Let's say hypothetically there was a $929 version that's just like the $829 version, but it has an FM tuner built in. Battery life is the same, weight is the same, there's no downside to it at all other than the $100. Do you pay $929 to get "the best"?
Some people will, because an FM tuner is useful for some people. Other people won't, because an FM tuner isn't useful for them.
If Steve Jobs showed up at your door and offered you any iPad for free, there'd be no good reason not to take the $929 one with FM.
For a lot of people who have made careful considerations of how they'll use iPads, capacity is a bit like this. Yes, more is better, there's no denying. It's just better in a way that some of us don't care about enough to justify paying for, even if money isn't tight.
Some people will, because an FM tuner is useful for some people. Other people won't, because an FM tuner isn't useful for them.
If Steve Jobs showed up at your door and offered you any iPad for free, there'd be no good reason not to take the $929 one with FM.
For a lot of people who have made careful considerations of how they'll use iPads, capacity is a bit like this. Yes, more is better, there's no denying. It's just better in a way that some of us don't care about enough to justify paying for, even if money isn't tight.