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macrumors member
Original poster
Mar 16, 2008
Wow first off i'm sorry for beating a dead horse but I can't for the life of me install summerboard. I tried reinstalling the installer app than resetting my iphone. I can't seem to download anything because I keep getting the Error: Package Download Failed! message. I just bought this 16gb iphone yesterday and unlocked, jailbroke and activated with ziphone. Any suggestions as to why I keep getting this error. The 1st thing I did was go into sources and install the community sources than I hit refresh all sources. I then tried installing summerboard and that damn error keeps popping up! oh man i'm about ready to throw my iphone into the wall. All i'm trying to do is use a picture I have as a background instead of just having that black screen.
This is a common problem, check your Wifi connection. If that doesn't work, try to restore your network settings, and if THAT doesn't work then restore the phone and run ziphone all over again. The last option is a MEGA pain, but may just well work.
how do you restore network settings? On man I hope its just a quick fix. Like i said before sorry about beating the dead horse on this topic

you go into settings then tap general and at the bottom you will see reset tap that then hit reset network settings
dangit that didn't work either:( guess i'm gonna have to take the looong way...
oh are you serious? i'm gonna try to install something else and see if anything else works. I hope its just something wrong with the server or something.
If this is strictly limited to summerboard ONLY, then i would try again tomorrow or the next day, it very well could be a server problem if its only that one package
Same here... I did a full restore too... damn it. Should of looked here first.

*I'm also getting that error for BSD Subsystem as well now.
Yea thats why I decided to wait a bit before doing the system restore because I knew that maybe there was an alternative option. I guess a couple of them are down because I was easily able to download some wallpapers.
Yea thats why I decided to wait a bit before doing the system restore because I knew that maybe there was an alternative option. I guess a couple of them are down because I was easily able to download some wallpapers.

Yeah, just give it some time and it will all be up and running again soon. Hopefully.
The same problem here!! I can't install the NES, and the 1.1.4 weaks are not working too, just appear one of them to download... just yesterday I restore and jailbreak my iphone :(
so I believe this might be a temporary widespread problem. I'm just pretty glad i'm not the only one. Sorry fellas. LOL
man this SUCKS! i want to start customizing my phone like in the summerboard themes thread. Those are some pretty sweet looking themes!! I hope someone can find a fix QUICK:eek:
Can always just SSH into your phone (what I always do). Or you can use customize. I will pull SMB off of my phone tonight when I get home from work and zip it up for you guys so you can SSH install.
Seems there is a problem with installer.

I have a 16 gig iphone that worked yesterday, and now its not working

i also got 4 new 8 gigs today, and all of them gets the download error. So maby their servers are down?

Also tried with an iTouch! same error, so i can say this is not just a problem for you!
Odd installer was working for me about an hour ago. But installer has been acting funny these past few days.
I have no clue what SSH is. I'm guessing its something that I rather not mess with.
quick question. I just installed pianist and i want to erase it but i cant find it within installer..
Hey people. I just jailbraked my 16Gb iPhone today, and as well, I keep recieving the "Package download failed!" when attempting to download almost anything. :( I hope this is quickly fixed.
Im having the same issue

Firmware 1.1.4
Installer 3.0.3

Trying to install 2.1 BSD subsystem after ziphone 2.6b

Some stuff will install.


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