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Feb 1, 2018
Devon, England
Unfortunately, no matter what I've tried, still an issue! Here's to hoping there's a software fix incoming, otherwise these chips are somewhat somehow faulty.
Perhaps there's something here which will help you?


Oct 9, 2005
Unfortunately, no matter what I've tried, still an issue! Here's to hoping there's a software fix incoming, otherwise these chips are somewhat somehow faulty.
What's plugged in to your iMac?
Since it's doing the same thing on a brand-new iMac, I would try a complete factory wipe and reinstall of macOS, and make a new iCloud account (just to test) to see that it's not somehow related to your current account (though how it would be is completely unknown to me).
Also, reinstall your applications one at a time from their source (not a backup) and test carefully for this phenomenon. Then install the next one and re-test, until you find the culprit.
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macrumors newbie
Jul 16, 2022
This is happening to me as well - been happening for quite some time. I read that it could be something plugged into my iMac that would be causing it, but I don't have anything plugged in. I have also heard it could be a software issue with notifications, so idk if I should just keep it in DND, but like I still want my notifications. I am trying to troubleshoot with Apple Support now, but like I don't want to bring it into the store after hearing your experience haha


macrumors 65816
Aug 31, 2010
What does the iMac show as reason for waking up during the timeframe in question? Post the output of:
log show --style syslog | fgrep "Wake reason"
It could be some Bluetooth device or WiFi service refreshing. No need to have anything physically plugged in.
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Feb 1, 2018
Devon, England
Post the output of:
log show --style syslog | fgrep "Wake reason"
I had imagined that if I copied and pasted that 'code' into Terminal I would get some response.
Nothing happened at all! 😢
Did I misunderstand - or is there an error in the code?
Thanks for clarifying .... if you will advise.


macrumors G5
Jul 30, 2003
hmm... something should happen, if just a return of the command prompt, or if there is an error in the code, you should get a response reflecting that error
How long did you wait?

On my MBAir, running that command can take most of a minute before anything appears, then another couple of minutes as the list of responses completes, then, of course, finally shows the prompt, when that list is finished.
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Feb 1, 2018
Devon, England
hmm... something should happen, if just a return of the command prompt, or if there is an error in the code, you should get a response reflecting that error
How long did you wait?

On my MBAir, running that command can take most of a minute before anything appears, then another couple of minutes as the list of responses completes, then, of course, finally shows the prompt, when that list is finished.
Oops! My bad. 😢

I had no idea I had to wait for so long! I captured LOTS of data, but it took some minutes!
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macrumors newbie
Aug 17, 2022
I’ve been having this exact same issue with my M1 iMac since I bought it in February. I also thought it would get fixed with a software update but it’s been months and it hasn’t been fixed. When my iMac is sleeping it will randomly start playing that knocking noise on the speaker and the screen will turn on dim black. It only lasts a couple seconds. I also think it might be related to notifications somehow but still unsure.

I decided to contact apple support and they escalated my issue to a specialist that I had a phone call with. I showed them the video of what was happening on the forum but they suggested I go to the apple store to have my iMac checked, which I did not want to do based on this individuals experience. The specialist said I should also try to replicate the issue myself and record it so they could see further evidence of it. Unfortunately I have been unsuccessful in replicating the issue as it is very random and doesn’t happen often.

This also doesn’t seem to be a widespread issue based on the very few posts online about it and I worry it will never be fixed.


macrumors 6502
Jan 1, 2006
I have this issue on my 24” iMac! It’s definitely notifications-related. In my case, it was email. When the computer would start “ticking,” if I got into the office fast enough and wiggled the mouse, the computer would finish playing the new mail sound. Also, alerts for new email would appear.

I turned off sound notifications for new email. Hasn’t happened since.


macrumors newbie
Sep 8, 2022
I am having the exact same issue. It started happening earlier today and it's freaking me out. Seems to have started after receiving a notification on Discord.


macrumors newbie
Sep 16, 2022
I honestly think this post isn’t even true. Nothing in that computer can make that type of noise and the fact it’s happened since day 1 and the OP has just lived with it even though it wakes them up at night seems suspect.

Additionally, if you Google this there’s zero results so I highly doubt Apple employees said this was a common issue with the iMac having been out for almost a year.
I can confirm that this happens, my mom's m1 iMac will blink the message or email received on her iPhone and start clicking away for some 10 seconds, like it's bootlooping while trying to show the email/message.
It's really annoying when she's out of the house and the iMac just goes ham while I'm watching TV.


macrumors newbie
Sep 21, 2022
I get this on both M1 air and M1 pro, one being for work so the two computers have basically nothing in common. I tried turning off the mail notification, hopefully that works.


macrumors newbie
Sep 21, 2022

The sound you are hearing is the “boop” notification sound. You can change that in sound preferences if you don’t like that sound. Something is triggering a notification. Go to Notification preferences and you can turn off the sound for individual apps with a check box.

BTW - I had the same problem in my M1Pro MacBook.
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macrumors newbie
Jul 16, 2022
What does the iMac show as reason for waking up during the timeframe in question? Post the output of:
log show --style syslog | fgrep "Wake reason"
It could be some Bluetooth device or WiFi service refreshing. No need to have anything physically plugged in.
2022-09-26 21:58:26.382932-0400 localhost kernel[0]: (corecapture) 191736.676167 wlan0.A[12815] systemWokenByWiFi@39728:Wake reason = wlan, kern.wakereason: 'SMC.OutboxNotEmpty smc.70070000 wifibt wlan'


macrumors 65816
Aug 31, 2010
2022-09-26 21:58:26.382932-0400 localhost kernel[0]: (corecapture) 191736.676167 wlan0.A[12815] systemWokenByWiFi@39728:Wake reason = wlan, kern.wakereason: 'SMC.OutboxNotEmpty smc.70070000 wifibt wlan'
Now that is finally a feedback, others (more versed than me) can work with!
The first thing I'd try after a quick search are the steps recommended here:
1.Run command in terminal: sudo pmset -a tcpkeepalive 0
2.Run command in terminal: sudo pmset -a powernap 0
3.Make sure these options is not checked: "System Preferences->Battery->Optimized battery charging" and "System Preferences->Battery->Power Adapter->Wake for network access"
Btw, I also have all of these disabled on my devices to prevent interrupted sleep.
However, I can't see how it's actually related to the sound you are hearing.
Last edited:


macrumors regular
Feb 22, 2014
Cincinnati, Ohio
Unfortunately, no matter what I've tried, still an issue! Here's to hoping there's a software fix incoming, otherwise these chips are somewhat somehow faulty.
I am curious if you plugged the new Mac and the previous Mac into the same outlet. Have you tried a different outlet? Could this be coming from your power source in the house?


macrumors newbie
Jul 16, 2022
Now that is finally a feedback, others (more versed than me) can work with!
The first thing I'd try after a quick search are the steps recommended here:

Btw, I also have all of these disabled on my devices to prevent interrupted sleep.
However, I can't see how it's actually related to the sound you are hearing.
I did find that as well! It was doing it kind of non-stop last night, and stopped after I turned these features off. Will see if it continues


macrumors newbie
Jul 16, 2022


macrumors newbie
Oct 8, 2022
I have the EXACT same problem. I bought my. 24" iMac in September 2022 (1 month ago). Last week, randomly, it started making this ticking time bomb type of sound. It does it when it's sleeping. It shuts off (eventually) on it's own. Or if I move the mouse and wake it up. It's a very "digital" sound - definitely not a hard drive or fan (as other posts mention about sounds coming from a Mac). It's about 100 beats per minute. So strange and annoying. I'll post a video when it happens again.


macrumors 6502
Oct 26, 2007
It just started (or I just started noticing this) on my now 13 month old (sigh…) iMac 2021 8/256.

I did install Discord so I’ll look at the notifications for that.


macrumors member
Nov 6, 2011
Did I overlook it? Does the sound issue from the speakers or from other hardware? The path to remedy is very different for the two cases. Do you hear the sound if the sound is muted? Do you hear the sound if you plug in a set of cheap wired ear buds with the cable transected about an inch from the plug?
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