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Aug 22, 2022
Then you have never worked for a decent tech company. Even the lesser ones I have worked at have offered more for their employees.

Rather than being vague and ambiguous try specificity. What does “..have offered more for their employees” even mean Bradl?


Aug 5, 2021
Isn't the new CEO supposed to have made this priority on "day one"?

And what about bots and scams?

Those have erupted on a never seen before massive scale since Christmas Day. There are so many thousands of new bot and scam accounts that have risen in the last week doing "airdrops" and using 'heywallet' to do fake giveaways of animal themed ponzi tokens and these are all rug pulls and exit scams run by crypto influencers and foreign extremists who lost a lot of money when SBF/FTX crashed.

They are now doing pump n dumps, dozens every day, to make their money back and steal even more than ever.

Looks like Musk is turning a blind eye to all of this.


Aug 22, 2022
There are so many thousands of new bot and scam accounts that have risen in the last week doing "airdrops" and using 'heywallet' to do fake giveaways of animal themed ponzi tokens and these are all rug pulls and exit scams run by crypto influencers and foreign extremists who lost a lot of money when SBF/FTX crashed.

They are now doing pump n dumps, dozens every day, to make their money back and steal even more than ever.

Interesting change of perspective.

Wasn't real money anyway.

They deserve the loss. Doubt they will change.
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Aug 5, 2021
Interesting change of perspective.

'What' change of perspective? You quoted me calling it all a scam before and a scam now. The exchanges that collude with influencers use these scams to bring in real money in exchange for digital laundry tokens. The real money is what they want so it goes straight out the back door as soon as it comes in.

When is he going to deal with CSAM, bots and scams as he insisted he would?

Or is he too busy enjoying himself with covid deniers and the far right?
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Aug 5, 2021
Assuming your assumption there is an increase in scammers….

Circa 1200 new meme based tokens and fake give aways made in the last 14 days. Each one uses bot farms and influencers to promote them with fake giveaway scams.

It's easy to track these things on the web. I've been doing it for 8 years. Plenty of tools exist. Even simple searches reveal trends that you can parse.

You can also add geocodes to these searches terms for some interesting insights, but I'm not going to waste time convincing you that twitter is getting worse under Musk because you don't want to accept it.


Aug 22, 2022
Circa 1200 new meme based tokens and fake give aways made in the last 14 days. Each one uses bot farms and influencers to promote them with fake giveaway scams.

It's easy to track these things on the web. I've been doing it for 8 years. Plenty of tools exist. Even simple searches reveal trends that you can parse.

You can also add geocodes to these searches terms for some interesting insights, but I'm not going to waste time convincing you that twitter is getting worse under Musk because you don't want to accept it.

Your confusion over the apparent change in perspective has been cleared up?


macrumors 6502
Nov 14, 2022
I wonder, since the blue tick is a paid feature, would this constitute conducting business with them which I understand is illegal in the US?

Certain transfers of money are allowed but not conducting business. Even if they didn't buy this tick I'm sure Musk would have given it to them anyway because they praised him and both the Taliban and the American libertarians/crypto bros are all in the pocket of the Emirates these days. Their power over these people continues to grow and even the Russian oligarchs have fled to UAE. All these people will love to see democracy fall one brick at a time.


macrumors 65816
Feb 10, 2021
Looks like Musk may have indeed saved Twitter from bankruptcy as the first interest payment since the takeover has been made.

This may be more important to the integrity of Twitter as the old Twitter may not have gone totally bankrupt but more likely a puppet for those that could keep
a lifeline open to the corporation. Funnily, Musk’s original reasons for buying Twitter may have actually been honest…

In any case, any turnaround businessman has to be impressed at how Musk changed corporate culture, jettisoned freeloaders, and took a really hard-core attitude to reducing fixed costs and at the worst of economic times.



macrumors G3
Jan 24, 2008
Looks like Musk may have indeed saved Twitter from bankruptcy as the first interest payment since the takeover has been made.

This may be more important to the integrity of Twitter as the old Twitter may not have gone totally bankrupt but more likely a puppet for those that could keep
a lifeline open to the corporation. Funnily, Musk’s original reasons for buying Twitter may have actually been honest…

In any case, any turn around businessman has to be impressed at how Musk changed corporate culture, jettisoned freeloaders, and took a really hard-core attitude to reducing fixed costs and at the worst of economic times.

Yeah, it takes a strong business mind to sell stock in Tesla to make a $300m interest payment on debt created to purchase Twitter. Savior indeed.

And "worst of economic times"? 3% GDP growth and lowest unemployment rate in 50 years aren't exactly the end times.


macrumors 65816
Feb 10, 2021
From USA Today:

“The former "Don Lemon Tonight" host is returning with a new media company and its first project, "The Don Lemon Show." In a statement on X, Lemon said he was "back bigger, bolder, freer!"

"It will be available to everyone, easily, whenever and wherever you want it, streaming on the platforms where the conversations are happening. And you'll find it first on X, the biggest space for free speech in the world," Lemon said.

Lemon said he wanted to create a space for honest debate and discussion without the "hall monitors" and encouraged viewers to stay tuned.”

So a major left leaning news personality formerly from CNN signs up with Elon Musk and X for his new show. I belive he got the invite when Tucker Carlson started with X but most folk just rolled their eyes like it was just a publicity gag to show supposed impartiality.

I guess they were wrong, and why so late or long - Don Lemon started his own media company and had to populated it before the show started and that takes time. All this supports X’s claim as a free speech site which Don reiterated in the above quote - I was a bit shocked when I read that to be honest…


macrumors 6502
May 23, 2011
From USA Today:

“The former "Don Lemon Tonight" host is returning with a new media company and its first project, "The Don Lemon Show." In a statement on X, Lemon said he was "back bigger, bolder, freer!"

"It will be available to everyone, easily, whenever and wherever you want it, streaming on the platforms where the conversations are happening. And you'll find it first on X, the biggest space for free speech in the world," Lemon said.

Lemon said he wanted to create a space for honest debate and discussion without the "hall monitors" and encouraged viewers to stay tuned.”

So a major left leaning news personality formerly from CNN signs up with Elon Musk and X for his new show. I belive he got the invite when Tucker Carlson started with X but most folk just rolled their eyes like it was just a publicity gag to show supposed impartiality.

I guess they were wrong, and why so late or long - Don Lemon started his own media company and had to populated it before the show started and that takes time. All this supports X’s claim as a free speech site which Don reiterated in the above quote - I was a bit shocked when I read that to be honest…
Indeed, free speech is not just speech you agree with. The disagreeable crowd had an issue when their “safe space” was no longer just theirs.
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macrumors 65816
Feb 10, 2021
It appears MrBeast is testing out ad revenue for his videos at X:

Linda Yaccarino (CEO at X) is clearly gloating at the ever increasing list of personalities coming to X including Paris Hilton of all people.

MKBHD put a rather cryptic video about quitting YouTube:

But are all these video creators retiring from making videos or retiring from YouYube to somewhere else! Many top names there hate that they are locked into the algorithm at YouTube and not free to create what they want to create. Maybe they see X as a place to do that now?

I have to admit seeing X become something more than Twitter is a business study that is also entertainment! Congrats to Linda Yaccarino on your reinvention of X!
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macrumors 65816
Feb 10, 2021
lol, yea, it’s been reinvented into 4chan, big round of applause for that one, why didn’t the racist **** just buy truth social?

MrBeast made a quarter of a million dollars ad revenue from - what was it - a 10 month old YouTube video. He walked things back when then numbers came in - because Musk is controversial - and he gave the revenue to some lucky viewers. But as a test this opens up he door to another viable platform just in case something happens to your main YouTube channel.

I hate the idea of a sole platform that can make or break a creator at will, X is really the only platform large enough to compete. It’s not so much Elon as the real CEO Linda orchestrating this stuff as Musk was too busy with Tesla lately to really have a hand in this.

It is funny to see major YouTubers crypticly muse about the other platform without openly saying the name. But secondary channels for these folk is now very real. Also they can negotiate better terms and can threaten to leave if YouTube isn’t fair. This is just business and not so much about Musk.
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macrumors 65816
Feb 10, 2021
MrBeast made a quarter of a million dollars ad revenue from - what was it - a 10 month old YouTube video. He walked things back when then numbers came in - because Musk is controversial - and he gave the revenue to some lucky viewers. But as a test this opens up he door to another viable platform just in case something happens to your main YouTube channel.

I hate the idea of a sole platform that can make or break a creator at will, X is really the only platform large enough to compete. It’s not so much Elon as the real CEO Linda orchestrating this stuff as Musk was too busy with Tesla lately to really have a hand in this.

It is funny to see major YouTubers crypticly muse about the other platform without openly saying the name. But secondary channels for these folk is now very real. Also they can negotiate better terms and can threaten to leave if YouTube isn’t fair. This is just business and not so much about Musk.

Well I can’t edit for grammar - but you guys got the idea…

And a link to an article CNN:

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