Because the pickup truck and commuter vehicle are completely different beast in the sense that a pickup truck can perform duties that a commuter vehicle can't without additional assistance, possibly. A pickup truck has the ability to load an 85 inch television set, possibly haul a pair of motorcycles, etc. along with blocking the view of other drivers. A standard commuter "cannot."
The ipad 12.9/10.5 can do (should be able to) the same exact thing as the mini .... unless I'm mistaken. Someone list differences, please. Not hardware specifications, but task that can be accomplished on a tablet.
A small car and big truck—actually let’s say full size van instead of truck because it more resembles a car—both do the same task: transport objects from A to B. But one size focuses on being easier/cheaper to maneuver and so sacrifices carrying more things. The other size focuses on carrying more things and so sacrifices maneuverability and gas mileage. One person needs one, another person needs the other. Some need a bit of both and don’t mind compromise so they get an SUV. Some people need both and can’t compromise on either end, possibly due to the needs of their job, so they have to get both.
It’s the exact same way with iPads (or even laptops for that matter). Small or big, they have the same task: portable computing. But one focuses on being easier to hold and carry, and so sacrifices fitting more content on the screen (for more productivity). The other focuses on fitting more content on the screen (productivity), and so sacrifices being easier to hold and carry. One person needs one, another person needs the other. Some need a bit of both and don’t mind compromise so they get a 9.7/10.5. Some people need both and can’t compromise on either end, possibly due to the needs of their job, so they have to get both a 12.9 and a mini.
I'll add this however, I'm referencing individuals carrying both a 12.9 and a 10.5 (and even a 9.7), both of which are essentially the same so to speak. Yes, there's a size difference comparatively but when lumping the mini into the mix, we can say the 12.9/10.5/9.7 are basically the same size ... larger ipads, and the mini ... smaller ipad. I can theoretically see having a larger and a smaller tablet, but having two larger ipads seems ... I don't know....
I agree a bit here, a 12.9 and a 9.7/10.5 is harder to defend. For me, the difference isn’t big enough. But again, people are different and have different needs and it’s all relative. And to add to the complexity, Apple hasn’t updated the mini for years, so I imagine for a lot of people, the mini is too under-specced to be an option, so they simply get the next smallest specced-out iPad.
Side remark: Personal experience, even though I have 20/20 vision, I know reading on the mini is not comfortable at all because of the need to scroll side to side, etc. Not the same as an android or iphone, but reading on phone offers the same personal experience as the mini. It's simply not a comfortable ... personally.
I think the scrolling side to side is more of an issue with sites not adapting to the screen size of your device, which they could if they wanted to. It’s not an innate fault in the size of the device itself.
...not really getting this ‘portability’ issue between the 10.5 and the 12.9...neither can fit in your pocket like a phone so both would go in a bag I missing something here?
Yeah, I would never want to hand carry an iPad out of the house either, but apparently some people do all the time. Edit- also some purses can hold a 10.5 but not the 12.9, so there’s that.
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