Well, yes. To "follow" is what was being "friend" with before, right?
But in case we misunderstood each other: the whole thread is not present when I see the Community Discussion board. It's just not there/shown. Probably because I put /eric on ignore at some point. That may be the cause (although I think it shouldn't be handled that way). I'll investigate...
And I also haven't got
those threads on my watchlist - and for good reason so - but just can't help myself and go over checking too often anyway..
Yes, I think that the verb 'to follow' - in current usage - is much the same as being 'friends' before was.
Oh, if this thread is not present when you check the Community Board, maybe 'unblock' /eric (I think he may have been banned, so it is moot) and check with
@SandboxGeneral why the entire thread might not be showing up.
(While I don't do FB ever in real life, I can only assume that this terminology comes from there).
However, I do think that you have to click on 'watch thread' and it should feature. On this thread, the relevant command invites me to 'unwatch thread' which means that I am already 'watching' (i.e. following) it.
Back on topic, I must say that I cannot begin to count the number of times in recent days/weeks/months when I have a lovely steaming mug (of coffee) beside me - and the doorbell rings, with a nurse, or someone else from the medical world, whom I must attend to, and need to keep an eye on what is happening - Mother not being in a position to articulate what she needs - and, by the time I get back to my coffee, it is no longer piping hot.
Anyway, just now, I tweaked things. A coffee with more Kenyan and yet some more Rwandan, and somewhat less Ethiopian.
This is 'sharper' in taste, and somewhat 'bolder'; it was also somewhat more bitter. The clean, clear notes of the Ethiopian still shine through, along with some smoothness, but not that soft - and sometimes - rich sweetness.