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May 3, 2013
Berlin, Berlin
You never answered whether you disabled PowerNap.
He didn't, because as far as I can tell the option to toggle off PowerNap no longer exists on arm64 Macs. The system will always wake a sleeping Mac when it sees fit. What you can do is avoid sending the machine to sleep altogether and only switch off the display. Keep it running in idle mode. Isn't that the norm on iOS devices anyway?
Bildschirmfoto 2022-10-16 um 09.57.25.png


macrumors regular
Feb 22, 2014
Cincinnati, Ohio
Since this has occurred with two Macs and does not seem to be a common problem have you tried plugging the system in from a different outlet to see if maybe the problem is in the electrical connection? It is a long shot, but I only mention this because a similar situation happened to me with a kitchen appliance some years ago that clicked when plugged into one outlet, but not when plugged into another. I wish you good luck in finding the solution to his mess.


macrumors newbie
Oct 8, 2022
I have the EXACT same problem. I bought my. 24" iMac in September 2022 (1 month ago). Last week, randomly, it started making this ticking time bomb type of sound. It does it when it's sleeping. It shuts off (eventually) on it's own. Or if I move the mouse and wake it up. It's a very "digital" sound - definitely not a hard drive or fan (as other posts mention about sounds coming from a Mac). It's about 100 beats per minute. So strange and annoying. I'll post a video when it happens again.


macrumors newbie
Dec 9, 2022
Did anyone ever figure out the cause?? It's so annoying and my computer does it too.


macrumors newbie
Dec 19, 2022
I just got my iMac a week ago and it’s doing the exact same thing! This evening it has happened 5 times and it’s doing it again right now.



macrumors newbie
Sep 21, 2022
I turned them all off, I don't mean the option to show notifications here or there either. The top slider for "allow notifications", I turned every single one off. Then after I verified that my laptops (this happened on all of my macs) weren't possessed any more, I added them back one by one to find the culprit.
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macrumors newbie
Dec 25, 2022
When my iMac is asleep, from day one, it has spontaneously made this weird clicking sound. The screen illuminates and the sound starts immediately, it then just goes off by itself and happens again whenever. I have formatted and set up as new multiple times, and it continues to happen. It seems like Mail and Message notifications are jamming? It often wakes me up when it happens randomly in the early hours, and I feel that I should not have to turn my 2021 iMac M1 off every single day to avoid this happening.

No updates have fixed this, so I finally took it to the Apple Store UWS although they are refusing to do anything about it. They claimed that is an 'emerging issue' and to wait for an update to fix it, although they don't seem confident and I am highly doubtful that software would fix this. They simply want to just give it back to me formatted and wait for some supposed update that could come out whenever? I'm deeply frustrated by this, and it is not what I expect from Apple. They pressured me to purchase Apple Care as it would 'make a difference' with the engineers but it was all in vain, and were snappy to me on the phone when I mentioned that it does not seem to be a widespread issue to necessarily be exclusively software. "Have you spoken to everyone?" and I was honestly pretty taken aback. I'm likely just going to throw in the towel and pick up my iMac, in the same state as it was when I handed it in, and hope for the best when this supposed software fix magically comes out 'someday'.

Hoping somebody else has experienced or is aware of this, I felt the need to finally make some noise because I'm not getting served from the source. Thank you!

View attachment 2002117

View attachment 2002118
Same issue here. Nothing seems to help. If you’ve found and answer please share. TY!


macrumors newbie
Feb 7, 2023
Charleston, SC
When my iMac is asleep, from day one, it has spontaneously made this weird clicking sound. The screen illuminates and the sound starts immediately, it then just goes off by itself and happens again whenever. I have formatted and set up as new multiple times, and it continues to happen. It seems like Mail and Message notifications are jamming? It often wakes me up when it happens randomly in the early hours, and I feel that I should not have to turn my 2021 iMac M1 off every single day to avoid this happening.

No updates have fixed this, so I finally took it to the Apple Store UWS although they are refusing to do anything about it. They claimed that is an 'emerging issue' and to wait for an update to fix it, although they don't seem confident and I am highly doubtful that software would fix this. They simply want to just give it back to me formatted and wait for some supposed update that could come out whenever? I'm deeply frustrated by this, and it is not what I expect from Apple. They pressured me to purchase Apple Care as it would 'make a difference' with the engineers but it was all in vain, and were snappy to me on the phone when I mentioned that it does not seem to be a widespread issue to necessarily be exclusively software. "Have you spoken to everyone?" and I was honestly pretty taken aback. I'm likely just going to throw in the towel and pick up my iMac, in the same state as it was when I handed it in, and hope for the best when this supposed software fix magically comes out 'someday'.

Hoping somebody else has experienced or is aware of this, I felt the need to finally make some noise because I'm not getting served from the source. Thank you!

View attachment 2002117

View attachment 2002118
Hey Mike - I have a brand new Mac and mine is doing the same thing. Did you ever get the issue resolved?


macrumors newbie
Dec 9, 2022
UGH!!!! I can't stand this issue...WHY has no one been able to figure it out??? There's got to be a fix!!


Jun 8, 2018
The ceremonial blocks of wood being clicked together... I actually saw this happen to a Best Buy floor unit iMac, wish I recorded it.

I agree with the suggestion that it may be necessary to forego sleep altogether and only turn the display off, the power consumption increase should not be as bad on these machines, or I hope not. Otherwise it is absurd this is not fixed, incredibly obnoxious and disruptive.


Mar 19, 2010
Hello! In answer #7 you said "I turned off my Mac every night..."

May I suggest you watch and listen here:-

I do hope your problem is sorted. Good luck. 🙂
He gives only two examples of why not to shut it down:
1) Indexing
My response > the mac only indexes when you've first installed a new system or suddenly added a ton of files and after less than 10 minutes it'll be done. So shutting down the mac after you've been using it during the day will not interfer with indexing.

2) Backups
My response > only if you have it set to automatic backups when it's in sleep mode. Many of us do backups other ways, like manually using carbon copy cloner. So unless you've specifically set up you mac to do backups when it's in sleep mode, that's a moot point.

Ultimately, the dork in that video tries to act like he's giving you this 'precious' info and it's just kinda lame.
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macrumors 6502
Oct 26, 2007
He gives only two examples of why not to shut it down:
1) Indexing
My response > the mac only indexes when you've first installed a new system or suddenly added a ton of files and after less than 10 minutes it'll be done. So shutting down the mac after you've been using it during the day will not interfer with indexing.

2) Backups
My response > only if you have it set to automatic backups when it's in sleep mode. Many of us do backups other ways, like manually using carbon copy cloner. So unless you've specifically set up you mac to do backups when it's in sleep mode, that's a moot point.

Ultimately, the dork in that video tries to act like he's giving you this 'precious' info and it's just kinda lame.
The story of YouTube.

Knocking Mac

macrumors newbie
Apr 1, 2023
When my iMac is asleep, from day one, it has spontaneously made this weird clicking sound. The screen illuminates and the sound starts immediately, it then just goes off by itself and happens again whenever. I have formatted and set up as new multiple times, and it continues to happen. It seems like Mail and Message notifications are jamming? It often wakes me up when it happens randomly in the early hours, and I feel that I should not have to turn my 2021 iMac M1 off every single day to avoid this happening.

No updates have fixed this, so I finally took it to the Apple Store UWS although they are refusing to do anything about it. They claimed that is an 'emerging issue' and to wait for an update to fix it, although they don't seem confident and I am highly doubtful that software would fix this. They simply want to just give it back to me formatted and wait for some supposed update that could come out whenever? I'm deeply frustrated by this, and it is not what I expect from Apple. They pressured me to purchase Apple Care as it would 'make a difference' with the engineers but it was all in vain, and were snappy to me on the phone when I mentioned that it does not seem to be a widespread issue to necessarily be exclusively software. "Have you spoken to everyone?" and I was honestly pretty taken aback. I'm likely just going to throw in the towel and pick up my iMac, in the same state as it was when I handed it in, and hope for the best when this supposed software fix magically comes out 'someday'.

Hoping somebody else has experienced or is aware of this, I felt the need to finally make some noise because I'm not getting served from the source. Thank you!

View attachment 2002117

View attachment 2002118
Same thing is happening to me. Physical kicking noise. NOT from the microphone— I can feel the hard drive clicking. Going to contact Apple and see if there is a remedy.


macrumors member
Dec 30, 2015
Not sure if this is the same thing, but on both prior late 2013 mbp 13" (Big Sur) and current 2023 mbp 14" (Ventura) I hear what sounds somewhat like an old hard disk drive noise when several third party software updates occur. Neither of these machines has a hard drive (both use SSDs). Also had to turn off notification sound for new emails, which was driving me bonkers. There may be (at least) one remaining notification, but that may actually be my neighbor's Android or iPhone doing something while he's outside smoking. I assume my (normally powered off) iPhone cannot generate a notification sound.

Unsure if there is a single place where all activated notification sounds can be found (both for Apple software and for third party notifications - including macrumors, if it uses notification sounds). I normally just say no to allow notifications, but somehow, occasionally one or two goes active, and I have to deactivate them. Maybe I click too quickly, or maybe a defect at the website. Several of the third party applications do not appear in the notifications tab (but they may not send notifications, or may not conform to the normal way of sending notifications).

Also, on 2023 unit, I notice the external monitor (attached via HDMI to the HDMI 2.1 port) will sometimes switch from power saver mode (orange LED) to a more active state (white LED) without video, and without the internal screen displaying anything. Then it will go back to power saver mode. Monitor is an older Lenovo 2.5k with HDMI 1.4 and TB-2/displayport connection options. Waiting to apply 13.3 for a few more days, since nothing major is bad at this time. Sometimes this appears to happen about the same time as one of the third party software packages updates.
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macrumors 6502
Mar 24, 2011
still happening on my m1 iMac. Knocking when a notifacation arrives when in sleep - some sort of wake up failure I suspect. Coming from the speaker. Anyone have a fix?

Silly John Fatty

macrumors 68000
Nov 6, 2012
That sounds insane. Apple is bringing out products with more and more issues. Apple isn't really a quality company anymore. The problem: There's not many quality companies these days.

Also, I don't know the situation in the US, but in the EU you have a legal warranty which lasts 2 years (I think it was increased to 3 years and the plan is even 5 I think), so you could always return it, no matter what. Even after years.

So you guys should check this out. Maybe something similar exists in your countries as well.


macrumors 603
May 20, 2010
Los Angeles, CA
I do not know the cause of that issue, but I have experienced it as well on every Apple Silicon Mac I've ever owned while running pretty much any version of macOS Monterey and only the initial release (13.0) of macOS Ventura. Never had it on Big Sur and never had it past 13.0. People at my local Apple Store also had that on some of their Apple Silicon Mac hardware (2021 16-inch MacBook Pros too). It got resolved shortly after that. Never happened on any of my Intel Macs running those releases. It wouldn't happen on work machines, but anything with my usual software assortment and my Apple ID signed into it would have the problem. Not sure what it'd be; it's not like my Mac apps are that esoteric.
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