First of all, overheating in a closed car only occurs infrequently, in less than 12.23% of devices, according to all complaints received in writing by counsel compared to all iPads produced. Secondly, Apple invested millions of dollars to create a heretofore secret specially-designed heat chamber which replicates conditions inside a car in the sun, and thoroughly tests its iPads without having to expose them to actual heat. Apple also has an entire staff based in Alaska which tested prototype iPads by leaving them in cars under real-world conditions for extended periods of time, and only an acceptably small percentage of the tested devices displayed any problems. You should also be aware that similar devices marketed by others also manifest the same types of problems when left in crematoria, on the sands of the Kalahari, or under similar conditions.
Nonetheless, because Apple is fanatic about customer service and satisfaction, it will be distributing at no charge to all owners of iPads who purchased before April 1, 2010, a 10 bag of ice together with detailed instructions on its proper deployment. These will be available through the Apple Store beginning in October, and we anticipate a meaningful reduction in the number of overheating complaints afterwards. Internal testing does indicate, however that the problem may re-manifest itself some nine months later. Apple engineers are investigating the cause, as well as anecdotal reports being received from Australia, South Africa and parts of South America indicating substantially different time periods when complaints appear to peak. At this point the reports are not statistically significant, but Apple engineers will monitor the situation closely as it begins to actually sell iPads more widely.
Apple has also determined that much unnecessary consternation is caused by a fault in the calibration of the overheating warning actuator. Accordingly, Apple has released an update for the iPad's firmware which will eliminate most, if not all, overheating warnings. (WARNING: iPads left in unattended automobiles may, under certain conditions, overheat without warning, possibly resulting in deformation without warning, unanticipated significant diminution of battery life, explosion without warning, Dengue fever, and the yaws, and even death, without further warning. By reading this sentence you agree to and accept the terms and conditions which may be found, including a waiver of all liability of Apple, its employees, subsidiaries, officers, resellers, and cousins which it numbers in the dozens.)
I think that puts the matter to rest now.