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and one epic yet nasty plastic one....
Ah, yes. My film came for it yesterday so I will have to come up with a location to shoot 12 distinct frames. I guess it technically is a point and shoot, although since I haven't used it yet it isn't logged in my mental arsenal yet.
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I literally use it as close to “point and shoot” as you can get! The advantage of the RX100 over my phone for me, other than the zoom, is that you can do the ol’ finger along the lens method of pointing and shooting, without having to look down at the camera or break stride. Perfect for a pocket camera when running in beautiful places! Of course there are definitely times where I’ll want all the manual control for a shot too, especially star photos. And when running it’s always in Tv mode with a high shutter speed, otherwise the pics will be blurry even at 1/300”!

If they made a M5b, with the M7’s AF but the faster 24-70 lens, that would be awesome. But I’m not holding my breath for that… Really what I want is a camera with the G5X’s ergonomics (it’s got an extra dial over the RX100, but I could go without that), the G5X’s lens (24-120 f/1.8-2.8 as fast as the M5 but with more reach), and the RX100 M7’s AF. That would be sweet! Maybe at some point there’ll be a G5X Mark III.

Old finger on the lens point and shoot method…. I realise I might be being dim but…. Eh? What’s that?
Ah, yes. My film came for it yesterday so I will have to come up with a location to shoot 12 distinct frames. I guess it technically is a point and shoot, although since I haven't used it yet it isn't logged in my mental arsenal yet.
Erm… you will see it is more like, no point, just shoot…. Lol… go to your local woods and take some images.
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It's pretty clear that Sony has had a winner in its RX100 series through the years! So far there has not been any announcement or even any rumors of an M VIII and I am suspecting that there well might not be, or at least not in 2021.

Interesting how many of us have one or more of the RX100 series cameras as a P&S adjunct to our regular gear. There are just those times when one needs something more than an iPhone and lighter weight and smaller than a DSLR or MILC. The RX100 series is more than just a basic P&S, it has much of the sophistication of a much larger camera and offers the controls and functionality that most of us want.

To answer the question about any noticeable slowdown in acquiring focus, etc., vs a DSLR or MILC, I agree with Ken's assessment. I haven't noticed any issues with my RX100 M7; it does the job I ask of it and responsively. Images are very pleasing to me, and the colors. I don't have any add-on filters and such for it, as the kind of shooting I do with it really doesn't require that.
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Thanks Ken truly appreciated all that info. I hear you on always buying a bigger filter for use on different lenses or reduce vignetting. My concern with the Mag-filter is glueing the ring on the front. I mainly use the rx100 in an underwater case and am not sure if that ring will throw off the fit or scratch the glass?

Again thank you for taking the time with that informative response very helpful.

So the RX100 NISI system doesn’t need the ring stuck on the front. It slides over it onto the lens barrel. So to be sure, the NISI doesn’t add anything to the camera so it would be the safe option - and best quality remember this is NISI filters we are talking about.

There are two magnetic filter options. I use the MagFilter branded one and the ring is tiny It is metallic but in terms of the thickness of the ring itself, it is minuscule at maybe half a millimetre thick and when fitted it kind of fits around the writing on the lens. I don’t do underwater shots I am afraid so don’t know how snug the housing is. My pale skin causes too much glare so no point taking a camera down there…. Lol…

Attached some pictures.

1. The NISI ND in the filter holder for an idea of size
2. A picture of the two filter holders I have. The one for the Sony RX100 M6 (fits them all) that slots over the nose of the lens and the other which is the version with the 49mm threads that I use a step down ring from 52 so it fits on the mag filter adapter.
3. A picture of the Sony NISI fitted
4. The 52mm MagFilter adapter mounted on the camera - no filter added
5. Lastly an image of the front of the camera showing the magnetic filter ring in place to give an idea of how small it is.

Hope this helps a little - excuse the images, they were taken in a rush and as you know, dusting doesn’t help, the camera will betray you and amplify the dust anyway…


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It's pretty clear that Sony has had a winner in its RX100 series through the years! So far there has not been any announcement or even any rumors of an M VIII and I am suspecting that there well might not be, or at least not in 2021.

Interesting how many of us have one or more of the RX100 series cameras as a P&S adjunct to our regular gear. There are just those times when one needs something more than an iPhone and lighter weight and smaller than a DSLR or MILC. The RX100 series is more than just a basic P&S, it has much of the sophistication of a much larger camera and offers the controls and functionality that most of us want.

To answer the question about any noticeable slowdown in acquiring focus, etc., vs a DSLR or MILC, I agree with Ken's assessment. I haven't noticed any issues with my RX100 M7; it does the job I ask of it and responsively. Images are very pleasing to me, and the colors. I don't have any add-on filters and such for it, as the kind of shooting I do with it really doesn't require that.

Remind me clix, the fast burst mode is 20fps or something mental right? With 5 or more fps with tracking focus face detection etc?
Remind me clix, the fast burst mode is 20fps or something mental right? With 5 or more fps with tracking focus face detection etc?
Actually, I don't remember -- something I'd have to look up! I do recall that there was a big thing made about how like the A9 the RX100 VII doesn't have VF blackouts and that, yes, it has fast fps. It had been a while since I'd used mine and last week when I went out with her it was just a wandering around the neighborhood and no fast shooting of anything since I wasn't using the EVF, just trying to frame, compose and shoot by using the LCD screen -- NOT comfortable and NOT the way I really prefer to shoot!

I was doing that because at the time I was still needing to use ointment in my right eye (my shooting eye) for a few days to heal the eye from some abrasions. I deliberately did not use my other gear because I didn't want to gook up the EVF and eyecup with my ointmented eye and any residue around it on the skin and lids. I was getting a bit frustrated as I really like to shoot on pretty much a daily basis....and then remembered the small RX100 and how I could use it without the EVF. Of course I also could have used my iPhone, too, and did one of those days until I remembered the RX100 and thought what a good time to get it out and give it some love. That did work for those few days but I was more than happy to pick up my other cameras again once I was able to discontinue using the ointment.

Ah, OK, just ran a quick Google and yes, the RX100 M VII shoots at up to 20 frames per second with no VF blackout and also can shoot seven-image bursts at up to 90 frames per second. Huh, actually I've never tried that.....!!!!
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Old finger on the lens point and shoot method…. I realise I might be being dim but…. Eh? What’s that?

I had learned it a while ago, so I just thought it was an old trick. At least, I assumed it's how people do hip shooting!

We (humans) are really good at pointing at things surprisingly accurately! If you put your index finger alongside a lens and point, it'll probably be pretty close to dead center of the frame. Useful for shooting pictures when you don't want to or can't easily see the screen! If I'm doing this I tend to leave it wider than I want, so I can crop/straighten after the fact in case I do miss.
I gave up on P&S ~ 17 years ago. The first digital ones were good, but, when you're trying to take photos of your growing kids, and half the photos are blurry/out of focus - terrible shutter lag and focusing issues were the reasons. What I did like was that you could get a underwater housing (up to 100ft) for like $125 and I used that a lot to video underwater snorkeling and diving ...
I've had a SLR since the late 70s, my last film one wa the F100 in late 90s, and then Canon came out with the D30 and I've been through several bodies, currently a 6DII with several L lenses.
When I get out I do take my DSLR and you've all seen some of my photos here, nothing today beats real glass and won't for the foreseeable future ...
My 2nd camera is my iPhone (11ProMax), quite impressive where phones have come from, and some of my photos here are from that. The 2 things where the iPhone is currently lagging P&S/DSLRs in my mind: 1. sensor size (NOT resolution) and 2. optical zoom. iPhone currently has 3 fixed zoom setting/lenses (.5, 1, 2 or 2.5), in-between those lenses is computation, not optical zoom and that's fine, for now. Further improvements will come, no doubt but I cannot see an iPhone reaching anywhere close to my favorite lens, the 100-400 or @Dockland 's 600, my guess is not in my lifetime.

Having said all of that, and as others have said, it does NOT matter which camera type you use, it's about capturing the moment, the scene. nothing else really matters. And some people are happy with "lesser quality" photos and others are "perfectionists". To each their own and good that everyone is different ...
I gave up on P&S ~ 17 years ago. The first digital ones were good, but, when you're trying to take photos of your growing kids, and half the photos are blurry/out of focus - terrible shutter lag and focusing issues were the reasons. What I did like was that you could get a underwater housing (up to 100ft) for like $125 and I used that a lot to video underwater snorkeling and diving ...
I've had a SLR since the late 70s, my last film one wa the F100 in late 90s, and then Canon came out with the D30 and I've been through several bodies, currently a 6DII with several L lenses.
When I get out I do take my DSLR and you've all seen some of my photos here, nothing today beats real glass and won't for the foreseeable future ...
My 2nd camera is my iPhone (11ProMax), quite impressive where phones have come from, and some of my photos here are from that. The 2 things where the iPhone is currently lagging P&S/DSLRs in my mind: 1. sensor size (NOT resolution) and 2. optical zoom. iPhone currently has 3 fixed zoom setting/lenses (.5, 1, 2 or 2.5), in-between those lenses is computation, not optical zoom and that's fine, for now. Further improvements will come, no doubt but I cannot see an iPhone reaching anywhere close to my favorite lens, the 100-400 or @Dockland 's 600, my guess is not in my lifetime.

Having said all of that, and as others have said, it does NOT matter which camera type you use, it's about capturing the moment, the scene. nothing else really matters. And some people are happy with "lesser quality" photos and others are "perfectionists". To each their own and good that everyone is different ...

Thats funny I don't have these issues with my P&S nor any P&S besides my first digital camera in 2003.
I bought a P&S camera just last year—a LUMIX DMC-S1 in hot pink for my daughter. It is a good first camera for her, and it was only $25 on eBay, and I think it had a shutter count of 20-something. I’ll likely buy another P&S for my son, too. They are plentiful and cheap since folks are moving to phones. Recycling on the cheap, with no apps to distract them from taking pictures!
Thats funny I don't have these issues with my P&S nor any P&S besides my first digital camera in 2003.
Well, as I said, about 17 years ago so the p&s from 2000/1/2 had bad shutter lag and focus issues.
I would assume all that is better now, but I personally am not planning on spending money on a p&s anymore
I bought a P&S camera just last year—a LUMIX DMC-S1 in hot pink for my daughter. It is a good first camera for her, and it was only $25 on eBay, and I think it had a shutter count of 20-something. I’ll likely buy another P&S for my son, too. They are plentiful and cheap since folks are moving to phones. Recycling on the cheap, with no apps to distract them from taking pictures!
That makes perfect sense…
I don’t use a point and shoot. If I’m going out for photography I use the DSLR. If I’m not going out for photography I use my iPhone. The user case for what exists between those two things doesn’t really exist for me. But we are all different.
The most important thing is you learn to use the camera you have to the best of your ability to get the most out of that equipment and to enjoy your photography.
I had learned it a while ago, so I just thought it was an old trick. At least, I assumed it's how people do hip shooting!

We (humans) are really good at pointing at things surprisingly accurately! If you put your index finger alongside a lens and point, it'll probably be pretty close to dead center of the frame. Useful for shooting pictures when you don't want to or can't easily see the screen! If I'm doing this I tend to leave it wider than I want, so I can crop/straighten after the fact in case I do miss.

I had a play... that is a genius tip for getting better shots from the hip.....
Lovely photograph. I live on the other side of the Tay and cycle past the V&A (actually through it) on the way to work.
Nice. I am to the west (maybe south west) in Glasgow. We are heading back through there the week after next for one our annual short family trips out. So I am taking a punt on you calling Woodhaven or Newport on Tay home? We like to visit the Newport Hotel for food on the way over there and also love Forgans in Broughtyferry.

The V&A building is a challenge to get an image of it as there are so many abstract angles to try for arent there?

We will be making the obligatory trip to Temtsmuir too. The trees are lovely to photograph there. You live in a beautiful part of the world!
No prizes for guessing my weapon of choice when it comes to straps.

Not entirely on topic, but I just saw this Sony “ad” and it looks like they’re using the PD hardware for everything when shooting in pretty tough conditions! Even trusting it to tether the camera to a climbing harness for big wall shots. Right now I use their Capture, have a couple quick releases, and recently the tripod too. Can’t wait for the new Kickstarter phone case with built-in tripod, which should be great for the new iPhones with night mode! Which (back on topic) will probably put my iPhone ahead of my RX100 when it comes to night pics if it works well, since the tripod is so portable! And with a 30” exposure the iPhone 12 can actually get some pretty decent astro pics!

Didn't watch the video but by the context of your post I assume that by "PD" you're alluding to Peak Design camera straps and other similar gear..... I know that their stuff is very popular among a lot of photographers, but I've never been too eager to try it; not sure that I would ever completely trust it. I'm perfectly happy with my Op/Tech straps that I've used for years.
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