Not to appear ignorant, but what the heck is "Fruit and Nut Espresso"? What kind of beans, and from what location, comes "Fruit and Nut Espresso"?
I wondered about that, too.
Can't say that it would tempt me.
To @Dave Meadows: If you want something sweet to accompany coffee (and I have no quarrel with that), why not try an accompaniment, (say, chocolate, or a lovely croissant - such as you may find in France - or toast or a nice bread roll with good quality jam, or honey) rather than adding stuff to the actual coffee?
If you need to sweeten the actual coffee, good quality sugar would be my preference and recommendation. Preferably brown, though - in the absence of that, white is fine.
And just one cynical point...when you pay nothing for coffee, that is often exactly what it is worth.
I was toying with some version of this very thought, and debating how best to express it, but you have succinctly nailed it.
They're both quite easy, but I might give the edge to FP. It's pretty hard to mess up.
They are both very easy to use, - and I use both quite often, the dripper is probably better if you simply wish to make one, single cup of coffee, - but, as @mobilehaathi has mentioned, it is hard to make poor coffee with a French Press. To be honest, this is a most forgiving method of coffee preparation.