Might sound silly but is the logic board battery any good? I ve had PC boards before that had no idea what they were doing until I changed the battery in them.
Don’t matter. Battery only for clock on cMP. Different technology.
Might sound silly but is the logic board battery any good? I ve had PC boards before that had no idea what they were doing until I changed the battery in them.
Been following your thread and progress closely and this was not the finale I was hoping you'd have! Makes me rethink the used X5690s I was eyeing on Ebay.
By the way - which store did you source the cpus from?
Mac Pro and mini use BR2032, I never found that battery down here.Might sound silly but is the logic board battery any good? I ve had PC boards before that had no idea what they were doing until I changed the battery in them.
You just have to flash the reconstructed then you can boot from a createinstallmedia 10.13.6 USB key. I’ll do it later today.A successful boot of 10.9 from an hdd partition. Installing an older OS from High Sierra is blocked.
I forgot the most important rule. Expect the unexpected.
But as always.. A quitter never succeeds.
View attachment 780291
View attachment 780292
A successful boot of 10.9 from an hdd partition. Installing an older OS from High Sierra is blocked.
I forgot the most important rule. Expect the unexpected.
But as always.. A quitter never succeeds.
View attachment 780291
View attachment 780292
It's normal, BCM4322MC and some Atheros only have two SPX connectors.Putting everything back together. I have 2 WiFi connectors on the card and 3 cables. Is the card missing a connector?
View attachment 780334
It's normal, BCM4322MC and some Atheros only have two SPX connectors.
So is the dual x5680 worth the $50 increase in cost compared to a dual x5677? In my usage pattern, apparently so. Even though both tray's have 96GB of RAM, my inclination is to grab the dual x5680 tray.
Unless there is something I missed? I'll be using the stopwatch for some definitive testing on idle and busy cores.
Thanks for sharing your results with us.
I am in the same boat and am planning on upgrading the cpus, ram, usb and bluetooth/wifi card over the next couple of weeks. My new enclosure is also arriving tomorrow and I already have the cleaning supplies ie. isopropyl alcohol 99.9%, anti-static brushes and IC/Fujipoly thermal pads and thermal grizzly compound on hand.
Looking at the benchmarks and results you shared, I am surprised to see the X5680 scoring higher than the X5690 under the summary scores including other tests even though it should perform better on paper and as per the specs sheet.
What's the reason for this?
Also, the 5,1 I recently bought came with 48GB of OWC 1333 memory. I am torn between selling them on ebay and buying 1 lot of 96GB samsung / micron CL9 10600R memory or buying 48GB of OWC memory for $260 to complete my 96GB memory upgrade which comes with lifetime warranty.
I was also looking at the 16GB PC3-1600R rated sticks but could not find any with confirmed CL9 speeds.
As for being able to read memory speeds, specs, serials and other granular SPD details, you can use TechTool Pro. The option is available under memory tests.
Thank you.
Edited: TechTool Pro only displays granular SPD data on pre-4,1/5,1 systems.