Isn't it funny how we all love to 'think different' and be rebellious when we're on the outside of a market looking in, but my how that changes once you tap into the mainstream. Now you have 'other concerns' ... 'it's not that simple" you exclaim ...
This is a great way of putting it, and really reflects my feelings regarding the "new" (and not-so-improved) Apple. Turns out all the speeches and rhetoric and PR campaigns about creative culture and sticking it to The Man and whatnot was pretty much just smoke and mirrors- empty spin.
As soon as Apple acquired serious marketshare (in these new iDevice segments, anyway) and achieved dominant sales/product traction, what do they do? They go straight up Microsoft in how they do things. Now its about the bottom line, market dominance, near-monopoly, squeezing $$, grabbing for the consumer dollar to the near-complete exclusion of the "creative" culture (meaning content creators), etc. Apple, essentially, is the new Microsoft. That's incredibly ironic, no?
I'd just laugh if I somehow still saw a "Hi, I'm a Mac. And I'm a PC" ad on TV these days.
Hey- the brand and company are doing great. And if shareholders are what matters most, they're certainly delivering a truly unbelievable performance to which I can only tip my hat. (Take warning though, Apple- MS was once in the exact same spot, and with similar unprecedented eye-popping numbers, and it really wasn't all that long ago... The lesson to be heeded and proactively preparing for is that no one stays at the top forever, and the mass consumer segment is probably the most fickle and "unloyal" of all). Anyway- despite not wearing suits, Apple has now pretty much become "The Man". They are now what they formerly always portrayed as the enemy.
I'd always kinda suspected that's what would happen IF they were the big kid on the block and no longer the cool counter-culture outsider, but it's weird to see it actually transpire.