I find it highly improbable to believe that her grade hinged solely on the response from a CEO of a worldwide company so for her to assume it was is completely out of line for anyone, let alone a college journalism student. One would have to be incredibly conceited and stupid to think that Steve Jobs' only function in the company is to respond to emails and a PR department to respond to every voicemail the same way a friend would respond to a voicemail. Oh that's because a major worldwide company has all the time and resources in the world to answer a college student's email above all the others because Apple chooses to support and develop relations with colleges around the country 
I appreciate the site who hosted this useless prattle for fueling a vain college journalist's ego in a pathetic attempt for fame in her college newspaper.
However, I would like to read the paper that she ended up writing for her class after she had her hissy fit with Steve Jobs
I appreciate the site who hosted this useless prattle for fueling a vain college journalist's ego in a pathetic attempt for fame in her college newspaper.
However, I would like to read the paper that she ended up writing for her class after she had her hissy fit with Steve Jobs