Have a small request. Does anyone know of a stainless steel equivalent of the Bialetti model No. 06973?
Medium base with a platform and double swan neck output for direct extraction into espresso cups. Allows for equal distribution of coffee into two cups.Which model is that?
Saw a beautiful Japanese pot (with a swan neck) yesterday when I bought some Ethiopian (Yirgacheffe) coffee.
Ginger tea, meclizine and a naproxen tablet. Seems I've caught a cold. Body aches and nausea.
Really love waking up in the middle of the night and feeling sick as a dog when I was fine when I went to bed. Fun times ahead...
Neither so far. I noticed a few days ago I wasn't feeling 100% because my appetite disappeared, I couldn't taste food well, and I was feeling ragged despite getting enough rest. Hopefully it's just nausea and body aches. The idea of having another head cold or chest infection this year is grim.Chest cold, or head cold?
Lots of hot drinks, plenty of hydration (water, or similar) ginger tea, ordinary tea, yes, Olbas Oil to ease congestion, and rest.
In the here and now, I have enjoyed my mug of Ethiopian coffee (from Yirgacheffe) this morning.
Neither so far. I noticed a few days ago I wasn't feeling 100% because my appetite disappeared, I couldn't taste food well, and I was feeling ragged despite getting enough rest. Hopefully it's just nausea and body aches. The idea of having another head cold or chest infection this year is grim.
Probably. I've had flues and then a cold on top, so I'm never really sure which one it is. I'm not surprised. The recent cold snap our region of America has gotten in the last two months as contributed to many falling ill. Again. Not very normal to see ice on your grass or walkways this late in the year.To be honest, nausea and body aches sounds more like a touch of flu than a classic cold, irrespective of whether it could be a head cold or a chest cold.
With a cold, I feel a bit under the weather, but can read in bed between bouts of sleep; with a flu, I have aches, nausea, utter exhaustion, and cannot focus mentally on anything.
Bed rest and plenty of fluids.
Ginger lemon green tea and back to bed. Feel like I got beat with a shovel in my sleep. Doubt I was snoring. Definitely the flu.
I second the notion. I am feeling under the weather too, though that is partly the rush to meet the deadline to turn in grades, final reports etc. for the recently completed semester and partly the rather chilly spring. Today we have 19 C and partly sunny skies, forecast for the next couple of weeks indicate that spring is finally here and a nice transition to summer.Get well!
Ginger lemon green tea and back to bed. Feel like I got beat with a shovel in my sleep. Doubt I was snoring. Definitely the flu.
Wrangled the 4 'cup' SS moka out this evening after dinner, steamed some milk and used a blend of date and coconut sugar. Delicious. Warmed my soul up. Though that may have been the brandy on the side.
Spiced carrot jam on a buttered slice of toasted bread with coffee. Pressed Kenyan AA.
Yes. Some old English recipe from a long ago. Victorian era, if I remember correctly. It saw renewed praise during the second world war for the two popular reasons. It was nutritious and filling, and sweet on its own when sugar was in high demand with low availability due to blockades. And of course the RAF made up the story about carrots helping pilots' eyes when the reality was they didn't want the Germans knowing about the then burgeoning radar technology. I believe carrot cake was also popular then because of how simple it was and the fact it didn't need butter.Spiced carrot jam? That sounds intriguing.
Kenyan AA will always hit the spot.
Yes. Some old English recipe from a long ago. Victorian era, if I remember correctly. It saw renewed praise during the second world war for the two popular reasons. It was nutritious and filling, and sweet on its own when sugar was in high demand with low availability due to blockades. And of course the RAF made up the story about carrots helping pilots' eyes when the reality was they didn't want the Germans knowing about the then burgeoning radar technology. I believe carrot cake was also popular then because of how simple it was and the fact it didn't need butter.
Most recipes call for cinnamon as the spice, but you can add whatever you want, including citrus rind to brighten it up.
In terms of fruit or vegetables that are sweet (especially if they have been caramelised) there is little or nothing that cannot be improved or enhanced wth citrus rind. It s exceptionally good wth both stewed apple and apple crumble.