Excellent! Organic hot milk being one of the few things I would mix into coffee (proffering black usually). What do you (or the coffee growers in this case) mean by "natural" process coffee??
"Natural" process (dry process, unwashed process, natural sundried process are other terms for the same thing), is the older, more traditional - also more time consuming, more labour intensive - method of processing coffee beans (well, coffee cherries), which involves drying coffee cherries (that become beans) on raised beds (or something similar) in the sun and raking them and turning them regularly so that they do not spoil.
You will still find this method used in some poorer, more traditional, societies, or in the some of the poorer - or, less developed - parts, or regions, of some countries.
These days, it is being superseded by the "washed" process, to a large extent.
However, in some parts of central America, you will see (read) references to a third type of processing, the so-called "honey" process, which is a sort of hybrid of "natural" and "washed" (and which has variartions which describe the degree, or extent, of the "honey" processing, which is usually defined by colour, "white", "yellow". "red" etc. - the darker colours tending towards a more 'natural' approach).
As is so often the case with such methods, with coffees processed using the "natural" process, the flavours are (or can be) more complex and intense. In any case, personally, I rather like them, and will usually choose them for preference (over washed coffees) if they are available.