Dymo TwinTurbo 400/Yosemite Flash ROM update
I have been struggling with this Dymo LabeWriter/Yosemite issue for quite some time now. It went down this way:
Installed Yosemite
Tried to print on Dymo LabelWriter Twin Turbo (400 model, although no indication of this on the front of the printer)
No Love. (Printer is recognized but lists as "Busy" in the printer window)
Looked on MacRumors and found others with issue.
Found that there was an update to the Dymo label software to address issue.
Carefully removed all of the old instances of software, prefs, printers etc. Empty trash, restart. Unplug printer, install new software, follow prompts, plug in printer USB... STILL NO LOVE
Now this is where it gets weird.
Took the printer to an older iMac and installed new software, printer still does not work! It is as if Yosemite has killed my printer! Turns out, using a 400 Twin Turbo under Yosemite necessitates updating the flash ROM onboard the printer. That is why it would no longer work on older iMacs also. This is only the case for the 400 Twin Turbo. This little Tidbit of info was not indicated
anywhere on the Dymo website. However, Jennifer, a
very nice rep from Demo walked me through it and now I am up and running.
Dear David,
Thank you for choosing Dymo. Our goal is to provide our customers with the highest quality and service.
Unplug the LabelWriter from the computer
For Mac 10.10, uninstall the Dymo Label Software
Download .zip file from THIS LINK:
Open .zip file and launch the "TwinTurboUpdater" app.
Connect the LabelWriter Twin Turbo via USB to the Mac.
The Update button should activate.
Press the Update button.
Confirmation of update should display.
Unplug the power cable for 10 seconds.
For Mac 10.10, reinstall Dymo Label 8.5.2
Plug printer back in.
Test to see if you can print.
If I can be of further assistance, please reply to this email directly so that we can see all previous replies.
Thank you,
Dymo Consumer Care
Hope this helps someone else who has a 400 TwinTurbo.