It is for this reason that I also have an Aldi coffee pod machine.
Instructions --
- Turn on machine and wait for little light to come on
- Insert coffee pod.
- Press button.
- Suddenly remember you have to put cup under spout. Madly press stop button.
- Put cup under spout. Press button.
- Wait till it stops making noises.
- Remove cup
- Remove pod from machine.
- Drink coffee.
Most of this (except step 4) can be done on autopilot before being fully awake.
This is the very reason why the coffee I most frequently prepare in the mornings is the pour-over,/filter method.
Even then, as you shall see, it is possible to......ah, err, in the preparation process, very, very occasionally, when my (still befogged mind) slips inadvertently, to consider contemplation of another topic.
Uncomplicated version:
1. Put water in the kettle and put on the kettle (yes, it has a light, a little glowing orange light).
2. Heat coffee mug with hot water from kettle.
3. Empty the coffee cup and pour out the hot water into the sink.
3. Prepare Hario dripper - either the ceramic one, or the copper one.
This means: Remove a single filter paper (just once.....the error referred to, above), I have been known to overlook this step, (oh, dear) - fold it caarefully into the Hario dripper, and proceed to spoon a few spoons of (sometimes freshly ground, sometimes pre-ground) ground coffee into the filter paper.
4. Place Hario dripper, complete with folded filter paper that now contains coffee, on top of the heated coffee mug.
5. Pour hot water - carefully and slowly - drizzle - into the ground coffee in the filter paper so that it drips into the coffee mug.
The slightly more complicated version involves heating a saucepan of hot milk, and pouring that into the heated coffee mug before placing the Hario dripper (plus filter paper, plus coffee) on top of the mug, before repeating steps four and five.