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I have MobileFiles Pro (which I'm refusing to update to Quicksheet) and am still going to wait and see what the DocsToGo app actually contains and whether they say Excel and Powerpoint editing will be included in future updates.

That's my only concern with quickoffice, if they come out with a powerpoint module, i have a feeling they will create a new app and call it quickoffice premium or something. but hopefully they learned their lesson and won't do that but i'm not holding my breath.
Very disappointed with DataViz. Why on earth would they not add spreadsheet creating/ editing to their app? :confused:

They've had long enough to do it. I might have to buy QuickOffice now- which is highly annoying seeing as I was one of their early customers who they conned with QuickSheet.
Wow, unbelievable if it's actually true. What's "DocsToGo with Exchange Attachments Edition" exactly? Does this mean there will be multiple versions of the DocsToGo app similar to the Quickoffice suite?

I wonder if this is going to be work around allowing us the edit and forward Word files attached to emails?
Very disappointed with DataViz. Why on earth would they not add spreadsheet creating/ editing to their app? :confused:

They've had long enough to do it. I might have to buy QuickOffice now- which is highly annoying seeing as I was one of their early customers who they conned with QuickSheet.

I'd have to agree. Why would they cripple the iPhone app when those features and more are available on other mobile platforms? i"d also say that the excuses that they are giving for why it hasn't been released are getting really annoying. They're still not even saying what the app can and can't do.
I'd have to agree. Why would they cripple the iPhone app when those features and more are available on other mobile platforms? i"d also say that the excuses that they are giving for why it hasn't been released are getting really annoying. They're still not even saying what the app can and can't do.

I think DataViz have either been rejected by Apple; or like other developers (like WebIs Mobile- Pocket Informant guys) there seems to be a hold up with app approval. No doubt due to WWDC.

I am seriously thinking of trying QuickOffice out again. I've just checked them out on Twitter and they seem pretty active. One of their posts (twitters?) also said that they will eventually bring the QuickOffice version to QuickSheet:

"The new features will be in Quicksheet and Quickword as well, very soon!"

So, maybe I should just wait until they freely(?) update the app I have already purchased :rolleyes:
I wonder if this is going to be work around allowing us the edit and forward Word files attached to emails?

Once Apple plays nice for a change and permits Readdledocs to release an updated version of their app (which will allow uploading to iDisk), you'll have a workaround by forwarding the files to Readdledocs, uploading to iDisk and putting them in your favorite word processing app for editing.
Very interesting but the support document link from docs to go that was listed earlier in the thread that mentioned docs to go would only have .doc editing and no spreadsheet editing is now gone. Docs to go apparently didn't want the negative "publicity"

On a different note, after the news got out that docs to go wouldn't have spreadsheet editing as well as the lengthy time in getting their app approved (i still think it was rejected but the docs to go guys are sticking to their story that apple is dragging their feet), it seems that QuickOffice got a major sales boost and is now the #1 business app in the app store.
I have asked Dataviz if their app will create/ edit spreadsheets but they've ignored me. So last night I bit the bullet and bought QuickOffice. It works as expected. Shame there's no search facility in PDF viewing or spreadsheets.
On the subject of Quickoffice, it is possible to retain text formatting on 3.0 while copying and pasting into and out of the app?
I wonder if this is going to be work around allowing us the edit and forward Word files attached to emails?

Quickoffice just announced the following:

FREE Updates (releasing soon):
- Edit 2007 .DOCX & XLSX files
- Access iPhone email attachments and forward to your Quickoffice application

That's the most convenient workaround without needing Readdledocs and MobileMe/iDisk. I'm still waiting for DTG though. If it sucks compared to Quickoffice (especially with no Excel editing or no indication to include it and Powerpoint editing in future updates), I'll have no choice but to get Quickoffice and look forward to paying another $29.99 for when Quickoffice devs release the full suite with Powerpoint editing.
It'll save extra steps not having to use Readdledocs to get email attachments. I'll still use Readdledocs to download docs off the net though.
Quickoffice just announced the following:

FREE Updates (releasing soon):
- Edit 2007 .DOCX & XLSX files
- Access iPhone email attachments and forward to your Quickoffice application

I just wonder how they are going to accomplish this task. Is there something new in 3.0 that will allow this? Or, are we going to have to forward the document to a Quickoffice server, which will then allow us to download it via our Quickoffice app?
I just wonder how they are going to accomplish this task. Is there something new in 3.0 that will allow this? Or, are we going to have to forward the document to a Quickoffice server, which will then allow us to download it via our Quickoffice app?

Good question. It could be similar to Readdledocs, unless something new in 3.0 allows this.
I just wonder how they are going to accomplish this task. Is there something new in 3.0 that will allow this? Or, are we going to have to forward the document to a Quickoffice server, which will then allow us to download it via our Quickoffice app?

I'm curious as to how this will be done as well. I assume if we can somehow download attachments from mail then we could also send them back out. I was initially extremely disappointed with quickoffice but it has got better with updates. It still desperately needs Office 2007/08 support. I can afford to wait and see if Dataviz offers something better but it's starting to look like that they won't.

If they add the ability to download files off the web (as someone else said), upload to MobileMe, & edit powerpoint files, Quickoffice can become a major winner for the iPhone and a must have. I certainly wouldn't mind having these as a paid upgrade.

EDIT: It could also be very possible that Docs to Go won't be released until 3.0 is out because features like copy/paste. Chances are that Dataviz has been working mostly with the 3.0 SDK and it utilizes those tools. It would be hard for me to believe that they would release an app with only document editing.
I notice at the bottom of the Docs To Go iPhone blurb it says...

FREE UPGRADE - Microsoft Excel Editing!
Buy either version now and receive a FREE update (when available) with support for editing and creating Microsoft Excel spreadsheets!

Doesn't actually say when this feature will be added! I notice you CAN edit Excel docs with release 1 of the Android version... :confused:
"docs to go" keep on quitting when sync with iPhone

Hello to all

I am experiencing problem with my DocsToGo in my desktop bec everytime I sync it with my iphone it keeps on quitting with an error like this:

I sent this to apple but it seems no action has been done.

Process: Documents To Go Desktop [398]
Path: /Applications/Documents To Go To Go Desktop
Identifier: com.dataviz.Documents_To_Go_Desktop
Version: ??? (1.0000.36)
Code Type: X86 (Native)
Parent Process: launchd [117]

Interval Since Last Report: 89370 sec
Crashes Since Last Report: 1
Per-App Interval Since Last Report: 26210 sec
Per-App Crashes Since Last Report: 1

Date/Time: 2010-02-22 18:08:28.596 +1100
OS Version: Mac OS X 10.5.8 (9L30)
Report Version: 6
Anonymous UUID: 655C9702-F6F9-4D27-B97D-011805062823

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