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I disagree, I don't think you can compare a table and a piece of technology and make the comparison work. If the iPhone 4 came out looking like it did but still functions like the very first cell phone (because your table, although may look different still functions like every other table made, ever) no one would buy it every year. Each piece of technology needs to surpass the one before it not just in design but in overall function. I think anyone even comparing the iPad and the iPhone needs to get a clue, they are not the same product. They are designed for different consumer sets and intended to be used completely differently. Now if they had released another iPad with the iphone4 that was better, that would give iPad owners a reason to complain.

I am in bed typing this on my lovely iPad while my iPhone 4 sits next to me charging on the ihome, why would I want to type and browse on a tiny little screen when I can use this amazing 10 inch screen. iPhone for on the go, iPad for home. It's not rocket science figuring out that these two devices were not meant to compete with each other.
I wouldn't worry about if you think the iPhone 4 is better than your iPad other wise yourll end up killing yourself after forking out for a desktop and they release an update less than 6 months later.
But don't worry about it really you've got what you've got use it until you can't use it no more and get a new one and give the old one to a friend or family.
Think about it. Apple makes an iPad that makes our iPhone feels small and weak compared to this tablet, and then a few months later release a kick ass upgrade to their iPhone that makes the specs of the iPad look laughable(considering it's 5x bigger).
It seems obvious that Apple wants us to be outraged by this, and wants us to feel that we have tablets inferior to cellphones; so that when iPad 2 comes out we'll feel obligated to update to it, so it'll be faster and better at multitasking than our iPhones.
At for at this seems genius, but i think that it's backfiring on Apple. People are reselling their ipads due to the iPhone 4 and are not spending money on apps, which hurts Apple's bottom line.

If you consider "on purpose" to be equal to "constantly improving their product offerings," then sure I guess?

I don't see the two devices as being comparable other than at a skin-deep level. The iPhone is a phone with portable media/gaming capabilities. The iPad is a tablet computing device optimized for consumption of websites (if you rule out Flash) and documents.

Honestly, I'm willing to bet that the respective engineering groups within Apple didn't spend a lot of time trying to cannibalize each others' market. Apple customers are Apple customers.
How do you compare an iPhone to an ipad at all??? I have both, the main reason i got the iPad was because of screen size. Its a completely different product all together. So saying you're selling your ipad an buying and iPhone is the same as selling an apple and buying an orange. Two totally different products. I use my iPad for school. I'm getting my textbooks in pdf format and taking all my notes on the iPad. The iPhone is not a sufficient device for these needs. Anyone who could replace an ipad with an iPhone never needed an ipad to begin with.
The two are so different it really does not bear comparison. Different development cycles and different uses. Months later and there still is no comparable tablet/pad. The best hope is this Google/Verizon thing coming for the end of year.

At some point the iPad will get an OS upgrade and the iPad 2 will come.

Just by a new iPhone every year and a new iPad. Then you will not feel left behind :) (Assuming that is the goal)
iPhone has been around for 4 generations. MUch more time to refine it and offer more for the money.

Also iPad has bigger more costly screen and yet Apple felt it needed to hit the $500 pricepoint without a subsidy. So that may be why the iPad has less memory than the iPhone 4.

Iphone 4 is also proven product. Ipad was new kid on the block. Iphone had and probably still has highest priority.
If Apple introduced a MacBook pro that was better in every spec-way than the Mac Pro, wouldn't Mac pro owners be outraged? The iPad os huge compared to the iPhone 4. It should have better specs, even after 3 months.
If Apple introduced a MacBook pro that was better in every spec-way than the Mac Pro, wouldn't Mac pro owners be outraged? The iPad os huge compared to the iPhone 4. It should have better specs, even after 3 months.

I wouldn't be. I'd have accepted that I got a computer and the company that makes it just updated a different computer they make. Who cares? Technology is obsolete the minute you take it out the box anyway.
I don't think that they should do it to the point where people are discontented with the or iPad

Discontent with their iPad? From where did you pull this one out?

There are millions upon millions of happy iPad users out there. The only discontent people are the few nerds with specs fetish on the internet.
Discontent with their iPad? From where did you pull this one out?

There are millions upon millions of happy iPad users out there. The only discontent people are the few nerds with specs fetish on the internet.

Spot on. Apple has shown time and time again that Nokia or Google, or HTC, or Samsung, etc...with all of their top of the line hardware is no match for great software running on middle of the road hardware platforms. The OP seems to be another hardware maven with little understanding that software matters.
Technology moves quickly.

I think they had a working 9.7" iPad in 2007. I think they had a working iPhone 4 in 2009.

This is monumental in 'tech-time' and the only answer to your inquiry.
If Apple introduced a MacBook pro that was better in every spec-way than the Mac Pro, wouldn't Mac pro owners be outraged? The iPad os huge compared to the iPhone 4. It should have better specs, even after 3 months.

Such a silly statement. Apple lives and dies on innovating. If they find a way to make a better product they will. This is one of those comments "I paid good money for something so they better not ever make anything better so I can boast I've got the best there is".

No even worth replying to but I couldn't help myself.
I don't think that they should do it to the point where people are discontented with the or iPad.
Updates should wow us with new features. Not satisfy what the first one should have been.

No matter how they made it, people wouldn't be pleased. I think 3 million units sold in 80 days (?) says a lot of how much a success the iPad is...
I haven't sold mine. And I've seen about 3 threads saying they sold their iPad for the iPhone 4.

I personally love my iPad but I also have an iPhone 4 because. It's my phone? Lol

Agreed. Both are great devices. While there is overlap in functions, each serves its purpose.
Think about it. Apple makes an iPad that makes our iPhone feels small and weak compared to this tablet, and then a few months later release a kick ass upgrade to their iPhone that makes the specs of the iPad look laughable(considering it's 5x bigger).
It seems obvious that Apple wants us to be outraged by this, and wants us to feel that we have tablets inferior to cellphones; so that when iPad 2 comes out we'll feel obligated to update to it, so it'll be faster and better at multitasking than our iPhones.
At for at this seems genius, but i think that it's backfiring on Apple. People are reselling their ipads due to the iPhone 4 and are not spending money on apps, which hurts Apple's bottom line.

Actually, I don't care anymore. I received my iPad last week, tried to figure out what possible niche it could occupy in my life, discovered that there is none and will return it to Apple this week. What rather pisses me off now is that Apple refuses to refund me for iPad apps that I bought in the US AppStore - that should be illegal (and I'm pretty sure it is illegal in Germany, but since this was the US store, I'm out of luck).

While I think that an iPhone makes sense because it can replace so many separate devices (navigator, mp3 player, mobile surfboard, phone), I don't see a real purpose in devices like the iPad and the iPod Touch. The iPod Touch is incomplete (no phone) and the iPad cannot even compete with a netbook thanks to its castrated operating system and lack of expansion ports. An iPad with Mac OS X on it and an USB port - now THAT would have made sense, because it actually could have replaced a lite notebook or netbook. But with a crippled iOS on it? Forget it. (And spare me the battery life bla bla - it's all bollocks and you know it.)
Discontent with their iPad? From where did you pull this one out?

There are millions upon millions of happy iPad users out there. The only discontent people are the few nerds with specs fetish on the internet.

Or people who actually cannot figure out for the life of them what the iPad is actually good for - especially when they already own an iMac, an iPhone and a notebook.

Typing on the iPad totally SUCKS. I type with ten fingers and that exercise is impossible for me on the iPad's on screen keyboard. That damn thing is a royal pain.

I find web browsing with the iPad not nearly as comfortable as it is on a notebook. Why? Maybe because I TYPE too much. And maybe because I actually do miss Flash - it still is the web's ubiquitous video format, no matter how much Mr Jobs wants to tell us otherwise, and his own proprietary H.264 video format won't ever change that.

There is no good eMail client on the iPad either.

Pages, Numbers and Keynote for the iPad are toy applications. And have I mentioned that writing on the iPad sucks?

Video playback (with OPlayer HD) is suboptimal - most movies simply stutter.

eBook reading in daylight sucks because of the iPad's screen. It's okay at night or in a normally lit room, but it's awful in sunlight.

The iPad is great for playing Plants vs Zombies HD and Shredder HD. So, at the end of the day, the iPad is just another game console, and I already have an Xbox 360, a Mac, a PC notebook and an iPhone. So somehow I don't have a use for this thing, especially since it's too weak and too restricted to replace the notebook (which was what I originally had in mind).
Actually, I don't care anymore. I received my iPad last week, tried to figure out what possible niche it could occupy in my life, discovered that there is none and will return it to Apple this week. What rather pisses me off now is that Apple refuses to refund me for iPad apps that I bought in the US AppStore - that should be illegal (and I'm pretty sure it is illegal in Germany, but since this was the US store, I'm out of luck).

While I think that an iPhone makes sense because it can replace so many separate devices (navigator, mp3 player, mobile surfboard, phone), I don't see a real purpose in devices like the iPad and the iPod Touch. The iPod Touch is incomplete (no phone) and the iPad cannot even compete with a netbook thanks to its castrated operating system and lack of expansion ports. An iPad with Mac OS X on it and an USB port - now THAT would have made sense, because it actually could have replaced a lite notebook or netbook. But with a crippled iOS on it? Forget it. (And spare me the battery life bla bla - it's all bollocks and you know it.)

Please tell me where Apple posted a life threatening sign detailing that you HAD to buy their products. You seem like your reason to live is to whine and complain. Don't like their products, don't buy them. Is it too hard to understand?

And to piss and moan about apps you bought from one store but can't return. Did you really process that thought before you hit the submit link? How far out of touch with reality are you?
It was clear to me that the iPad was playing second fiddle to the iPhone when it didn't come with iOS4. New iPhones always have the latest and greatest software.

That said, I still bought one and I don't regret it. Apps will come when iOS4 does (hopefully soon), and once the iPhone emulator identifies itself as an iPhone 4, the resolution will be so close to native I don't think I'll care if I'm using an iPhone app or an iPad one.

I wonder if any of those iPad complainers know anything about computers. Rule #1: It's all about the software. As the iPad's software develops in a way that makes sense for a tablet, its value will increase. I don't want ports of solutions made for the iPhone, I want an iPad solution. That takes customers having some patience.
It was clear to me that the iPad was playing second fiddle to the iPhone when it didn't come with iOS4. New iPhones always have the latest and greatest software.

That said, I still bought one and I don't regret it. Apps will come when iOS4 does (hopefully soon), and once the iPhone emulator identifies itself as an iPhone 4, the resolution will be so close to native I don't think I'll care if I'm using an iPhone app or an iPad one.

I agree with you 100%. Apple knew they would have a hit with the iPhone4 while they were not so sure with the iPad so why put all your eggs in one basket? Now that it can be laid to rest that the iPad is a hit, Apple will start to ramp up and deliver the goods. These continued "buyers remorse" threads become lamer and lamer with each successive post.
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