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Dark said:
All you people have to be kidding me...This is like racial profiling based on cameras instead of race. Like the comment regarding Canon owners and the wedding photographers. This thread is going downhill fast.

Oh and ps. That 30d and L lens just got me hard.

You need to get a life, apparently. :D

The idea was to sink the thread but wedding :D said:
here are the announced specs, including the exciting parts about it using the existing 20 years of 645 lenses, and it soon reaching 30MP :eek: It should be fairly affordable as MF bodies go, probably similar to the upper end Nikon and Canon digital bodies

I have been hearing about this for a while but I have not seen it until now, thanks for the link. I would hope it will take 6x7 lenses also (I have a whole lot of them, would hate to see them go to waste). 30MP, NICE. :D

sierra oscar said:
yeah point taken and I can relax and give it a rest - but it's a lofty position to take at someone else's expensive - so I don't think the irony is mine

Gotta have the last word, don't you? :rolleyes:
law guy said:
It's true - the Pentax medium format item was a good redirect.

Mike, I think B.'s comment about Canon owners is in jest. Although I have noticed that folks seem a little conceited when around a Canon office copier. Now Mac owners, well no help for us. Quite snooty, I'm afraid. :)

Oh, I know. I haven't been offended a single time in the thread. bousozoku is right about most wedding photog's, however.

I never got the whole camera envy/hate thing. A friend of mine, a great photographer, is a staunch Nikon chick. She handed me her D200, and you know what I thought? "Damn. Sweet camera." Then, I did the unthinkable. I started taking pictures with it - and liked it!

And you know what I think when I pick up a 5D? "Damn. Sweet camera."

I happen to shoot Canon. Whee! :rolleyes:

I'd rather talk about photographs, not about tools. Thank God most people around here feel the same.

cgratti said:
How can you not like this?

Eek! No! My eyes! My eyes! They burn!

That lens belongs on a 5D or 1Ds body, not the 30D! :p
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