An afternoon coffee, Sumatran coffee, with a dash of organic milk.
French press this morning, reading a most excellent special edition of the Harvard Business Review.
Can't fault a French Press; it must be the most forgiving way with which to prepare coffee (with the possible exception of the Hario style dripper).
Enjoy your coffee too.
There is something magical in the combination of coffee (or even tea) and reading. It’s like they are made for each other, a marriage made in heaven.
A perfect combination, agreed.
The only danger is of the coffee going cold if you lose yourself in an article, or chapter of a bok.
Actually, I love those old style European cafés, where you slowly sip a coffee, read the paper, or a book, and watch the world go by. Or meet someone for a chat, or proper conversation. Usually they are both spacious and comfortable.
They are the opposite of those horrid hurried places, (okay, I make an exception for a train station coffee or espresso stand) where a coffee is gulped as you dash for your train.
French press this morning, reading a most excellent special edition of the Harvard Business Review.
I have several French Press's but haven't used them in a very long time. At one point I switched over to the V60 for a while. Then I went with the Chemex and have been using that ever since.Can't fault a French Press; it must be the most forgiving way with which to prepare coffee (with the possible exception of the Hario style dripper).
I have several French Press's but haven't used them in a very long time. At one point I switched over to the V60 for a while. Then I went with the Chemex and have been using that ever since.
So in the mornings, at home, I make espresso with the la Pavoni and the HG-One. At work a few hours later I make a regular cup of coffee with the Chemex.
I also now use a Hario Dripper (V6) for my coffee. I stumbled on the perfect grind and have kept the setting on my grinder ever since. I’ve also found some delicious Ethiopian beans (thanks Scepticalscribe) form my local coffee shop and when I find something I like I tend to stick with it.
I’d also like to get one of those copper drippers (also Scepticalscribe (I think you have one?)). Whether it improves the taste or not I don’t know (or think so) but it looks nice.
Enjoying a late-night cup of Rwandan with hot milk.
How does it compare to the Kenyan coffees that you like so well?
Very comparable, and I will blend it with my Kenyan coffee, 60%, to 40% Rwandan.