginning in October, and we anticipate a meaningful reduction in the number of overheating complaints afterwards. Internal testing does indicate, however that the problem may re-manifest itself some nine months later. Apple engineers are investigating the cause, as well as anecdotal reports being received from Australia, South Africa and parts of South America indicating substantially different time periods when complaints appear to peak. At this point the reports are not statistically significant, but Apple engineers will monitor the situation closely as it begins to actually sell iPads more widely.

Apple has also determined that much unnecessary consternation is caused by a fault in the calibration of the overheating warning actuator. Accordingly, Apple has released an update for the iPad's firmware which will eliminate most, if not all, overheating warnings. (WARNING: iPads left in unattended automobiles may, under certain conditions, overheat without warning, possibly resulting in deformation without warning, unanticipated significant diminution of battery life, explosion without warning, Dengue fever, and the yaws, and even death, without further warning. By reading this sentence you agree to and accept the terms and conditions which may be found, including a waiver of all liability of Apple, its employees, subsidiaries, officers, resellers, and cousins which it numbers in the dozens.)

I think that puts the matter to rest now.
common sense

It is absolutely common sense, but everyone needs a reminder about common sense things sometimes. Even things most people would never think of seem like common sense after the realization. Plus, it's easy enough to forget something (iPad, MBP, car key) in the car even when you know it could be bad.

As far as heat goes, I always leave my iPod nano in the car because I don't care and I want to get a new one soon anyway. The heat of the car during the day is destroying the screen, causing several rows of pixels to die (seems to be the backlight). I don't know if other screens would be susceptible to this kind of damage, but common sense tells me not to push my luck...
You want to call my common sense into question? I leave a laptop in my car for short periods of time frequently with no issue. Lets go ahead and list accredited universities and job titles.

Only on Macrumors can someone come on to try and help others and be blasted for it :rolleyes:

Then I must say you are stupid to leave any electronic item in the car.
Again it common sense...some people have it but many lack it completely .
Job titles lol, I retired at 30, my only job is to have fun and keep a eye on my investments.
My wife took my iPad to the pool while we were in Las Vegas a week or so ago, and then realized it was something like 110 out there --- fortunately, she wised up and brought it back to the room before it boiled! :) 95 at the upper limit is something to be mindful of in the summer in many places, in or out of cars ...

It's been said that the temperature inside a car is always 10-15 degrees hotter then outside. That's why you never leave your kids or pets in a hot car.

And you shouldn't leave any valuables out in the open in your car. Someone can always break in and take it.

Seems OK and even a good idea to leave the wife in a car then ;)
I got this on my iPhone 4 once when I left it in the car for 5 minutes or so on a hot day. 80 degrees seems way to cool for a device to give that warning, even with the internal heat it makes. I'm glad it has the warning, but hopefully it doesn't create a problem ever with prematurely "locking out" when it's really not that hot.
I leave mine in the trunk of my car and it's usually 99 - 100 outside these days. Never had a problem. Did I mention I leave the windows very slightly rolled down to let the air flow?
BTW, having any degree or going to a university has nothing to do with this. I have a phD right now - so I'm the smartest or I should say at the same level as others who have phD? Hey, that means I'm as smart as Einstein! (/sarcasm).
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