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I find it highly improbable to believe that her grade hinged solely on the response from a CEO of a worldwide company so for her to assume it was is completely out of line for anyone, let alone a college journalism student. One would have to be incredibly conceited and stupid to think that Steve Jobs' only function in the company is to respond to emails and a PR department to respond to every voicemail the same way a friend would respond to a voicemail. Oh that's because a major worldwide company has all the time and resources in the world to answer a college student's email above all the others because Apple chooses to support and develop relations with colleges around the country :rolleyes:

I appreciate the site who hosted this useless prattle for fueling a vain college journalist's ego in a pathetic attempt for fame in her college newspaper.

However, I would like to read the paper that she ended up writing for her class after she had her hissy fit with Steve Jobs :D
I'm not surprised that she waited until the last minute to try to get a quote from Apple. I think it is fine for her to try - make one phone call and send one email - but after that she needs to understand that Apple does not exist to help with papers that a college student is writing. She could have simply entered the text 'Apple has not responded to requests for a comment at this time' into her paper.

I never did see the big question that only Apple pr could answer...

Small observation:

If you're trying to get information about an Apple product, then why stop with the Media Department??

She was actively emailing Steve Jobs himself - and he was actually REPLYING to her emails. Why on EARTH did she not ask him the questions she desired directly?

Obviously NOT a good journalism candidate if she's going to drop the ball like that. And boy, was it a beaut.

What a muppet...

Small observation:

If you're trying to get information about an Apple product, then why stop with the Media Department??

She was actively emailing Steve Jobs himself - and he was actually REPLYING to her emails. Why on EARTH did she not ask him the questions she desired directly?

Obviously NOT a good journalism candidate if she's going to drop the ball like that. And boy, was it a beaut.

What a muppet...
Exactly. She got all caught up in herself and forgot what her objective was. She's going to be a great journalist!
Why did she publish that conservation?! It shows that she's extremely conceited and an inapt journalist (because she didn't ask Steve Jobs the "important" question).

Anybody who will google her name in the future will find that dialogue. I can't imagine any serious newspaper / magazine would hire that kind of woman.
In other news, Steve Jobs crossed the street today to get to the other side.

No one cares.

I heard his driver picked him up then flip flopped (u-turn) and dropped him off on the other side.


Wana fight about it? :p
She emailed the CEO of a Fortune 500 company and was lucky to get a response. Boo hoo if she finds it tough, if she wants to be treated nicely she's in the wrong career. I bet most journalists have got much rougher responses than this (if it's even real).
Classic Steve Jobs. No surprise other than he acturally replied more than once to the same person.

I won't miss Jobs when he's no longer the CEO of Apple, Inc.
Hahaha. Steve, is the man! I love the fact that he responds to emails. I mean, she wasn't been disrespectful or anything but what he said was a tad out of line. Lol.
I can relate with SJ on this one. There a few time were I had to tell a chick via SMS to leave me alone. So annoying.
If Steve Jobs has a pimple on his ass, does that make headlines too? I mean Jesus Christ- the man has more people worrying about what he does than Obama. We should leave him alone.
Classic Steve Jobs. No surprise other than he acturally replied more than once to the same person.

I won't miss Jobs when he's no longer the CEO of Apple, Inc.

He put a snotty college kid with a massive sense of entitlement in her place (if that e-mail convo is real in the first place.) What's that got to do with how great Apple products are?

SJ's job is to see to Apple's bottom line, keep investors happy, and turn a profit. Apple is where it is today thanks to him. His personality/bedside manner is not a factor.

Enjoy using your Mac/iPhone/iPod/iPad. You can say thank-you to SJ when you put down your misplaced judgmentalism.
Some annoying (probably slightly chubby) lame ass girl tries to flash on him from a Blackberry competitor phone, borderline trolling him, acting like she wants this and that with lightly veiled criticism towards his company and his companies' pr department.

All he did was ignore a troll.

If he was so unprofessional then just sell your iPhone and MacBook.

Oh yeah... You won't.
my opinion - chicky has a lot of nerve. How about instead of being snippy once you actually reach a huge CEO like Steve Jobs, why don't you respond by asking for a quote YOURSELF instead of carrying on with your sense of entitlement. you already have his attention. You win more flies with honey than vinegar. and Steve doesn't sound like an egoist - you can't possibly reply to EVERY single customer, regardless of how many employees you have. anecdote - I work for a small company with a smaller customer base but we are totally backlogged. just because we receive an invoice from the same week doesn't mean we can work on it the same week. replies take time, if you get them at ALL.

also, she goes on about their crappy PR/media relations dept. I didn't have a problem with them - READ HERE FOR MY SITUATION
Update... Student who argued with Jobs accepts free Microsoft trip

If it had been a high school or grade school student, that's different. Knowing how entitled and clueless most college kids are, someone should have told her to piss off.

Accepting the trip is just whorish. Indeed she will make a great mainstream journalist.

From your link:

In addition to being a student journalist, Isaacs has also made a name for herself as a hand model and socialite in the New York area. Since the original revelations of the alleged incident, she has gone on Good Morning America and received internship and job offers, she says.

Apple has never verified that the e-mails actually came from Jobs, though Gawker says the headers look legitimate. [via CNET]

So it was all a publicity stunt. Note that she's also a hand model and socialite.

Quite possible she made the whole thing up. Faking an e-mail convo with Steve Jobs in which she portrays herself as the victim = a spot on Good Morning America and job offers. Clever.
So it was all a publicity stunt.

Sadly, welcome to America these days.

Quite possible she made the whole thing up. Faking an e-mail convo with Steve Jobs in which she portrays herself as the victim = a spot on Good Morning America and job offers. Clever.

Possible, but we will likely never know for a fact.
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