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Because the pickup truck and commuter vehicle are completely different beast in the sense that a pickup truck can perform duties that a commuter vehicle can't without additional assistance, possibly. A pickup truck has the ability to load an 85 inch television set, possibly haul a pair of motorcycles, etc. along with blocking the view of other drivers. A standard commuter "cannot."

The ipad 12.9/10.5 can do (should be able to) the same exact thing as the mini .... unless I'm mistaken. Someone list differences, please. Not hardware specifications, but task that can be accomplished on a tablet.

A small car and big truck—actually let’s say full size van instead of truck because it more resembles a car—both do the same task: transport objects from A to B. But one size focuses on being easier/cheaper to maneuver and so sacrifices carrying more things. The other size focuses on carrying more things and so sacrifices maneuverability and gas mileage. One person needs one, another person needs the other. Some need a bit of both and don’t mind compromise so they get an SUV. Some people need both and can’t compromise on either end, possibly due to the needs of their job, so they have to get both.

It’s the exact same way with iPads (or even laptops for that matter). Small or big, they have the same task: portable computing. But one focuses on being easier to hold and carry, and so sacrifices fitting more content on the screen (for more productivity). The other focuses on fitting more content on the screen (productivity), and so sacrifices being easier to hold and carry. One person needs one, another person needs the other. Some need a bit of both and don’t mind compromise so they get a 9.7/10.5. Some people need both and can’t compromise on either end, possibly due to the needs of their job, so they have to get both a 12.9 and a mini.

I'll add this however, I'm referencing individuals carrying both a 12.9 and a 10.5 (and even a 9.7), both of which are essentially the same so to speak. Yes, there's a size difference comparatively but when lumping the mini into the mix, we can say the 12.9/10.5/9.7 are basically the same size ... larger ipads, and the mini ... smaller ipad. I can theoretically see having a larger and a smaller tablet, but having two larger ipads seems ... I don't know....

I agree a bit here, a 12.9 and a 9.7/10.5 is harder to defend. For me, the difference isn’t big enough. But again, people are different and have different needs and it’s all relative. And to add to the complexity, Apple hasn’t updated the mini for years, so I imagine for a lot of people, the mini is too under-specced to be an option, so they simply get the next smallest specced-out iPad.

Side remark: Personal experience, even though I have 20/20 vision, I know reading on the mini is not comfortable at all because of the need to scroll side to side, etc. Not the same as an android or iphone, but reading on phone offers the same personal experience as the mini. It's simply not a comfortable ... personally.

I think the scrolling side to side is more of an issue with sites not adapting to the screen size of your device, which they could if they wanted to. It’s not an innate fault in the size of the device itself.
...not really getting this ‘portability’ issue between the 10.5 and the 12.9...neither can fit in your pocket like a phone so both would go in a bag I missing something here?

Yeah, I would never want to hand carry an iPad out of the house either, but apparently some people do all the time. Edit- also some purses can hold a 10.5 but not the 12.9, so there’s that.
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3 days into owning my 12.9 and I’m struggling with the debate to either keep it or the 10.5. Everything is nicer with it... watching videos, typing, multitasking, plus-size apps, surfing without having to zoom, all much nicer. But I look at the 10.5 and appreciate how compact it is and the fact that it’s pretty darn good, too!

I’m not the kind to go back and forth between devices, one has got to go.
Don't buy something that you're not totally happy about. Don't get stuck on regret.

One thing I would like to add to all of this is regardless of whether you're a fan of the 10.5 or 12.9, go with the one you're going to use most frequent along with the one that you have "less of an issue" with.

I knew I wanted the largest ipad screen with the largest storage capacity (12.9 512 GB). I most certainly would have been kicking myself to this day if I had gotten the 10.5.

This is an interesting thread for me as I am thinking about going the other way from a 10.5 to a 12.9. I have a 64GB 10.5 and I’d like more storage so am thinking to try the 12.9 for a short time.
Mainly use it at home so portability isn’t high on the agenda, and for watching video it should be much nicer. And for reading magazines it should be a good size too

My only worry is whether use on the sofa for basic web browsing might feel too big and cumbersome. And the virtual keyboard is likely to be less convenient

How is it for lap use - relaxing on the sofa in the evening? My initial thought is bigger is better, but being up close to you it is possible it might feel too big when browsing or watching eg Netflix? Probably decent for PiP video though

If I were you, I'd stick with your current 10.5 because the "potential regret" factor seems to be there.

Don't let the following sway you either. Many moons ago, I upgraded form a CRT 32" to a 55" HDTV on the suggestion of my close friend. Initial room fitting and I was completely overwhelmed by the size, I told my friend that I probably shouldn't have listened him. I immediately went back the following week and exchanged it for an open boxed 46 inch and a 40 inch set just to give both a go around. A week later, I immediately regret giving up the 55", on top of that, the 55" was on now at a higher sales price point (a couple hundred dollars more compared to when I first picked it up). The regret factor got me to pick up the 55" again, and I've been using the same exact TV for TV duties, computer monitor duties, gaming duties, etc. Note: If I had to do it all over again, I'd probably gone with a 65" -- this is for the bedroom, but I simply didn't have the means to transport it

Don't buy something that you're not totally happy about. Don't get stuck on regret.

I do use split screen on occasion. That’s one of the reasons I’ve had a hard time deciding if I should switch. There are things I really love about my 12.9; lots of them. I think I would just use the 10.5 away from the desk a bit more. The 12.9 is cumbersome in my lap, and the 10.5 wouldn’t be as much so. The 12.9 won’t fit it my purse if I’m going somewhere, and the 10.5 would.

They definitely both have their selling points for sure.

I tend to agree. I do think I’ll wait and see what the summer announcement holds (if anything). It’s not like I don’t have a great machine that I love using. I’d be really frustrated if I got something new now and then have something new out in a few months.

Now that I get a chance to watch some youtube videos, there is truly a significant size difference between the 12.9 and the 10.5. If the itch is there, scratch it. Adopt a 10.5 open box or a new one for a week as a test run. Your heart seems to be set on the 10.5, give it a go.

However, I would honestly wait until the new 10.5 version comes out. Smaller bezel, and by default a larger screen.

Don't buy something that you're not totally happy about. Don't get stuck on regret.

The same with anything else. I can be quite picky when it comes to buying new clothes. If something is bugging me about it, I'm most likely never going to wear it. It'll simply be a waste of dollars.

Take a look at some youtube videos on "Marie Kondo"

In a sense, love it or kick it to the curb.

The following videos do give a better perception on the size difference and why some may feel the 10.5 is the more portable machine. I personally still think the 12.9 is perfectly fitting as a portable tablet, but that's just me.

I think the scrolling side to side is more of an issue with sites not adapting to the screen size of your device, which they could if they wanted to. It’s not an innate fault in the size of the device itself.

Yeah, I would never want to hand carry an iPad out of the house either, but apparently some people do all the time. Edit- also some purses can hold a 10.5 but not the 12.9, so there’s that.

RE: Scrolling side to side. More specifically, the webpages are perfectly fine. It's when I decide to pinch zoom on a webpage to enlarge the text, that's when the scroll from side to side becomes a semi annoyance.

3 days into owning my 12.9 and I’m struggling with the debate to either keep it or the 10.5. Everything is nicer with it... watching videos, typing, multitasking, plus-size apps, surfing without having to zoom, all much nicer. But I look at the 10.5 and appreciate how compact it is and the fact that it’s pretty darn good, too!

I’m not the kind to go back and forth between devices, one has got to go.

Go with the 10.5. If something remotely bugs you about the 12.9, don't settle. You're going to be kicking yourself down the line.

Don't buy something that you're not totally happy about. Don't get stuck on regret.

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RE: Scrolling side to side. More specifically, the webpages are perfectly fine. It's when I decide to pinch zoom on a webpage to enlarge the text, that's when the scroll from side to side becomes a semi annoyance.

But that’s what I mean. If the site was adaptive to your screen size, then it would automatically resize and reformat the text so that you don’t have to zoom in manually.
Wait it out till June then. My plan. I found the 12.9 simply too large. As a tablet or as even a mobile device. It’s not weight, it’s the footprint. (Keep in mind I returned my 13” MBA for the 11”. Found it was perfect!)

The 10.3 I find good as a tablet a bit dinky as a main work machine.

This iPad X rumors to be a 11.3 inch screen in a body the same sIze (or slightly bigger) than the current 10.5.

My perfect mobile machine! :)

It’s juat two months. What’s the drawback. See what comes out , enjoy your current devices and then choose the one you like.

Is that really the rumour or just one rumour? Info on upcoming iPads doesn’t seem very strong and more in ‘speculation’ Mode right now.
I’m mainly tempted as I’m in Japan where I can get a 12.9 64GB for around £580 which is the price of the 10.5 in the UK. Even if I don’t like it I could probably sell it for what I paid for it, right?
Don't buy something that you're not totally happy about. Don't get stuck on regret.

Good post - but my dilemma is - how can I regret something I haven’t tried yet? My primary use is at home on the sofa. I can’t tell if the 12.9 will work for me as the Apple store tethers all units so you’re forced into trying them out stood at a desk which is a very strange way to experience them
Good post - but my dilemma is - how can I regret something I haven’t tried yet? My primary use is at home on the sofa. I can’t tell if the 12.9 will work for me as the Apple store tethers all units so you’re forced into trying them out stood at a desk which is a very strange way to experience them

With the right case the 12.9 is perfect on the Sofa and one that works as a stand too for a desk. I use this, doesnt show in photos but folds back around for typing drawing too. The speaker cut outs push the sound towards you so the excellent speakers sound even better.
Mine only travels with me in car to hotel etc, wife has 10.5 i prefer the 12.9 as i use a lot for video/papers etc.
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Good post - but my dilemma is - how can I regret something I haven’t tried yet? My primary use is at home on the sofa. I can’t tell if the 12.9 will work for me as the Apple store tethers all units so you’re forced into trying them out stood at a desk which is a very strange way to experience them
if you go with just a smart cover and a skin on the back of the 12.9 Pro, it’ll work great on the sofa. But any kind of case is going add enough heft and bulk to it that it won’t. I have both the smart cover and the smart keyboard, and having both covers allows me to have just the right configuration at any given moment.
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if you go with just a smart cover and a skin on the back of the 12.9 Pro, it’ll work great on the sofa. But any kind of case is going add enough heft and bulk to it that it won’t. I have both the smart cover and the smart keyboard, and having both covers allows me to have just the right configuration at any given moment.

Thanks. I have the Smart Keyboard on my 10.5 and don’t use it that much as I don’t type a lot I guess or I’m just used to the virtual keyboard. This time I’d possibly get a cheap third party Smart Cover and look out for a used keyboard or use my old Mac BT keyboard if needed. I’d really like a mouse though for quick and precise cursor positioning..
Good post - but my dilemma is - how can I regret something I haven’t tried yet? My primary use is at home on the sofa. I can’t tell if the 12.9 will work for me as the Apple store tethers all units so you’re forced into trying them out stood at a desk which is a very strange way to experience them
Apple has a 2-week return policy with their products, so that might give you just enough time to make a decision on which size is suitable for you.

I agree that sometimes, it's hard to make a decision there and then. Sometimes, it can take a while for you to adjust yourself to suit a new device and find out its respective pros and cons. Sometimes, a new product has that halo which makes you more willing to overlook its flaws in the beginning, and it's too late for regrets by the time these small inconveniences and drawbacks snowball to the point where it really annoys you. Or maybe a drawback simply didn't become apparent until way later.

I guess you can start by looking at online videos and reviews. These two articles are a good place to start, IMO.
Because the pickup truck and commuter vehicle are completely different beast in the sense that a pickup truck can perform duties that a commuter vehicle can't without additional assistance, possibly. A pickup truck has the ability to load an 85 inch television set, possibly haul a pair of motorcycles, etc. along with blocking the view of other drivers. A standard commuter "cannot."

The ipad 12.9/10.5 can do (should be able to) the same exact thing as the mini .... unless I'm mistaken. Someone list differences, please. Not hardware specifications, but task that can be accomplished on a tablet.

I guess it's not so much of what they can / cannot do, but how they do it.

Yes, all iPads can load a pdf in notability, but reading a document on a 12.9" display is going to be a very different experience compared to reading it on a 9.7" screen or even the 7.9" display.

Barring Apple Pencil support, even tasks like mind mapping would feel more spacious on a larger display. Some tasks just work better on a larger screen (similar to why some people hook up their laptops to external displays), and there's no way around it.
if you go with just a smart cover and a skin on the back of the 12.9 Pro, it’ll work great on the sofa. But any kind of case is going add enough heft and bulk to it that it won’t. I have both the smart cover and the smart keyboard, and having both covers allows me to have just the right configuration at any given moment.
Totally agree. I’m recently discovering the advantages of having both.
Is that really the rumour or just one rumour? Info on upcoming iPads doesn’t seem very strong and more in ‘speculation’ Mode right now.
I’m mainly tempted as I’m in Japan where I can get a 12.9 64GB for around £580 which is the price of the 10.5 in the UK. Even if I don’t like it I could probably sell it for what I paid for it, right?

Good post - but my dilemma is - how can I regret something I haven’t tried yet? My primary use is at home on the sofa. I can’t tell if the 12.9 will work for me as the Apple store tethers all units so you’re forced into trying them out stood at a desk which is a very strange way to experience them
f your use is at home only - I’d say 12.9. I have both and use mainly the 10.5 for 80% of everything especially Travel. It is impressive ! And typing ! Ahhhh but at home love the 12.9.
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Thanks. I have the Smart Keyboard on my 10.5 and don’t use it that much as I don’t type a lot I guess or I’m just used to the virtual keyboard. This time I’d possibly get a cheap third party Smart Cover and look out for a used keyboard or use my old Mac BT keyboard if needed. I’d really like a mouse though for quick and precise cursor positioning..
just a heads up, there are no 3rd party smart covers. There haven’t been any since the release of the Air 1. i’ve been a big proponent of having support for mice in ios, and i thought that ios 11 would be the version that supports it. But it is clear Apple is not going to do that for the foreseeable future.
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