Ordered a second set of espresso cups and saucers from Le Cresuet, this time in black & white since I really love the feel of these cups and I like getting new ones!
This morning's espresso is brought to you by the Atomic Coffee Roasters of Massachusetts. "French Roast" blend.
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I already had a few sips when this picture was taken. I just love how the surface tension between the Le Creuset cup and the crema bind together on the sides like that. It's science in action! I don't get that kind of surface tension on the glass cups though.
Ordered a second set of espresso cups and saucers from Le Cresuet, this time in black & white since I really love the feel of these cups and I like getting new ones!
View attachment 657777
I love the feel (and look) of them, too.
A measure of just why I write that (and mean it) can be gleaned from the fact that my colleague and I took them (driver and interpreter both) out for dinner last night (and a last, lingering, lunch today), in an excellent local restaurant.
In the event, they came up with other gifts, equally thoughtful and quite lovely.
Yes indeed, they are my favorite and most used cups for my espresso's and I decided on more of a color variety for my wonderful pleasures.
Sounds like a wonderful culmination to the extended trip. Pleasantries exchanged both ways and a good time had by all.
I'm not sure yet, but I imagine it should be sometime next week. If I recall properly my other order from them took the better part of a week as well. It will give me something to look forward to though.And, to return to the topic at hand - when do you expect to take delivery of the lovely black Le Creuset espresso cups (and matching saucers)?
Good luck sleeping!Can there be a day of too many espressos? Today just might be one such........
Unless you're literally bouncing off the walls and ceiling, you've not had too much espresso!Can there be a day of too many espressos? Today just might be one such........
How late would you have your last one before trying to head to bed though?Unless you're literally bouncing off the walls and ceiling, you've not had too much espresso!
I've just finished my 4th espresso of the day and the last one too. Usually I have 3 per day, but since it was the weekend and the stuff just tastes so damn good, I wanted to have another.
No later than 1800 typically.How late would you have your last one before trying to head to bed though?
Pretty much the same for me.No later than 1800 typically.
Unless you're literally bouncing off the walls and ceiling, you've not had too much espresso!
I've just finished my 4th espresso of the day and the last one too. Usually I have 3 per day, but since it was the weekend and the stuff just tastes so damn good, I wanted to have another.
So, I've obtained some green beans from the island of Fogo in Cape Verde, which is an archipelago off the coast of west Africa. These were given to me by a friend who personally traveled there and bought them directly from the farmer.
I'll have to roast these bad boys up soon...
How soon is 'soon'?
And what does the term 'bad boys' mean when used in such a context?
It is not one I have ever heard on Our Side Of The Pond, though I have seen it written on the forum here often enough. I have to assume that it means something along the lines of 'these guys', as a sort of short hand for 'these beans' in this particular context.
Have you not become immune to caffeine or is it heartburn related issues if coffee is had post six PM?No later than 1800 typically.
I experience no heartburn at all from coffee, thankfully. I refrain from espresso after 1800 simply due to the effects of caffeine on my sleep. While I don't notice the kick of caffeine when it hits, I do notice a decreased quality of sleep if I consume it too close to bedtime.Have you not become immune to caffeine or is it heartburn related issues if coffee is had post six PM?
I quickly become accustomed to caffeine. Which may stem from my abuse of coffee and coffee products in my youth. For me, there's something very warm and homely about having a mug of piping hot French press after a big meal on a cold winter's night when the wind is howling and there's a light drizzle. Maybe with a fire going on in the fireplace provided I let the wood I bought from a seller dry out properly.I experience no heartburn at all from coffee, thankfully. I refrain from espresso after 1800 simply due to the effects of caffeine on my sleep. While I don't notice the kick of caffeine when it hits, I do notice a decreased quality of sleep if I consume it too close to bedtime.
So, I've obtained some green beans from the island of Fogo in Cape Verde, which is an archipelago off the coast of west Africa. These were given to me by a friend who personally traveled there and bought them directly from the farmer.
I'll have to roast these bad boys up soon...
Hehe, good question re unusual colloquialism I used. Indeed, 'these bad boys' can be equated to 'these beans' in much the same way as 'these guys' can be. The difference is subtle, but it explicitly expresses a high level of enthusiasm for the objects in questions.
As for soon...perhaps later today or tomorrow....
Ah, thank you for the explanation.
Now, that degree, or level, of nuance - the high degree of enthusiasm for the objects in question - is one that had completely passed me by as the term used ("bad boys' ) and the enthusiasm implied did not appear (my inner Mr Spock offering a whispered prompt) to have any logical connection with one another, and, indeed, this apparent disconnect had puzzled me a little.
Anyway, not a term used This Side Of The Pond at all. In fact, I had never encountered it until I read some entries on this forum.