I, like a lot of people, bought an early 09 iMac. I'm posting this so people aren't discouraged by their purchase. Although the new iMacs look fantastic I can't wait to see what Apple has in store after this now that they finally are getting away from Dual Core. Next time i'm buying a new computer will be when 10.7 comes out or 10.8. Not to mention they still have the ATI Radeon 4850 in the 27 inch model which now instead of being limited by the processor it's going to be limited by the graphics card. I'll gladly keep my early 09 iMac. Hopefully in two to five years all of the iMacs will have a quad core as default with the high end as an Octo core with a high end graphics card. Now that Apple has FINALLY gotten away from dual core I see some amazing things for the iMac lineup in the future. Also the design needs an overhaul. It's been essentially the same since 07. So I suggest waiting a couple of years when a new OS comes out then picking one up. Right now it makes no sense to sell a not even year old computer just because the new one came out with a fancy processor and a larger screen. Which personally I prefer 16:10 WAY more than 16:9 for computer resolutions. So enjoy your current computer and realize there will always be something new right around the corner. Clearly it is powerful enough for your needs if you purchased it.