"Drank The Koolaid" did I make a Mistake..(no)
May the Kool-aid was bad(bad pun), but Apple/Mac's are a very good machine and solid operating system, 3 party software wether for Mac's or PC's (or those daring enough to run 'bootcamp" can always (potentially lead to conflicts) and ? a Lifestyle to some!

(Conflict-Catcher was a software utility for the OS9 "Classic" Mac Operating Systems (and when You had conflicts You had conflicts and third party stuff was usually the culprit) I am not a Professional Photographer, iPhoto is fine for me and the (free) Mac Apps coming out , I am using a 2010 iMac
i3 intel processor 4GB ram 500 GB Hard drive (though Adobe comes in to play at times with myself and I am not a fan favorite) I use Garageband
(and third party Audio Units) and lately the driver updates have kept the Audio Manaufacturers a step behind in driver updates (in those products requiring them, but I would rather fight this Malware than record (I do have a cassette Porta II by Tascam for those in between times (and in a ideal world I should have a recording Mac (not used for email-web surfing) and a seporate one for email and web surfing * but then I might not have all six strings on my guitar at once (ha) but Keith Richards plays often with 5 out of 6 strings leaving the low E off I believe.
I hope things turn out better and one thing for certain, Mac's change all the time and with Thunderbolt (currently? used on external Hard drives as well as USB 3.0 will lead to unknown territory and the iPads who knows
may replace lap tops and desk tops as we know them(or something altogether different) I have a iPod Touch which I find the plethora of apps
just extraordinary and so many for free
My family has used Mac's since the days of the Apple IIC and IIE (with a 5 1/4 floppy disk, then a 3.5 disk wow have things come a long way!
I am unsure if You signed up for Applecare (best deal out there for tech support and also mac-hardwarew support) exends phone support(basically 24/7 and parts and labor from 90 days phone and 1 year parts and labor to 3 years of each at a reasonable price (damage self inflicted not covered
such as liquids, accidental droppage (but their is personal property insurance for that) at pennies on the dollar
PC's are no picnic either but 3 have made their way in, a Dell Netbook, a Sony Laptop for School and HP tower thats a bit outdates
Still have a up and running 2001 iMac (less than 1GB ram and less than 1ghZ CPU!, two emacs both 2004, a 2009 Mac Book pro and a 2010 iMac
luckily free tech support on the Windows 7 and Windows XP at College
and Apple Care on the current Macs (I still can not get over the 2001 iMac (which is partioned 50% OS9 and 50% OSX 10.3.9
I wish You nothing but the best!
This is a great web site as is Cnet.com (cross platform site)
macworld.com and its print magazine
great book (Snow Leopard The Missing Manual, with a OSX 10.7 Lion one I am sure on the way (its about 600 pages but wow what You learn)
TUAW.com not sure what that stands for but its a Mac site
and Mactracker (a free app in the Mac App store a history of Mac A-Z
from Day 1 I think, even the garage model that Steve W and Steve Jobs
made (out of partially wood, how far out is that!)
