Fascinating. Thank you for that, as it's something I've never come across before. I may have to try that someday as it does sound delicious.
As mentioned in the amended version of my post, Nigel Slater - my favourite food writer - describes these 'toast soldiers' in some detail in some of his writings.
A slice of toast, buttered and further sliced into thick sticks, - that is your 'soldier'.
Terrific for dipping into soft boiled eggs.
For me, when boiling, or frying (the posh verb is 'sautéing') eggs, they must be organic.
This is not just because of fashionable reasons (which is not my concern), or even ethical reasons (though the latter will have some bearing on my choices), but also taste reasons - organic eggs simply taste far better, and, when you are preparing them simply (fried, or boiled, or poached) they taste much better if the eggs are organic, and, in turn, the "soldiers" will then taste a lot better, too.