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Mountain lion dp4 Bug

Mac os x HD folder pops up every second and, It interrupts whatever I'm doing. It's quite frustrating.:mad:
Excuse me for saying so, but after reading this thread I want to run, not walk back to Snow Leopard. Even Lion sounds to close to this build. Seriously, next month? From the sounds of things, it's still in alpha stage. I mean typing "r" in Safari can crash it? What progress! :rolleyes:
not really bothered by it but when i reboot my finder window is open for some reason.

havent had any other issues with the latest built however. well, there is still the problem with "birthday" (without a name) being stuck on iCal after you turn off facebook contacts unless you reboot.
Trying to rearrange menu bar items seemed to cause general funkiness until I rebooted.

I wonder how much is fixed in today's update. Downloading now...
Installing DP4, install has stalled. Time Remaining is now at -6 minutes. Anddd continued to fall. Anyone know what's up?.
Excuse me for saying so, but after reading this thread I want to run, not walk back to Snow Leopard. Even Lion sounds to close to this build. Seriously, next month? From the sounds of things, it's still in alpha stage. I mean typing "r" in Safari can crash it? What progress! :rolleyes:

The Safari crash has nothing to do with ML, it's a bug in Safari 6 Beta only and has already been fixed in today's update to ML.

For majority of people, ML has been quite stable and a bit faster than Lion.

They're making great progress considering the first DP1.

As usual, if you're worried about bugs, avoid updating until at least 10.8.2 or 3 is out.
it's still in alpha stage. I mean typing "r" in Safari can crash it? What progress! :rolleyes:

No, of course it's not the "alpha stage". Can't you read? It's crashing in "r". Must be the "roh stage" - so very close to the final "omega release", also known as "OMGa release"

Sorry, I just couldn't resist. Didn't mean to flame :rolleyes: ;) :D
I found a bug in airplay. When you try to connect your computer to AppleTV while it's already connected to something else the resolution gets stuck and everything stays smaller thus allowing to have more screen area. My 13in Macbook below:


  • Photo Jun 19, 7 39 53 AM.jpg
    Photo Jun 19, 7 39 53 AM.jpg
    1.7 MB · Views: 190
downloading the update now, i hope this addresses some of the issues i have raised!!

i do like launched so i hope they allow variation in that again so i can put them back to 8x5 instead of 7x5 which makes my screen look small.

plus anyone notice that when putting your imac to sleep it takes a long time? it used to be instant when pressing alt+cmd+eject but now the shortcuts dont appear on the drop down menu anymore and if they are pressed, it takes a while to shut off.
Got another one - not on ML but Safari 6 bug, same as the 'r' crash in Safari 6 ML, Safari 6 in Lion crashes when typing dow - took me a while what was going on when trying to google download messages... and it kept crashing!
Got another one - not on ML but Safari 6 bug, same as the 'r' crash in Safari 6 ML, Safari 6 in Lion crashes when typing dow - took me a while what was going on when trying to google download messages... and it kept crashing!

That's been fixed for ML version of Safari 6. They haven't updated Safari 6 yet for Lion.
Computer hangs after screen sleep

I have a Mbpro 15-inch early 2011 and with DP4 the computer seems to not wake from sleep. I have to reset it and reboot to manage to use it.Is there a fix for this?

Thanks in advance!
Probably a bit `out there` but I found a bug in ML where connected to a Windows Server over SMB, if you click the server name in the Finder bar on the left all it shows is a share called '/' instead of the usual shares, click this throws up an error, the only way to access mounted shares is by manually going to /Volumes or reconnect with CMD-K and it pops back up.
Am I the only one who's keyboard shortcuts (previous/next song, pause) don't work anywhere anymore unless iTunes window is in focus? Really annoying.
twitter integration doesn't work. keeps saying invalid password or username. Facebook does work (after installing the application). Not sure if facebook integration was the cause of breaking twitter though.
twitter integration doesn't work. keeps saying invalid password or username. Facebook does work (after installing the application). Not sure if facebook integration was the cause of breaking twitter though.

Twitter integration works for me.
Just installed it and its been running smoothly for me but i really do miss RSS integration. I'm actually going to wipe my Lion partition and go all in with ML and see how it goes. Mostly cos i'm bored and feel like tempting fate.

Am i the only one who can't find Dictation or FB integration anywhere?
It don't boots with SSD (OCZ Octane 1TB), but Safe mode boots, anybody have any solutions?
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