The pour over white coffee experiment started on a cloudy morning. As the scientist, just awakened from his deep slumber, approached his trusted laboratory which he aptly named “Kitchen” some apprehension was in his heart. He had no idea what to expect as the experiment would completely upset his morning coffee rituals. He didn’t know at the time that the results would be surprising but not without some pain.
First things first, the scientist prepared an heated H2O solution - known as hot water - then he measured his coffee at 30g and placed them on his trusted pour over coffee filter.
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With meticulous precision he then added some hot water to the white coffee, and gently mixed it.
Then, tragedy struck.
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As he turned around, the scientist hit the filter with enough strength to make it fall over, causing the death of hundreds of thousands of white coffee granules, and rendering the experiment void. This incident was felt across the world and will be undoubtedly discussed for decades and will reshape presidential elections for at least a century. Congressional commissions are already opening investigations on the steps that led to this awful event, and there is no doubt that new legislation will be drafted to ensure the safety of coffee beans in the future.
However, our scientist remained undeterred, sparking a come-backing story of the like of Rocky Balboa and Ulysses. Recognizing the importance of the experiment for the preservation of the human race, and even his soul mortally wounded by the atrocious mistake, he restarted the experiment.
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He didn’t hide some satisfaction the moment in which water started to drip down the filter to the transparent cup.
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As the first part of the experiment ended, his heart was trembling for the most important section of his efforts, the taste check.
To his surprise, the taste was actually good. He could feel the peanut-like flavor as the coffee felt much less grassy than the espresso experiment. He actually enjoyed the strong, very strong taste. There was no need for additive of any kind; no sugar, no milk.
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Despite the early accident, the scientist was able to enjoy his cup of coffee; his scientific rigor was betrayed by an almost imperceptible smile after the last sip.