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Centris 650

macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Dec 26, 2002
Near Charleston, SC
I started going iPad only with the iPad 2 and really went all in with the 4 and the Air 1. When the iPad Pro 12.9 1st gen came out it seemed like a dream come true. A device to do my day to day work on and also to draw on for my side business. I loved the big screen, the speakers, the power of it all but I noticed I didn't carry it around as much. For the past two years it stayed on my desk. When I was working with a client or volunteer I would have to do a lot of my work on my phone either because I didn't have my iPad or I was just tired of holding it. (It's kinda heavy and awkward to hold.)

After 2 years of using it daily I sold it and bought the 10.5. (Yeah I know new ones are coming out soon but I got an incredible deal on it and I couldn't pass it up) I think it's the Goldilocks of iPads. Not too big and not too small. Just right. I've only had it about a week and I love using it and have found myself carrying it around again.

If you are looking at one or the other I'd recommend the 10.5. Anyone else drop the 12.9 for the 10.5 or vice versa? What were your reasons?
I have not owned a 12.9" yet. My progression has been iPad 2-->iPad 3-->iPad Air 1-->No iPad at all (hated that)-->iPad mini 3-->iPad Pro 9.7"-->iPad Pro 10.5".

I keep thinking one of these generations I'm going to spring for a 12.9". The 9.7" models (and definitely the mini) were never quite big enough for me to want to do anything super productive with them, but all that changed for me with the 10.5". The extra on screen keyboard space for typing made a huge difference, and I use my Smart Keyboard a LOT more than I did on the 9.7".

My friend has a 12.9" Pro, and I really really like it, but one of the things I really love about my 10.5" iPad Pro is that after a day of using it for work, I can also curl up on the couch and comfortably read a book on it or use it to watch TV/movies in bed. I don't think I could ever get comfortable with my non-work activities on a 12.9" model. The 10.5" is a perfect mixture of business and pleasure for me. Small enough to read/game/watch video on anywhere I go, large enough to create documents, take notes, answer emails, etc.
I didn't drop my Pro 12.9. More like I kept my Pro 9.7 as my go-anywhere iPad. I knew I wouldn't be able to use the Pro 12.9 in a variety of situations where I need a more mobile device. Planning on getting a 10" class iPad this year to replace my Pro 9.7. I'll see what either WWDC (or the fall keynote) brings.
I didn't drop my Pro 12.9. More like I kept my Pro 9.7 as my go-anywhere iPad. I knew I wouldn't be able to use the Pro 12.9 in a variety of situations where I need a more mobile device. Planning on getting a 10" class iPad this year to replace my Pro 9.7. I'll see what either WWDC (or the fall keynote) brings.

My wife would think I was nuts if I used two iPads! I think that’s the best solution if you have the finances or the spouse who won’t kill you for buying it.
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My wife would think I was nuts if I used two iPads! I think that’s the best solution if you have the finances or the spouse who won’t kill you for buying it.
No spouse and no kids hence sufficient disposable income for tech toys. :)

All things considered, one iPad a year isn't such a great expense even at $1200. That's around $23 per week.
The 10.5 is a great product.... to use as a door stopper, a bookend, a table coaster, a serving tray, and even a dust pan.

For productivity and yes portability too, the 12.9 works awesome. My only regret is that the 12.9 only has 512 gb of storage space. I guess the size of a binder paper or legal notepad or a magazine in this day and age is considered too big to carry around.

The 10.5 is a great product.... to use as a door stopper, a bookend, a table coaster, a serving tray, and even a dust pan.

For productivity and yes portability too, the 12.9 works awesome. My only regret is that the 12.9 only has 512 gb of storage space. I guess the size of a binder paper or legal notepad or a magazine in this day and age is considered too big to carry around.

Given the 12.9's size and weight, it's actually more suitable for most of the scenarios you've described. All iPads are too big as coasters, though. The iPhone is better for that. :p

While I actually do bring the Pro 12.9 with me daily to work, it doesn't fit in any of my purses. Hence for me, it's not as mobile as 10" class iPads. It's not like I go around carrying legal notepads and magazines everywhere.
When people say that they carry their 10.5 around everywhere but the 12.9 is too big for this, what do they mean “carry” and “everywhere”? (This is particularly in reference to men who don’t carry purses.) Do they actually carry it in their hands, or do they carry it in a bag? If the former, then isn’t carrying a device in hand around all day every day pretty inconvenient? It basically makes you a one-handed person for most of your waking life. Or you’re always worrying about finding a large and safe enough place to set it down. If the latter, then what difference in mobility is there between a 12.9 device and a 10.5 if it’s going in the bag anyway? Isn’t the size issue more in regards to using it then, rather than carrying it? And isn’t bringing either an iPad or a full-on bag inconvenient/a liability/socially awkward when you go to a dinner, shopping, movie theater, the odd get-together where you don’t know (trust) everyone, etc.?
When people say that they carry their 10.5 around everywhere but the 12.9 is too big for this, what do they mean “carry” and “everywhere”? (This is particularly in reference to men who don’t carry purses.) Do they actually carry it in their hands, or do they carry it in a bag? If the former, then isn’t carrying a device in hand around all day every day pretty inconvenient? It basically makes you a one-handed person for most of your waking life. Or you’re always worrying about finding a large and safe enough place to set it down. If the latter, then what difference in mobility is there between a 12.9 device and a 10.5 if it’s going in the bag anyway? Isn’t the size issue more in regards to using it then, rather than carrying it? And isn’t bringing either an iPad or a full-on bag inconvenient/a liability/socially awkward when you go to a dinner, shopping, movie theater, the odd get-together where you don’t know (trust) everyone, etc.?

Good questions. Surely the 12.9 with a slim case fits in any messenger bag or brief case that can hold A4 documents?
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I think "carry everywhere" also refers to the fact that quite often you have to write / read one handed while standing up / sitting down with no desk. Many times, I have to do this while speaking to my teacher, asking questions and explaining the concept of my question.
When people say that they carry their 10.5 around everywhere but the 12.9 is too big for this, what do they mean “carry” and “everywhere”? (This is particularly in reference to men who don’t carry purses.) Do they actually carry it in their hands, or do they carry it in a bag? If the former, then isn’t carrying a device in hand around all day every day pretty inconvenient? It basically makes you a one-handed person for most of your waking life. Or you’re always worrying about finding a large and safe enough place to set it down. If the latter, then what difference in mobility is there between a 12.9 device and a 10.5 if it’s going in the bag anyway? Isn’t the size issue more in regards to using it then, rather than carrying it? And isn’t bringing either an iPad or a full-on bag inconvenient/a liability/socially awkward when you go to a dinner, shopping, movie theater, the odd get-together where you don’t know (trust) everyone, etc.?
Female here so I carry a purse. The iPad is always in my purse so yes to all the above situations plus doctor's appointments, dentist, etc. Only time I don't have it with me is beach/pool or amusement parks. Even when going out to dinner with others I usually arrive early so I've got downtime that I use to read maybe a chapter or two on the iPad.
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I think "carry everywhere" also refers to the fact that quite often you have to write / read one handed while standing up / sitting down with no desk. Many times, I have to do this while speaking to my teacher, asking questions and explaining the concept of my question.
As a teacher, I do walk around the classroom with iPad in one hand and Apple Pencil in the other. I would love the 12.9" iPad for reading and multitasking but it seems like it would definitely be too cumbersome for mobility.
I think "carry everywhere" also refers to the fact that quite often you have to write / read one handed while standing up / sitting down with no desk. Many times, I have to do this while speaking to my teacher, asking questions and explaining the concept of my question.

For sure in that case there is a difference in mobility, but if anyone is only referring to those use cases when they say “carry everywhere”, then they need to know that is very confusing because “everywhere” strongly implies everywhere.

Female here so I carry a purse. The iPad is always in my purse so yes to all the above situations plus doctor's appointments, dentist, etc. Only time I don't have it with me is beach/pool or amusement parks. Even when going out to dinner with others I usually arrive early so I've got downtime that I use to read maybe a chapter or two on the iPad.

Sure, I understand purses work great for that (which is why I specifically excluded them). I’m asking about the people who don’t carry purses (most men and some women) who either have nothing or full-on bags like satchels, backpacks, etc.—of those people who say they carry their iPad everywhere, those are my questions to them. Unless everyone who has said that indeed carries a purse... I guess that’s a possibility.
I'm a female who normally don't carry a purse / bag if I could when I go out (cargo pants, lots of pockets). I carry my iPad on my left hand, while my right hand is free. I prefer not to carry a purse if I can. If I have a 12.9 inch, I would be forced to carry a bag because it's just too big.

Carrying an iPad everywhere by hand is not that inconvenient, eventually you'll get used to it. It's like carrying a folder with you everywhere you go.
For sure in that case there is a difference in mobility, but if anyone is only referring to those use cases when they say “carry everywhere”, then they need to know that is very confusing because “everywhere” strongly implies everywhere.

Sure, I understand purses work great for that (which is why I specifically excluded them). I’m asking about the people who don’t carry purses (most men and some women) who either have nothing or full-on bags like satchels, backpacks, etc.—of those people who say they carry their iPad everywhere, those are my questions to them. Unless everyone who has said that indeed carries a purse... I guess that’s a possibility.

I agree with you that it’s super mobile when comparing it to a laptop— I LOVE MINE for at home and travel. Like you said, anywhere with a backpack/tote/whatever. But, sorry— I’m in the purse club most days, so the smaller size is nice for that.
I'm a female who normally don't carry a purse / bag if I could when I go out (cargo pants, lots of pockets). I carry my iPad on my left hand, while my right hand is free. I prefer not to carry a purse if I can. If I have a 12.9 inch, I would be forced to carry a bag because it's just too big.

Carrying an iPad everywhere by hand is not that inconvenient, eventually you'll get used to it. It's like carrying a folder with you everywhere you go.

I would definitely set it down and leave it somewhere within the first week of doing that.
I went from a 12.9" to a 10.5". I think the 12.9" is good for any use case that has it sitting on a desk or counter like a regular laptop and the 10.5" is better for use cases that involve carrying in your hand, holding for any length, reading in bed, etc.

The 12.9" "heaviness" not only comes from the added weight but the fact that the length of the 12.9" distributes out much farther from your hand requiring even more effort to hold at a viewing angle. I tend to read in portrait and not in landscape which highlights this issue the most.
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I hardly ever use the 12.9 at a table— mostly on my lap. I find it very stable with the ASK, or I have it just resting in my lap while I draw on it or play a game or whatever. I don’t do a ton of holding it without some portion of it resting on my lap. Not that it’s hugely heavy— just what I’m finding my default positions to be.
I returned my 12.9 when I had one, just too big to be used as a tablet (for me). It felt better using it at a desk though, I could easily see myself having 2 in the future.
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A lot of people apparently use an iPad in one hand while standing or sitting. I've owned iPads since they were released and never used them that way, except for the time period when I owned and iPad mini. I use an iPad 12.9" and carry it along with me during the week in a leather briefcace, along with Apple's leather sleeve. In this case, the 12.9 is perfectly mobile. However, if you walk around with an iPad in one hand, the iPad 12.9" is not for you.
The 12.9 can be cradled with one arm while standing/sitting. I do this often and it works fine for shorter tasks, but it’s not something I would want to do for long periods. For long periods of work I would need to rest it on a surface (but for long periods of work I also wouldn’t want a smaller screen), and for long periods of consumption I would actually use a different device altogether—my TV for video or my iPad mini for reading/web (though I wish I could palm the mini comfortably for long periods).

Carrying an iPad everywhere by hand is not that inconvenient, eventually you'll get used to it. It's like carrying a folder with you everywhere you go.

Well, one could get used to anything. The question is is carrying it everywhere in hand really the best option. I don’t think so personally, but that’s me.
Honestly I have been considering this. I had the 1st gen iPP and I got the 2nd gen at release because I REALLY loved my 1st gen and liked some of the newer features.

However, I’ve realized over time that I never really take this thing off my table. I mean it’s fabulous for just about everything I do with it, but I’m pretty small and I have found that I wind up using my phone instead of bringing my iPad onto the couch or in bed. I’ve been seriously considering the 10.5, although I am a little leary of giving up what I think is the most perfect keyboard I’ve ever used. The ASK for the 12.9 is absolute perfection for me. I’m kinda scared to have a smaller one.
Honestly I have been considering this. I had the 1st gen iPP and I got the 2nd gen at release because I REALLY loved my 1st gen and liked some of the newer features.

However, I’ve realized over time that I never really take this thing off my table. I mean it’s fabulous for just about everything I do with it, but I’m pretty small and I have found that I wind up using my phone instead of bringing my iPad onto the couch or in bed. I’ve been seriously considering the 10.5, although I am a little leary of giving up what I think is the most perfect keyboard I’ve ever used. The ASK for the 12.9 is absolute perfection for me. I’m kinda scared to have a smaller one.
That makes sense. I'm a bit disappointed in how little Apple has done to enhance iOS to take advantage of the larger screen on the 12.9 Pro. And like you, I have found that the ASK is the best keyboard of any device I've owned. After spending DECADES using mechanical keyboards, I very much appreciate how much faster and easier I can type on the ASK.

But I'm at the point where the minor inconvenience of toting the larger iPad is not offering me any benefits when going from office to conference room, etc. I'm waiting to see if Apple produces an iPad Mini with Pencil support. That will probably the one I get. But if not, then I'll be looking at the newly released 2018 9.7 iPad.
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