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It looks like there were several store employees watching and at least one taking photos or a video. They should have gotten store security, held them for causing a disturbance and called their parents.
Watching that confirms to me this nation is doomed. These tools are the future leaders of society?

I know some jack off does this kind of this every time a new must have apple product come out, but it's just stupid.

Show these idiots what it takes to actually earn 500 bucks or what that kind of money would mean to so many people and maybe they change their ways, but I doubt it.
I totally agree. Also, this has nothing to do with it being an inanimate object (a previous comment). Its about values and character.

It's a stupid thing to pretending to care about starving children on a forum dedicated to boutique-priced consumer electronics is a little strange. Whether he smashed it or sleeps with it under his pillow at night, either way that $500 isn't going towards world hunger.
If that's the best thing they could think to do with 500 bucks, they're not too bright IMO.

They must have rich parents

Think about the number of people here in the UK that would have paid a fair bit of money for that.

It's utterly pointless and just not worth it.


Yeah its easy to throw away money when you are getting it from daddy.
It's a stupid thing to pretending to care about starving children on a forum dedicated to boutique-priced consumer electronics is a little strange. Whether he smashed it or sleeps with it under his pillow at night, either way that $500 isn't going towards world hunger.

Evidently you did not read what I posted. I only agreed with a previous poster. My comment has nothing to do with a "boutique-priced", etc... I spoke about values and character.
Doesn't anyone want to comment on how the ipad seems to be stronger than one may have thought? Seems to have survived the initial drop from 5 feet to concrete intact screen.

May as well make something positive out of this.
Yes they are indeed idiots. It is good to see that the iPad can take a drop to the ground, although there is no way of knowing if the insides of the unit would have handled the initial shock of hitting the ground.

The kid
who smashed his iPad

Justin blew $499 on his YouTube demolition video.

By David Sarno

Los Angeles Times

Justin Kockott took a novel approach to the iPad’s release on the weekend. Instead of rushing home with his brand-new, $499 toy to download dozens of apps and tweet about how cool it was, he decided to destroy it with a baseball bat. And make a video of it.

The clip quickly became one of YouTube’s most viewed videos. Whether you think the video is a delicious bit of counterc ultural anti-hype or more evidence of the dissolu*tion of youth, its success suggests that if nothing else, they were thinking dif ferent. We caught up with Kockott, a 19-year-old Pittsburgh high school student, to ask him about the “project.”

Q: What gave you the idea for the video?

A : Pretty much that I’ve seen people smash Wiis and Playstation 3s and stuff, so this was something ne w. I wanted to be the first one to do it before other people did it. It was just something to do. I knew some people would hate it, but I didn’t think that many people would hate it. A lot of people are leaving really bad comments.

Like what?

Some people are saying I should’ve do*nated the money instead of wasting it. But my family donates money all the time. Last year we gave $10-15,000 to the Make a Wish Foundation (my little sister is sick). It’s not like we did it to rub it in and say, “We have the money, oh look at us.”

Are you glad you did it?

I love that I did it. I did it with my money. And we actually ended up buying two more iPads that we kept. The one that I bought was the 16Gb. I had to save up a bit to get it, I don’t just walk around with $500 in my pocket. But the fact that so many people hate it — I don’t want to say I love that, but it’s funny.

Who were all the guys in the video?

The one person that drops it, that’s my friend Rocko. The guy in the green is my other brother. I’m the one in the white shirt who hit it with the baseball bast first. And then there’s a store manager from the Best Buy.

The manager from Best Buy was there watching?!

Yeah, we did it outside the Best Buy. We just took it straight out of the box. I actual*ly asked the manager if he wanted to come watch. He didn’t believe us, so he decided to come along.

Are you trying to become a YouTube star or something?

I make a lot of videos, but it’s messing around; I never really take them seriously. I’m not trying to make a career on it or any*thing . Anybody would like it if their video got a bunch of views.

So, does this mean you’re not an Apple fan, or what?

People are saying I must hate Apple for doing this. Not even. We still have two other iPads, plus my family has iPhones, Macs and iPods. I love Apple, actually.

Any more plans for gadget bashing?

After everyone said how much they hated watching this, I was talking about maybe wanting to break a 3-D TV.

Found this in the local paper I was reading so I copied and paste.
This may be the dumbest, most douchebaggiest thing I've ever seen.

However, if you are going to take a baseball bat to a device for your pleasure, wouldn't you want to flip it up and try to launch that sucker into the next parking lot Albert Pujols style? All they do is kind of poke at it on the ground like *******. Dumb! (And actually, that aluminum back takes quite a beating, I wonder when we'll see the first "man stops bullet with iPad" story.)
If he's going to destroy a brand new iPad at least take the time to do it creatively.
truely just being first is the idiots claim to fame.
so far we had 4 destructions
that empty headed moron
the ifixit dissasembly and A4 chip grind down - a more noble sacrifice.
that "will it blend" guy who is a moron too but at least he was creative.
Some reporter supposedly testing durability what an idiot.
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