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Good to see you Kurwenal. How's the GS/3 doing? I recall you were having a problem with it some time ago.

Yes, thank you for raising this, @SandboxGeneral, as I, too, would very much like to know how the GS/3 is doing, and also, how the lovely Linea Mini is doing.......
[doublepost=1475575470][/doublepost]Actually, I am, at this very moment, preparing a mug of.....Coffee. Ethiopian. Hot.
5:30am espresso... almost went for a Cappuccino but I was too tired (= lazy) to make one. I haven't read the newspaper today, I am somewhat exhausted and I needed an early morning off from my political information gathering. I am somewhat sleepier today, I even brought the wrong device with me to work (Macbook Air instead of my iPP)... oh well, time for a cup of java.
Ah, @Kurwenal, my friend, welcome, and how perfectly lovely to see your gracious, learned, wonderful presence gracing these threads again.

Oh, and do enjoy whatever coffee you are drinking.....

Thank you! And back at you. For me, today, two double ristrettos, SM's Majirani Africa blend (Ethiopian, Burundi, Rwanda, and Tanzania beans) roasted on Saturday. Very tasty. In fact, I might just break the rules and have an after lunch doppio.
Thank you! And back at you. For me, today, two double ristrettos, SM's Majirani Africa blend (Ethiopian, Burundi, Rwanda, and Tanzania beans) roasted on Saturday. Very tasty. In fact, I might just break the rules and have an after lunch doppio.
Rules...rules? ....Rules!? There may be rules, but none of them say don't drink more coffee!
Thank you! And back at you. For me, today, two double ristrettos, SM's Majirani Africa blend (Ethiopian, Burundi, Rwanda, and Tanzania beans) roasted on Saturday. Very tasty. In fact, I might just break the rules and have an after lunch doppio.

Why have that, when you can have a double espresso?o_O

Italian affectations! Phooey!

Good to see you Kurwenal. How's the GS/3 doing? I recall you were having a problem with it some time ago.

Hiya sir! GS/3 is doing well. It needed some major repairs, including 2 new pumps and a new motor. Best guess is that when I moved it about 6 months ago, lots of little particles that survive cleaning and the like were jarred loose and ended up gumming up the works, especially given the tight tolerances on that machine. So, operator error. All is back to normal now.

He shows up once a month just to mock the elderly and defenseless gentleman.o_O

Inflicting emotional pain on an helpless person is not an admirable trait, young man.:(

Hey, I think that last time we discussed this issue, we agreed that our ages are so close that we would basically assume we are twins...

And, anyway, this is YOUR month. The entire month is all about you! So I have to tweak you a bit, right?
Why have that, when you can have a double espresso?o_O

Italian affectations! Phooey!


La semplicità è l’ultima sofisticazione. :)
Rules...rules? ....Rules!? There may be rules, but none of them say don't drink more coffee!

Well, true. But, sometimes there are rules. One of them, for me, is don't drink too much coffee, which I translate to "no coffee after 11 am."

But, no rules today!
Coffee. Ethiopian. Hot.

Words to live by.
oh well, time for a cup of java.

Always timely!
Looks like my cat put his paw into my espresso! :p

Hot chocolate made with fine chocolate and fine Valrhona cocoa. Cooked slowly in rich, whole milk with a bit of the clotted cream added. And for a scintillating experience and to align myself with this thread on this chilly evening, made with 3 coffee beans over a half hour. In addition, it was enhanced by Tahitian vanilla bean quarter and a very light drizzle of brandy. Rich, decadent, and I will happily incur the wrath of possible heartburn or finding my mind in overdrive all night just to experience the first delicious hot chocolate of the season.

There's something special about any hot drink that lends an incredible silkiness that glides over one's tongue and warms the soul.
Words to live by.

Yes. Coffee. Ethiopian. Hot.

Or, rather, it was hot until the Hospice nurse called out to check on Mother (it is an immutable law of nursing and nature that I have just placed a mug of lovely, steaming hot Ethiopian coffee on a coaster beside my computer, have taken the first sip of pure nectar........and the doorbell rings.)

This means that I must attend personally to such matters, and be present myself while the nurse examines Mother and we discuss her care.
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My second cup of coffee took place in the salubrious surroundings of the coffee shop I wrote about last week; a 16th century building, with a lovely shop selling incredibly stylish and attractive stuff upstairs, and a small art gallery a further winding flight of stairs up.

In the shop, a floor up from where the coffee is sold, in a stunning stone fireplace - quite massive - from the late 16th century, sits the wonderful old stereo that used to belong to the grandfather of the owner.

I sat on the windowsill, - there were cushions - looking out on the medieval street, while sipping a lovely coffee (Costa Rican, organic, that I was instructed to try without milk or sugar) and listening to some LPs, which anyone sipping coffee was free to put on; the selection reminded me of a clued-in collection from the 70s.

Imagine the joy of holding up a LP, blowing on it, carefully placing it on the turntable, setting the stylus in place - that soft sound of the needle landing safely on the vinyl - and sitting back, to listen with a stupid grin on your face. These are skills I haven't used in decades.

Jethro Tull, and the entire album - an album! - of Sgt Pepper's soothed my soul, while a superb cup of Costa Rican coffee - served on a small wooden board, complete with the bottle of water that I had requested - reminded me that sometimes, one can get really lovely coffee in a someplace that is Not At Home.

People - mainly men - of a certain age, (not baby-faced kids), complete with small rucksacks, (much travelled) Apple computers, (there is wifi) and coffee drifted in, and admired the material on display. They sat and talked, - one was from Italy, another from Australia - and marvelled at such music, such a setting and the excellence of the coffee. A place where one can feel quite at home.
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@Scepticalscribe Have you heard the mono version of Sgt Pepper? I bought the mono versions a couple of years ago. Some say they are preferred as it's basically how the group listened to the songs in the studio. Maybe not so much Sgt. Pepper but certainly the earlier albums. Both mono and stereo are superb (as you'd expect). Thoroughly recommended.
@Scepticalscribe Have you heard the mono version of Sgt Pepper? I bought the mono versions a couple of years ago. Some say they are preferred as it's basically how the group listened to the songs in the studio. Maybe not so much Sgt. Pepper but certainly the earlier albums. Both mono and stereo are superb (as you'd expect). Thoroughly recommended.

Years ago, I think the first record player we had - one that my father had bought my mother as a present sometime in the fifties - was mono, so my earliest memories are of a mono player.

Sometime later, my father bought us a stereo, which we thought impossibly cool. Actually, it was possible to adjust it so that the sound came from the different speakers, and some of the Beatles' albums had different instruments predominating when listened to on each speaker.

For that matter, try listening to 'Paperback Writer' and others of that vintage - a very precise period in the mid 60s, when the stereo technology allowed for different instruments to be overlaid on different frequencies - on two different speakers.
I suspect that some of my posts in this thread are running the risk of sounding - or reading - like a caffeine fuelled version of Groundhog Day.

After all, how many different ways can one write........Coffee. Ethiopian. Hot.
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