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It probably depends on your music or movies...

I copy everything to iTunes as lossless so just a few albums eat up a LOT of space. So if you like lossless, the more space the better.

True ... though is 64gb enough for that approach? I think it's tilting at windmills to think 64gb removes all limits. A bluray movie is natively up to 20gb or more.
This is just silly.

1) afraid because of the "finger" incident? One out of a million sold, and that's what you are worried about?

2) your space needs will only go up, not down. Apps will continue to build up, movies, music, shows, ect... Having more space now may seem overkill, but that is just being short sighted.
your space needs will only go up, not down. Apps will continue to build up, movies, music, shows, ect... Having more space now may seem overkill, but that is just being short sighted.

It depends. Getting more space may be shortsighted. You won't keep the first-gen iPad forever. I suspect most of us will upgrade to iPad 2 next year.

Meanwhile, since none of the models can hold all of a media library, the choice mainly amounts to:

- have a small fraction of your library loaded, rely on streaming for everything else (16gb)
- have a little more of your library loaded, rely on streaming for the rest (32 gb)
- have a moderate amount of your library loaded, rely on streaming for the rest (64gb)

If you approach it philosophically from the perspective that you will mainly stream media, there's no need to load more than some favorites. For example ... I don't use the iPad for music, I use iTunes (at home) or my 64gb iPod (everywhere else). I don't watch movie files I've saved on the iPad, I watch streaming Netflix.

As for these hypothetical 10gb apps people keep talking about, I'll believe it when I see it, and in any case, a 64gb iPad could hold a max of six of them ... again, it's not like you're picking between 25KB and 2TB.

There is no technical disadvantage to more space. It doesn't weigh more, it doesn't make the battery die faster etc. It just costs more. There is appeal in getting the max size just to resolve the issue as best you can, but I suspect a lot of people with 64gb iPads load it up with media they don't need on it out of habit.
I know I won't need that much space, I'm quite happy to manage my content in any event. My 16G iPod Touch has 9 gig of free space. I know the iPad is a different device but anything too big is a bit pointless for me.
Hell, my iPhone 3G 8 GB is far from full, think I use 5 GB on it. And then I got Navigon and stuff I never use installed, also installed 2 games the other day, think ima remove 1 of them since it is boring.

Music is streamed via Spotify (except for my favorite playlists that are made availiable offline). If I wanted to watch movies i'd stream them from home.

How big is a movie in iPad format? Max 2 GB? How many movies will you watch before you have access to your computer or internet again? You can't bring all your movies even if you get the 64 GB version, so you'd have to stream/resync eiher way.

If the choice was to either be able to bring the whole library or not, then it would be different.
How do you know there's not going to be some new must-have App that comes out in a few months that requires 10gb of space?

Apps have a 2GB limit don't they? The Elements app being the largest so far using the entire 2GB limit. Or maybe I'm wrong about that.
It depends. Getting more space may be shortsighted. You won't keep the first-gen iPad forever. I suspect most of us will upgrade to iPad 2 next year.

Meanwhile, since none of the models can hold all of a media library, the choice mainly amounts to:

- have a small fraction of your library loaded, rely on streaming for everything else (16gb)
- have a little more of your library loaded, rely on streaming for the rest (32 gb)
- have a moderate amount of your library loaded, rely on streaming for the rest (64gb)

If you approach it philosophically from the perspective that you will mainly stream media, there's no need to load more than some favorites. For example ... I don't use the iPad for music, I use iTunes (at home) or my 64gb iPod (everywhere else). I don't watch movie files I've saved on the iPad, I watch streaming Netflix.

As for these hypothetical 10gb apps people keep talking about, I'll believe it when I see it, and in any case, a 64gb iPad could hold a max of six of them ... again, it's not like you're picking between 25KB and 2TB.

There is no technical disadvantage to more space. It doesn't weigh more, it doesn't make the battery die faster etc. It just costs more. There is appeal in getting the max size just to resolve the issue as best you can, but I suspect a lot of people with 64gb iPads load it up with media they don't need on it out of habit.

Yes, not with the upgrading in a year. But with streaming, apps like Air Video and Netflix. Ideally for me, 40G model would have been perfect but I knew 32 was too little.

I load movies on it, not because of habit but because I don't want my PC on all the time so streaming is not possible at times. And as much as I love Netflix, some of the stuff I like watching they don't have in HD so I put it on my Ipad.

I also have much Audiobooks on the iPad and they can take up quite a bit of space.
Here in the UK, I'm guessing the 32gb 3G and 64gb Wifi, both £599, will be the big sellers - essentially a toss up between more space or 3G. £699 for the 64gb 3G is eyepoppingly expensive by any estimation, anyone after that bad boy won't have any trouble locating stock methinks!

I usually plump for max capacity but this time I'm going for the 32gb 3G for a number of reasons. I won't be putting any music on there as that's what the 64gb iPhone IV is for. That means 32gb for apps, a few gig of podcasts for listening to around the house and the rest for video. More than enough for me, although I confess I've accumulated 10tb+ of video over the years, heh.
For an extra $100.00 your getting double the memory, and are making sure that you never run out.

You say wont put movies or music on it? What if you change you mind ?
What if the apps get bigger and better?

I have a 32 gig iphone. I bought it thinking i wanted the extra memory just in case, never imagining that I would come close to filling it up. I thought this because for music I have 160 gig ipod classic, but in the last two months ive grown tired of carrying two devices around with me and decided to max out the iphone with the tunes I listen to the most.
I copy everything to iTunes as lossless so just a few albums eat up a LOT of space. So if you like lossless, the more space the better.

On a portable device that is kind of like putting premium gas in a moped. There is no point to waisting all that space. The iPad audio system isn't good enough to make that worthwhile, even with the finest professional headphones or ear buds. 320kbps does just fine in that situation. Lossless audio only shines when you have a complete system including decent home or car amp or receiver and speakers.

For an extra $100.00 your getting double the memory, and are making sure that you never run out.

For a $100 you can have a nice dinner out for two. I can think of millions of things to do w/ an extra $100. If you don't need the extra 16GBs, you don't need it. 16GBs holds more media than any productive person would use in a month.
If you don't need the extra 16GBs, you don't need it. 16GBs holds more media than any productive person would use in a month.

I don't think that this is a "one size fits all" kind of issue. I am happy that the OP finds 16GB to work well.

However, we are all in different situations. Some of us carry LARGE amounts of data for work and, because of this, our employers purchase them.

We don't know what will be released in the next year for the ipad and therefore, how much space we might "need."

AND, I will most certainly re-sell the iPad and, I have found, that the more memory it has, the better it will sell.

Therefore the 64GB was the right purchase for me! But again, there is certainly no "right answer" for everyone.
For an extra $100.00 your getting double the memory, and are making sure that you never run out.

This is a key issue. 64gb doesn't make sure that you never run out of space. 64gb isn't that much. Obviously it's more than 32 or 16, so it gives the best odds of never running out ... but it depends what types of files are essential to you. If you buy the 64gb and load it up with Best of Blondie and Ghostbusters 2, two things will happen. The first is that you'll prove to yourself that you needed 64gb. The second is that you'll rarely if ever use that media.

64gb is the right choice for some situations - I don't mean to imply it's not. I am only reacting to the "you may as well max out" approach, which I think doesn't necessarily make sense for this device.
I had hoped to integrate it with Mobileme when I was out and mt Time Capsule when I was at home. I understand streaming is possible but my thought that MM is expensive an rubbish has bee ratified.

I have a 16gb and have loads of spare space, decided to use my iPod for music in any scale. I have also got into the habit of moving apps that don't meet my needs onto the last screen and delete then next sync.
I don't think that this is a "one size fits all" kind of issue. I am happy that the OP finds 16GB to work well.

However, we are all in different situations. Some of us carry LARGE amounts of data for work and, because of this, our employers purchase them.

I have not seen any security software apart from log on 4 characters. Personally I would not put anything on that I wanted to keep secure or out of our competitors hands.
After watching the keynote for the introduction of the iPad last January, I decided then I would go for the 64GB 3G version. When the WiFi version came out I was tempted to go to the Apple Store and get one right away. I didn't and was determined to wait for the 3G.

I had a few friends that bought the WiFi on day one. One went with a 16GB and the other with a 64GB. They also had a Verizon MiFi card already so they weren't concerned about the 3G version. I on the other hand, was more interested in the 3G because I don't have WiFi at home and I access the Internet through an AT&T laptop connect card with my laptop. The laptop connect card contract was coming to an end, and thanks to my friends I switched to a Verizon MiFi card. Based on their usage of the iPad and seeing how the iPad uses space I opted then for the 32GB model. I probably could have gotten by with the 16GB model and I thought at this point 64 was overkill. I have an iPhone 3G 8GB for almost 2 years now and still have 3GB free so that made me more confident that 64 was too much.

I bought a 32GB WiFi unit 2 weeks after the launch and love it so far. I still have just over 22GB free and based on the usage so far could easily free up another 2GB by deleting most of the music on it. I currently have about 600 songs on it and have rarely played any of them. My entire music library of 3000 plus songs lives on my 80 GB iPod Classic and that still has almost 60GB free. I have about 75 apps on the device over 2500 photos and a few Modern Family episodes and a movie on it. I also downloaded a few books from iBooks and my Kindle books that were purchased from Kindle from iPhone. All of that and still 22GB free.

As iPad specific apps come out to replace the iPhone versions I normally use like Pocket Informant, Appigo ToDo, etc the iPhone apps will go away. Right now I would say half the apps I have are iPad specific. I also see myself deleting any movies and tv shows after I watch them and when traveling will fill up the iPad with movies and stuff to watch while on the plane or whatever. I do know I will add mor photos and those will eat up a lot of space, but I don't intend on keeping my entire photo collection on it either. As with my iPhone I will edit what pictures and albums are there and usually just keep photos taken within the last year or those that have a special meaning to me. Any others I can put on take off as needed.

Buy what you can afford and how you think you will use the device. Everybody doesn't need the high end but many posters on here make you feel less than worthy if you don't have the elitist 64 GB 3G version. I, for one, couldn't be happier that I changed my original plans and went with the cheaper model. Coupled with the MiFi, I can now sync my iPad, iPhone and laptop together, and the cost for me is the same as it was with just the laptop connect card, but the benefits are far greater. I don't regret getting the WiFi at all nor getting the 32GB over the 64GB. My usage thus far has shown that it was unneeded.
Its all about what you need and what works for you. I opted for the 64gig wifi because my internet at home is terrible and so I carry most of my media on it when im on the go and so on. I didnt get the 3g version because I dont wanna pay and extra 30$ per month when I can tether to my smartphone and use unlimited internet for free (sprint has been rather good to me). I also have an impulse to buy things at least 1 step above everybody else.

For somebody like you a 16gb would be great it seems.
where did you buy in NoVa?? I just checked online and there is none available in the springfield area

If I knew there were some in stock, I would have been on my way. I am in DC
I would have bought 128GB even if it was $799/$929. Probably would have considered a 256GB too.

The iPad is a fantastic device for videos, and as I convert mine to be as high as possible for the iPad (1024x576) it takes up a lot of space, even on the 64GB. Space is worth it for me, and it's reassuring for the future.
So I have been waiting for some places to get some stock in so I can buy an iPad. At first I wanted to get the 3G version. Then I came to the conclusion that I probably won't take it out of the house. I never go anywhere where I would need it. Plus I have an iPhone, and after the "finger" incident, I am a bit nervous to have it in public.

So I found a few Best Buys in the area who had some in stock. And I can say at least for the Northern VA area, Best Buys will NOT hold an iPad if you call. They say it is first come first serve. Only the Springfield store will hold them.

I went back and forth on the size, 16 or 32. I know I will not put any music or movies on it, I mainly just wanted it for browsing and reading in bed or whenever I don't feel like sitting at my desktop, and some apps.

Unfortunately my friends all kept saying to get the 32 because ya never know how big the apps will be in the future. The "Better to have too much than not enough" type of attitude. And it seems that is the general consensus from people online as well.

So I get the 32 and dive right into it. There are not a lot of apps I want at the moment, and some of the apps I like on the the iPhone have little meaning on the iPad because it is much easier to just browse the regular websites.

On my 16g iPhone 3GS I am only using 4 gigs. The non-game apps for the iPad are not really that much bigger. I couldn't see me having more than 14 gig of apps.

I would love to take back the 32 and exchange it for a 16 and use the extra money to buy some accessories. But after paying the restocking fee at BB it wouldn't be worth the effort.

So I guess the moral is....Bigger is not always better, and don't live up to the hype that you may need the extra space later. If you already have an iPhone, look at how much you really use on that to get an idea on how big of an iPad you need. Save the extra money and buy some stuff for your iPad.

So now I have more space that I will ever need. I fell for the hype.

speak for yourself. it's a media device designed to store music and video. you should have got the 16gb version.

when it comes to HD space, more is always less for me.
This discussion seems rather academic to me. The iPad is not upgradeable. So you either buy it with the storage you need or you are stuck.

The ONLY consideration here is the $100/$200 difference between 16, 32, and 64GB. So, if you can afford it, then it's a no-brainer.

If the money is a strong consideration, then you get what you can afford that will suit YOUR personal style and usage pattern. Different people have different needs, hence the different models. :D

However, it seems to me that $200 aside, the non-upgradeable nature of the iPad's storage makes the 64GB the preferred option. Cloud storage options notwithstanding, its not like it consumes more energy or takes up more space or it weighs more. Everything is the same except capacity. This is one case where bigger is better, unless you don't want to spend the extra coin. If you don't need the space, you don't need it, but if your situation ever changed and you did need it, your only option is to buy a new one.

My very humble opinion of course. :D
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