It's now Sunday morning here in the eastern United States and I've just finished a great tasting cup of espresso. Just espresso, no sugar, no milk, no butter - just espresso, and it was divine. Today I used the Atomic Café Diesel blend and experimented slightly in that I used a high 17 gram, almost 18 gram dosage instead of the usual 16 grams. With the extra weight it still tasted wonderful and not bitter as I might have anticipated as other beans sometimes will.
Tomorrow my newest order from Atomic Coffee is the French Roast, a slightly darker roast than the Diesel blend, is due to arrive as recommended by @Shrink. I'm looking forward to tasting this for the first time probably either Monday evening or Tuesday morning.
Glad you enjoyed your belated (but doubtless delicious) espresso, sans milk, cream, sugar.........and, er, butter.
Which cup was used?
And, have we yet convinced the Curmudgeonly One, Our Mentor, of the merits of investing in one (or two) of the Le Creuset 'orangey schmorangey' espresso cups?
I have found myself perusing the Intelligentsia site with a degree of becoming curiosity.