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macrumors member
Original poster
Nov 28, 2010
In my class we had a few with Macs and the rest had PCs. Some of them were PC geeks and they dragged along these huge PCs that weighed a ton. Of course the inevitable happened and we got in an argument one day, you know the classic one with PCs vs Macs. I'm trying to keep my temper down, stay cool and propose my arguments but these guys are just plain arrogant of what is the truth. I know they're in their right to have their opinion, but it just annoys me when people are arrogant and not willing to try anything new.

I've decided that next time, I won't enter the debate and just keep my trap shut and rest satisfied by having the best system.

Anyone else tried arguing with Windows people?
I don't get into that debate with folks. I use both platforms. Mac at home Windows at work. But if I were in a setting where there was a debate between the two sides or three sides including Linux, I would just sit back and watch for entertainment purposes! :D
Use the best tool available to get what you need done, whether it be a Mac or windows.

The "PC vs Mac" debate is especially lame on Mac Rumours, but very entertaining. The discussion starts degrading when the play actor LTD, or the fanboys join in, without an objectivity.
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I know what people you mean. I just try to stay out of it and I'm like open to what suits my needs best and what I like but the one time I was drinking milk and he came up to me and just said "look at that mac user, drinking milk" one of the more unusual things that's been said to me to be honest. He does irritate me though and if anyone buys an iPod or something like he'd try and convert them to something else. I am fairly sure that he's endorsed by some of those companies.
I don't get into that debate with folks. I use both platforms. Mac at home Windows at work. But if I were in a setting where there was a debate between the two sides or three sides including Linux, I would just sit back and watch for entertainment purposes! :D

That's more or less how I'd approach it now a while later. Also agree with MacDawg.
Neither. I have way bigger and actual important things to be irritated about than what stupid OS deserves to be called #1. As far as rage, no and I worry about anyone who does rage over an OS debate.
The idea of a PC or Mac being better than the other is a completely subjective concept. They both have their pros and cons. Its all based on the user and they're preference, and what they use it for.

This argument is stupid and I don't waste my time with it. However, if asked I would always default and suggest Mac because the user experience is better for me.
One may get irritated (but why even get that).
If one gets enraged, one should get counseling.
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 2.2; en-gb; GT-P1000 Build/FROYO) AppleWebKit/533.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile Safari/533.1)

Not at all. I'll use anything that suits my needs. I love using all manner of OS's and platforms, the more the merrier!

Other people are more than welcome ot their opinions and it's good hearing it regarding what is better and why it is better.
They're usually not the problem.
Agreed, most windows/pc users don't have the zeal and blind following that many apple fanboys have.

I never argue or try to persuade others
I don't really care what they use
And I don't feel the need to defend my choices ;)
Same here, both are excellent platforms and you use what you want or like.
I used both, Linux and Windows at certain points in my life, because it did suit my lifestyle back then... now I feel I'm right in the mood for a Mac and hope it can fit my current and upcoming lifestyle situation well...

... but the debates can be entertaining... but they tend to get boring after the second page...
Two Things

Two things I always bring up when trying to have a rationale debate as to why I prefer a PC is that a PC isn't legally restricted to one operating system, and that third party manufacturers are able to make PC hardware and sell it openly to consumers. An open market manufacture model allows for far superior PC hardware that isn't available on a Mac (have you ever tried running two GTX460s in SLi on a MAC?). Being able to purchase computer parts and upgrades that I want from a plethora of different companies is what makes a PC far superior than a Mac to me. I find solace in knowing that I have custom-built my computer to meet specs that I want, not that I have bought it pre-made from monopolistic Apple-Mart. The second is that I like to play graphic intensive games on my PC, which leaves the PC vs. Mac debate wobbly because their are not many graphic intensive games available for a Mac.
Anyone else tried arguing with Windows people?

When the debate has well reasoned and well sourced points and arguments, no. It actually makes it fun. Viewing the debate from varying angles is eye opener and the eventual defeat on one or more points gets you to try different technologies from both sides (something a tech lover should always do).

However, the same can't be said when it's an enormous fanboy (of either side) that spouts nothing but ignorant and blatantly false claims and arguments.
They both have their advantages and disadvantages, just like PS3 vs Xbox, another fierce argument between Internet trolls, fanboys and sensible people who can see both sides to the argument.
Irritated, sometimes. Raged, no. Life is way too short for something like that for something like this.
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