Have been thoroughly enjoying serious espressos, and double espressos all week. Several times a day.
Have been thoroughly enjoying serious espressos, and double espressos all week. Several times a day.
Yes, I'm currently traveling and am dwelling in coffee heaven, home to one of the world's best (and most ancient and venerable) coffee cultures.several times a day!
are you traveling or away from home? I'll imagine some pleasant, cafe patio overlooking the ocean somewhere.....and given my local weather, I'll imagine a cool breeze too
Coffee and lemonade ... you're living your best life!Enjoyed an espresso (served with homemade lemonade and sparkling mineral water), at a lovely, tree shaded, (perhaps with plane trees), pavement, cafe, where elegant cane chairs with comfortable cushions called out a warm welcome to the questing (and thirsty) traveller.
Not just lemonade, but - freshly squeezed, homemade lemonade.......Coffee and lemonade ... you're living your best life!
Sounds truly lovely. Coffee, lemonade and the ambiance sounds so nice. Being able to enjoy a civilized setting would be a rare treat for me. Enjoy.I have just enjoyed a double espresso, a large glass of homemade lemonade (though not by me), a large glass of freshly squeezed grapefruit juice, and a glass of sparkling mineral water, in an elegant café, seated on one of those comfortable cane chairs with cushions, while watching the world go by.
Is there a better way to spend a Sunday afternoon?
Well, yes, newspapers and perhaps, a book, would be nice in such a congenial and civilized setting.
This is so true, for example there are times I just don't feel like eating because I don't need to eat. With coffee I am happy with 2-3 per day and very rarely in the afternoon. Very admirable that you are well in tune with your body and enjoy the espresso!Who even cares about those studies. It comes out opposing and/or/different studies all the time. It's like the political climate, it shifts every or second year or so.
The only value meter I need is my own body. Not only regarding coffee/espresso, but regarding every intake into my system. I listen to this fabulous organic thing I live in with great intuition.
I am more or less never sick, and I have even learned to not push the body too hard but enough at this place in life.
A great 4 double espresso waits before, or maybe after yoga.....♥️
note to self;......when grinding beans with the new grinder, make sure there's some receptacle under the out-flow of the grinder.....BEFORE you press the start button
The only thing worse than dry coffee grounds going everywhere is wet coffee grounds going everywhere. That's because they stick to whatever they land on...
Enjoyed an Ethiopian coffee with organic hot milk.
No matter what else I may sample, and savor, and enjoy, I find that I keep returning to Ethiopian coffee.hmmmm, I think my next order will include some coffee from Ethiopian