Very intrigued by this setup. I have questions. If I may. Who’s yr cellular provider? And which storage option did you opt for? Oh, and do you use the iPad mini camera? That’s my only reason to get an iPhone these days.
For years with iPad Mini 2, I almost always used only AT&T $30 for 3 months or 2GB plan. I'm in free-wifi zones for work and home (so almost all of the time). I found I could let that plan lapse and then re-order when out and about and actually needing a cellular connection. With that, I found I could often "stretch" usage such that I was only actually getting that about 9 of the 12 months of the year The "use it as a phone too" option with VOIP apps works the same when connected to wifi, so "phone" is phone whether cellular is active or not. Else, it's easy to buy cellular data at any time from anywhere I can get a cell signal.
However, with Mini 6, I decided to try the Tmobile $5/month for 500MB or 1 month plan for a continuous connection. Even on the AT&T option, I found that I rarely exceeded 500MB of cellular in ANY month (including some significant travel periods), so this Tmobile test will net out to $60/yr and I'll be consistently connected year round. If I find that 500MB is being too cellular stingy, I can either opt for $10 for 1GB/month with them OR go back to that AT&T plan. In all scenarios, I have no expectations of spending more than about
$100 PER YEAR for cellular service.
I opted for 256GB storage because I sync media instead of stream. That's part of how to avoid burning lots of cellular... and dodging yet another monthly rental fee(s) on top of the cellular service bill. So I have a few thousand of my favorite songs synched and I allocate some chunks of space to movies I want to watch when I am traveling. When "full," I have about 40% of total storage free.
DO use the Mini camera pretty regularly... probably for the same reason iPhone cameras get used so much: it's the one that is just about always with me. With the 6, I now have 4K video too. It's great to have BOTH options with me (just like phone users). I WISH Apple made a "pro" and put the iPhone MAX cameras in this thing but I'll take what I get on that front. It takes nice photos and great video. If I need better quality for something, I have a dedicated 4K camcorder that also shoots very good photos. This also contributes to why I went 256GB... room for iPad Mini 6 4K video.
If photos drive your phone choice, consider the quality difference of this camera vs. the ones in iPhone. The latter are considerably BETTER cameras with additional features. I personally can live with the only option for Mini 6 but would have certainly paid a few hundred more for those cameras in a hypothetical Mini 6 "pro."
I hope this is helpful. I've done this for many years (since the launch of Mini 1) and never felt like I was missing much in terms of iOS goodies, phone & text service, etc. Obviously, it's not for everyone... but works really great for my purposes and costs a LOT less than the other way... or having 2 devices instead of 1.