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macrumors 6502
Jun 27, 2021
That’s your proof lol?

C’mon man, why don’t you guys ever just be honest? Those accounts are going ******* right now because they get to freely express their racism and anti Semitism. That’s what the right means by “free speech”, don’t sugar coat it. Nobody is being fooled here.
Even you don’t believe that utter nonsense.

Maybe it angers you that nobody else does either. All the nasty tricks in the Trotsky/Alinsky playbook are worn out.

You guys are all out of ammo, and the rest of us will just sit back, point and laugh at the impotence.
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macrumors 6502a
Oct 13, 2021
Freedom of speech should only have its borders within the laws. So as long as someone is identifiable on Twitter, I think Twitter should not censor him, because he can still be taken to court.

The Trump case shows the problem. Banning him did not just silence one person (at least on Twitter), but it also affected his more than 70 million followers who could not longer see his tweets. So it is not one censorship, but 70 million censorships at the same time. It is like banning female nipples. That is not just a problem for the nipples, but much more for the people who would love to see nipples on Facebook and Instagram, but can't because of some community guidelines that treat people like kids, who could somehow be harmed by seeing nipples.

The Alex Jones case showed that you can successfully sue somebody in front of a regular court for his tweets, posts and videos. Courts are the place where things like those should be settled. Let him posts what he wants and then sue him later! Censorship is only needed if somebody does something obviously illegal like posting nude photos of someone else that could not be repaired.


macrumors 68030
Jul 21, 2009
Even you don’t believe your nonsense.

And it angers you that nobody else dies either. All the nasty trucks in your playbook are worn out. You guys are all out of ammo, and the rest of us just sit back, point and laugh at the impotence.

Again more word salad, the ideology of zero ideas, just buzzwords, hate, and grift. Donald didn’t bring it out, it was always there, he just rode the wave.

Leon Ze Professional

macrumors 6502a
Sep 23, 2021

Chief Whip [Elon] is cracking that whip. Watchout those Twitter executives that remain.
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NPC Compliant

Feb 6, 2019
Just like I deleted FB years ago for their practices, I deleted my Twitter account yesterday as I have no interest in participating in a forum where people think they should be expressing their hate for others, because it’s free speech. I don’t mean this as a political statement, but rather my desire for people to be kind and considerate humans.
Enjoy living in your safe space away from reality, where existence isn’t contingent on your sensibilities


macrumors 6502
Jun 27, 2021
There goes freedom of speech I guess.
Elon Musk bought Twitter. Idk if I should invest into Twitter at all now.
Welcome to a world of hate speech going rampant and government around the world pay closer attention to Twitter.
Freedom of speech includes hate speech. Can’t have one without the other.

And you’ve always been able to spew all the hate speech you wanted on twitter, as long as you directed it at the right group.


macrumors 6502a
Oct 13, 2021
Hate speech of course only is hate speech when it comes from the right. In Germany political parties can hang their posters on any light post before an election and whoever comes first, blocks the spot for others. So a left wing party on Germany had posters on light posts saying "A Nazi could hang here". I found that really funny, but imagine the someone from the right would put up a poster "A communist could hang here". I think courts would consider that hate speech.

I think the slogan "White Lives Matter" would also be considered hate speech.


macrumors 68040
May 1, 2021
Next purchase for dewoking should be Reddit

Oh yes please, its probably worst then Twitter in its censorship and promotion of pure filth and hate towards none minority groups, or in other words the general population. Yet if anyone from the general population hit back they are accused of hate crimes and reported to the Police. Freedom of speech works both ways and it’s about time one of the platforms remembered that.


macrumors 6502a
Feb 1, 2008
Freedom of speech includes hate speech. Can’t have one without the other.

And you’ve always been able to spew all the hate speech you wanted on twitter, as long as you directed it at the right group.
That’s the entirety of your “woke ideology” definition? That you’re a free speech absolutist?

And anyone who disagrees with that absolutist view is, to quote you:

“Everyone with any common sense despises woke ideology. It’s disgusting and the cretins who push it are vile and don’t belong in a civilized society.”

Seems a bit extreme, no?


macrumors P6
May 16, 2015
Freedom of speech includes hate speech. Can’t have one without the other.

And you’ve always been able to spew all the hate speech you wanted on twitter, as long as you directed it at the right group.
Then I can tell you. What “freedom of speech” supposed to be does not have any room for hate speech, or anything that endanger the government. People might need to read a little bit more into that 2nd amendment.

If freedom of speech truly means absolute freedom, then I can also say there’s no freedom. Just because you like hate speech rampaging through Twitter doesn’t mean someone else like that too, and will his freedom Of speech being protected just like yours?
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