That's a good idea - I keep the coffee in bean form anyway, so grind as I go, so as not to lose too much flavour in storage.
I may order a handful of bitter/bittersweet beans from my favourite roasters in Wellington.
Now the question is, Single Origin, or their proven and much-loved blends?
Experiment what suits your needs and taste - you are the only one that knows that ☺️
I've had periods when explored origin-related espresso beans, then different brands and various notes that they came with. Then another rotation of all of it and yada yada etc.
Then another round of it all again etc.
Espresso-beans, especially made for espresso's, is one thing. Beans made for espresso/coffee another thing, coffee beans as well. Depending on what tools you have to your disposal to make your espresso/coffee, or variations of it and other ingredients.
This is why coffee and espresso's varies a LOT between people - the various components are difficult to compare, unless you sit with the exact same equipments, brands, beans and origin.
Regarding rotating beans or use same beans over a time, it depends. If you find a type of bean and origin, you could try it for awhile, until you get tired of it. Do what feels best in periods.
Nothing is right or wrong, it's all to your own pleasure!
My brother and me had endless discussions about this….dear lord 😅
Sipping on a late espresso with only chocolate notes at the moment 😋